Gonna be senior in HS

>Gonna be senior in HS
>Probably never gonna see my friends again
What do? I don't want move on, and just feel shittier each day when I think about it.

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fuck you at least you have friends. get over your sad sack bullshit and suck it up

This niggy whining while still in HS and not understanding at least he still has a chance. In Uni and frenless. Looking like its going to stay that way indefinitely.

get yourself a nice hooker and some weed. you dont need friends to be happy.

Fuck off back to your normalfag shithole.
You won't give a shit about this in ten years, you'll move on and get new friends. For now take advantage of the time you have left, and stop rubbing it in my face that my time expired long ago.

Im voluntarily celibate due to my general disdain for people despte my need for them, and I might try weed someday for sure.

>t. Turbonormie with tons of friends

Begone faggot.

my good sir i strongly recommend weed to any and all who have even an ounce of stress or sadness in their life. i smoke that shit by the pound and damn has it done wonders for my mental health.

Just a heads up, it only gets worse from here on out.

t. 32

>Back in freshman year of hs I worried about graduating and losing all my friends
>I didn't even last a year before I fucked up and lost everyone
>Years later I'm still alone

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Friends are meaningless be your own friend

sorry user, i had this happen to me a while ago. Are you going to go to college? you can make some friends there maybe.

Yeah going to try to study Computer Science
Paranoid as shit though because no social skills

>Comp sci
Of course. The most boring stock major. At least go for something cool like electrical/computer engy.

I used to feel that way about sentimental nonsense like this.
>oh man it sure sucks that I won't see these people ever again. All our cherished memories blah blah blah

On graduation day I could not wait to get this thing over with and gtho. In the end, you're going to trim the fat and end up sticking to only 1-3 solid bros. Four quarters is better than ten dimes. The sooner you realize this the better. High school was all about being diplomatic. Being extra friendly to acquaintances in the hope that a close friendship can form in the future. No, that's stupid. Look at your CURRENT friends, the geeks, and get even closer to them. They're the ones you'll end up still talking to 5 years after graduation.

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Thinking to go into it for CS and then figure out a specific thing to major in. Just staying with a basic major like that would be bad because most of that shit is taken up by Asians, and Indians who do it cheaper. Not completely retarded just partly

thats ok user, i am also CS. I enjoy it, but if you have no social skills, dont worry, neither does anyone else. It is a very autistic major. Who knows, maybe you might even snag a 4/10 web dev minor gf
>The most boring stock major
only if you go to a boring stock school. there are lots of cool subfields in CS to pick if you arent lazy

Am actually gonna try to ask out first girl soon

The vast majority of people just go into comp sci because it sounds cool and won't ever do anything beyond code monleying, though. user seems to have the right idea, though.

true but that applies to alot of majors user. It's all about finding a niche early on and focusing on that+internships