Why are w*men such th*ts?

Why are w*men such th*ts?
Posing in underwear on their internet for everyone to see? What's wrong with modern society?

Imagine if men masturbate to their videos?

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Shes a 6/10 body at best with a 2/10 personality. Pass.

this is all i jack off to these days, and i always leave a comment letting them know

I wanna smell her vag

3/10 face too. looks like lauren southern with down syndrome.

Hello virgin. Her face is not the best but body good.

>downy tits
Hello virgin, she has a 6/10 body. But that's about it.

this. lol if women aren't perfect 10s guys here say they're ugly as shit

>Expects all women to have perfect tits
Basementfag cut out some of the porn

her boobs are kinda big so its pretty normal for them not to be perky. perky big boobs are rare

I prefer normal looking girls than your generic white bitches. The more the thot looking, the lower the rating. The more traditional an/or modest, the better

Th*ts dressed up for Chads are the club while Jow Forums stays home masturbating to their videos and misogynic posts

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nigger stop taking our women bitch

Femcel please, you WISH I was a basementfag. It's the only way for you to cope, no one has to lower their standards to accommodate you in their life. Find true love and raise a family, you waste of an ovum.

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just fucked off my nutsack to this video. thanks.

6/10 is actually a bit above average

Im pretty fucking Aryan comrade. The last thing Im fond of is race traitors. But let them reap what they sow.

W*men dress up for Chads but at least betas like you get to watch, isn't it nice of them?

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>bong money
>thottiest of thots
yeah that checks out

W*men only dress like this for Chads but they let beta boys watch their videos, how kind of them!

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it's inspiring to know that betas know their place and stay away from women in real life.

I don't understand why you keep censoring words, is this a meme that I don't know about?

If they keep posting videos and pictures of themselves in skimpy outfits, beta wouldn't bother them in real life! Tiny dicked, pussyfree, premature ejaculating, handhumping virgins like me wouldn't have a chance with them anyway...

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They'll wear their skimpy dresses for a night out but they don't like it when betas look at them. You might as well stay home and watch their videos instead of harassing them.

And betas will NEVER get to see a girl in lingerie ever...

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What's with this trend of a thick band with the designer's name on it. It looks so shitty but it seems like its everywhere
I've seen one that looked decent and that was cause it was script instead of a normal font

Tfw not attractive enough to get paid 300k a year to pose in lingerie

you sound like that one muslim youtuber that said women shouldn't post selfies because men might fap to them

but I do masturbate o them
blacked lingerie inspired

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You masterbate to rag heads
Fucking ultimate scum

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whats a r ag head, I just masturbate to pictures of thots in tight skimpy clubbing outfits that they wouldnt for wear weak beta males with tiny premature ejaculating penises

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You guys just kill me. You scream about women posting themselves in underwear and yet you will post your dick and ask everyone to rate it.

I do not post my penis online

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Apparently two different things.

then you rate other penises. I see the multiple threads daily

Imagine posing naked for strangers on the internet.

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