You know deep down that you are largely responsible for your life being shitty...

You know deep down that you are largely responsible for your life being shitty. You also know that your problems have simple solutions that you're too lazy, cowardly, or conceited to apply.

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Doing stuff is too much of a chore

Yeah i know. I cant do a shit about it.

>I can't do a shit about it.
You won't do a shit about it.

No I don't. Just like many people don't notice their own faults. The only difference is my faults aren't useful for me or society so I get shamed for it.

My parents have a weekend house. The neighbors tree is leaning over it and could eventually fall on it crushing the house and everyone in it. The neighbor is a stubborn man and fails to see why should he or anyone cut that tree down. He doesn't understand and he gets upset when we bother him about it. The only way you could make him see the error of his ways if you kill him. Because he grew up in a way that can't be changed. It is completely natural for him because he doesn't know anything else. It worked him for his life because being an asshole is an evolutionary advantage.

I didn't understand a lot of things about myself before I turned 30. Nobody said anything or helped with anything. By that time I had all my bad habits and they were completely natural for me. You can tell me I'm a shit, I got used to it but it could not have happened otherwise.

I dont have enough drive and willpower to change it.

I am the radon for my poverty, yes, but not for my lack of interacting with women.

yes. I'm wholly responsible for genetic neurological conditions

then *that* is what you must work on, even in the easiest steps imaginable.

>just apply yourself xD

this thread is so dumb and normie

reminder that """"self improvement"""" is a meme pushed by normalfags to make them feel more satisfied with the things they've """achieved"""" in life while completely ignoring and taking for granted all the things that led up to them being a successful human being such as loving, nurturing parents and a non abusive household.

the reason the advice given by normalfags is so vague is because they literally can't conceive of someone so fucked up that their extremely basic advice does nothing for them. genuinely fucked up people are so damaged that they have none of the same inputs. effort is completely irrelevant.

Wops, wrong thread

>be born
>try to socialise as a toddler
>get rejected
>go to school
>get bullied and ostracised from day 1
>parents break up
>raise myself from age 7
>was never shown any love
>repeatedly bullied
>only thing I enjoyed was video games
>rejection and neglect/ abuse continues for years
>never get praised or reprimanded for anything
>become completely apathetic to everything at a young age and completely detached from the social game
>suddenly become an adult
>"why don't you want to participate in the society that rejected and tormented you your entire life?!"
>"This is all your fault!"

studies have shown time and time again that childhood trauma completely atrophies certain centres of the brain involved in empathy and motivation. the things you derive pleasure from and consider "good" such as pro social behaviour and work ethic do absolutely nothing for me. I've tried every self improvement meme under the sun and all they do is make me spin my wheels even more.

the """solutions""" to my problems are either to numb myself with drugs or to kill myself. there are no other solutions.

how do you work on drive? You either have it or not.

My problems do not have simple solutions though. How are you supposed to fix PTSD and being a tranny?

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>reach age 30
>never had a relationship
>done a bunch of stuff but never made much money
>finally admit to myself I need to sort my shit out
>decide to go to uni
>get myself some anti depressants
>after a few months start to feel much better
>sleeping hours straighten out
>more energy to clean, happier
>more optimistic
>still not really interested in relationships but maybe one day
>still love vidya, memes, etc, but also develop more hobbies, start making things with metal
>uni starts this sept, can't wait

You can do it. It doesn't matter how late you think you are, do it anyway.

Why's being a tranny a problem? If you wanna do it, just do it.

Is there medication you can get for PTSD? Or counselling?

Because I'm 184cm tall and could never possibly pass as female, so even though I'm a tranny I just have to keep living life like I was before, for the most part. It's killing me inside.
Therapists don't know anything. They just learn what is generally accepted even though the research backing up their ideas is debatable at best. PTSD is a survival mechanism. Realizing that helps make it manageable, but your brain and and will throw you into your base animal instincts if it perceives a threat, even if said threat isn't real.
At least I'm not this guy

Stop thinking like a tranny, either you're straight or you're not, there is no middle ground, purgatory. That's entitlement and bigotry.

I like guys and if I had my way I'd have a female body. Is that straight?

Show the solution for backward time travel without violating causality then you little shit

Plenty of trannies can't pass as female and they do it anyway. Just go for it my guy, enjoy yourself. Or even do it on your own, get yourself some pretty clothes and wear 'em at home.

Sounds like you're not dealing too badly with the PTSD, you seem to have a pretty down to earth view of it. What kinds of problems does it cause?

I'll see what my circumstances allow in that regard.

I cannot feel comfortable around others, even family members. I can tolerate work, but that's about it.
I also LITERALLY get triggered, and by the dumbest shit. Natsuki being afraid of being beat was enough to make me try and down my consciousness out with benzos.
Oh well. Thanks for listening user.

So you're gay with autogynephillia?

I hardly ever fap anymore, and that was before I started taking hormones. So no.

Sounds like you need a super chill life. Nothing wrong with getting legit triggered, it's not like it's your fault.

I'm always more comfortable on my own too, there's nothing wrong with that. I hope you manage to enjoy yourself even if you've had a bad time in the past - buy something pretty online and get drunk in some lacy lingerie!

I guess I am, I didn't force myself to do things I didn't want to do when I was younger so now as an adult I lack self-discipline and cannot socialize properly. They say studying Stoic philosophy will help me achieve the goal of self-discipline but so far nothing has changed

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I'm successful everywhere but being wanted by women. I check all the boxes I'm actually in control of.
>take care of myself
>keep shaved, hair cut, nails trimmed, deodorant, nice clothes
>get along well socially
>no lack of courage to make a move or confidence to ask them out
If we're talking money/house/career, I'm doing great. I'm just ugly I guess.

>raised in extreme violence, no parental love
>rejected in kindergarten, school etc. Nobody liked me, was always left to myself
>bullied by teens and adults calling me ugly consistently day after day, teens making puking sounds against me

Suicide seems to be the only solution
t. friendless khhv 23yo guy

>calling someone else conceited when you have your head so far up your own ass

Oh I know a simple solution for trannies. Just kill yourself. Boom. It's that easy. You won't be missed. Have any problems? You deserve them, filthy tranny. Die.

Sorry, I'm not white enough to do something like that.

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normies will never understand or accept this as truth. they'd rather be stuck in their just world delusions thinking everything they've earned or achieved was all down to their hard work without realizing that luck also played a vital role in all of it. determinism is the ultimate blackpill.

I know that, but if I could just snap my fingers and fix everything I'd have done so already. That's why it's a mental illness.
Because every single day you have to start over from 0 and resolve that you will fix your life. Even after weeks or months of steady progress, one bad day can void all of it and put you straight back at square 0.

I don't expect you to understand, because you literally can't imagine it.

Yeah but I'm trying to unfuck my life now
And its not like I'm responsible for my depression
It just gets super hard sometimes to even get out of the bed

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this is the true blackpill here, people can't change after a certain point and the efforts to do it are largely beyond their psychological capacity to do so

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>You also know that your problems have simple solutions
Anyone know how I can grow taller and get a bigger dick? I'd be happy to work on that.

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Considering I tried a load of shit and literally every time it got rebuffed, no not really.

>You know deep down that you are largely responsible for your life being shitty. You also know that your problems have simple solutions that you're too lazy, cowardly, or conceited to apply.

I know

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Yeah sure it's my fault I was born in a shithole, born in a shitty family and with shit genetics
10/10 post op