30% Of Men Sexless

What does it mean to be a "normie" in today's world?

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Simple, you're part of the 70% of men who have sex

This is a perfect illustration of how alienated the individual is becoming in the modern world. Can't wait for the collapse

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Theres so many half robot normie virgins, they always talk about girls nobody knows, not realizing most people can tell when somebody is lying
So idk, crazy world, women not having the capacity for introspection and true empathy is killing modern relationships

Social media and feminism fucked up women to a whole new fucking cunt standard.

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that will be 50% of men by 2030. Women think they are being funny with the chase Chads BS that they will swear is a myth, and then only chase Chad. when 2030 rolls around with human level tier sex robots, then wont be as funny

>Can't wait for the collapse

It's not coming user.
At least not within our lifetimes.

>women not having the capacity for introspection and true empathy is killing modern relationships

The thing is, women never had the capacity for introspection and empathy, why is it only affecting us this hard now?

inb4 statistics about how only 10% of men reproduced back in the Bronze Age or some shit.

i'm a permaneet just waiting for good vr so I can have sex with little girls

>why is it only affecting us this hard now?
Because men have lost their power over them, they're out of control. They are Pandora and we opened that box long ago.

They were forced to act a certain way, you think whores were accepted like now? The true problem is men taking womens words serious, they DONT know fucking anything

What about the normie of 2025-2030 when the male virginity rate has pierced 50% like the current trend seems to indicate?

>Can't wait for the collapse
Let's say, hypothetically, it comes. Then what?
The loser before will be the loser after. The winner before will be the winner after. It's not like any basement-dwelling NEET will suddenly be able to live out their Negan fantasies.

But it's all academic. There is no collapse coming any time soon. The Roman empire shambled along for over a thousand years following its high point.

>why is it only affecting us this hard now?
Because we have social media. We find each other and make each other miserable.

Just popping in to shill my blog and point out that this chart is misleading and a cope

Don't be fooled brothers

Being picky has become too easy for women while simultaneously being unambitious and afraid has become too easy for men.
Just go to Area 51 and blow up Helios to knock out the internet.

>zero female sex partners
if only there was another gender men could have sex with

Being celibate is better than anal prolapse and AIDS

We have to start making plans in oder to make a mad max style gang of anons

maybe or maybe not, my point is that not having any female sex partners doesnt necessarily mean youre a virgin or dont have sex

I'm Chad in my workplace, right now I'm probably cockblocking many men from 3 women with my mere presence alone.

These girls daily just come forth to me with very low effort contacts that they've brainstormed up. Then they go back home and watch The Office. As long as they know I'm single they won't look at other guys at all. I'd have sex with all of them, some of them I really want to destroy, but it's not worth fucking up my job, because they will fall in love.

The only one of them I'd accept is about to break up with her bf, and probably move from him place to mine. I haven't really talked to her much entirely because she has a bf. She realizes I won't care about her if she isn't my girlfriend, so she's testing waters to see if she's safe to jump to my ship.

Funny you say that, I just did that ending 4 days ago.
>we'll live in villages

>There is no collapse coming any time soon. The Roman empire shambled along for over a thousand years following its high point.

The Roman empire was large, significant parts of the Roman empire "collapsed" during those thousand years (ie the "dark ages"). Feudalism happened in Europe. Spain and Southern Italy were taken over by muslim invaders. Italy fragmented into small ruling states. Technologies like the Roman aqueducts and cement were lost for millennia.

I don't know how else to describe this scenario other than "collapse".

normies is people who are different than us lololol

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Comparatively speaking number of homosexuals is marginal and wouldn't at all account for the brunt of that statistic and its growth so what really is your point?

"I'm Chad" is the new internet tough guy

women are just forcing us to create sex dolls. you bitches will be replaced eventually

my point is that the number of homosexuals is rising as Jews keep pouring more chems in our water so if you take that into account the op image is incomplete and theres no "virgin epidemic" of the extent suggested by said image

The only thing I fear is the price of sex dolls and perhaps later robots.

southern italy was not taken over by muslims, thats just a meme. sicily was conquered, and like 3 ports on the southern italian coast were occupied for like less than 50 years

Even if you accept the Jews turning people gay conspiracy angle that still doesn't account for it because not that many men are gay

mate have you seen all the trap and cocklust threads in the past few months

>mate have you seen all the trap and cocklust threads in the past few months

The people posting those threads are probably virgins.

I can believe they're very vocal relative to their size but also that a lot of them are just demented virgins

More women are sexless than ever. It happens to both genders. Why are you trying to pin this on males only?

>sicily was conquered, and like 3 ports on the southern italian coast were occupied for like less than 50 years

Yeah now ask yourself if that would have happened in Julius Caesar's day. In Julius Caesar's day, Rome was conquering France/Gaul and planning an invasion of Britain.

> but but it's no big deal just our largest island got taken over by a foreign army for over 150 years.

"Islamic rule over all Sicily began in 902, and the Emirate of Sicily lasted from 965 until 1061. Though Sicily was the primary Muslim stronghold in Italy, some temporary footholds, the most substantial of which was the port city of Bari (occupied from 847 until 871), were established on the mainland peninsula, especially in mainland Southern Italy, though Muslim raids reached as far north as Rome and Piedmont."

>Yeah now ask yourself if that would have happened in Julius Caesar's day. In Julius Caesar's day, Rome was conquering France/Gaul and planning an invasion of Britain.
theres this guy called spartacus you should look him up

Nice fake news you got there.

These are white american males that choose a tranny or insist on watching a gf have sex with other men or masturbate to cartoon characters, or discuss how to seduce their own mothers and call all females whores (roastie, their term not mine) so what female in her right mind would ever want intercourse with any of them. The females continue to have intercourse however like normal functioning young adults.

if jews put so much chem in our water, why am I not cute yet?

I kindly request for a source on this user statement.

There's a huge qualitative difference between a small poorly trained army running around for a year and a half (lasted less than 2 years), and having your entire country get raided by a foreign army for hundreds of years, and your largest island occupied for 150+ of those years.

Actually the reason Rome had so many slaves (which lead to the Spartacus slave revolt) is because they'd conquered so much territory in such a short amount of time.

Where's the source, then?

no one chooses me, I just want a gf

Tbh a lot of those fetishes are probably a result of being a virgin for a very long time. Getting off on watching your gf have sex with other men seems to be about guys replaying their sexless teens and early 20s as they experienced girls they liked choose guys other than themselves.

I just want any type of romantic experience with any woman my age +/- 4 years, regardless of whether is leads to any kind of sexual contact.

Not to the same degree, and their rise in sexlessness doesn't deviate enough from earlier spikes that occurred "naturally" so its difficult to even figure if their spike in sexlessness is homologous to the sexlessness among men or rather just random fluctuation. Also, women are the choosers when it comes to sexual encounters - if their virginity is on the rise, it's purely out of volition for them, whereas its safe to assume most of these men would gladly have sex if it came their way.

Male virginity is rising faster than female virginity. Female virginity is relatively stable by comparison.

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Note that this chart isn't female virginity, it's the "no sex in the last year" chart. I suspect the rates of female virginity are probably elevated relative to recent history, probably around 12-16% for women 18-30.

is this why developing countries have a population problem

Chads are like gas giants, pulling 80% of the female population into orbit around his thundercock and far the fuck away from us.

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If society ever collapses and war breaks out I swear to God I will rape every fucking women I can get my hands on. I will spare no whore with hole between legs I see... and this will be just like in old good days when people were just conquering lands pillaging and raping return to natural state.

Would really wish that modern women get shaken from their too comfortable lives.

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You would die on the first day. Societal collapse really just means poorfags and weird betas get sacrificed

if things collapsed you would most likely either get murdered because somebody thuggish didn't like what you looked like, or get murdered because you were perceived as a threat to somebody else's women

lol faggot I have military background and I am felon.
There are probably more bad ass mother fuckers than me, but I sure wouldn't be last on pecking order.
I would organize my little criminal gang to extort, kill rape people...

You idiots always think there is someone else who is stronger like there is no way for anybody to survive.

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nah beta cucks like you would get murdered almost immediately.

I see you basement dweller have no conception of real world and reality, you perceive that stronger foes always have total control of everything and are all powerful...
Just like Vietnam rats fucked up USA army that was supposed to be force to be feared.
You don't understand war dynamics and nothing.

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>he keeps posting knowing that he'll be murdered on the first day

If I am going to be murdered in First day than fat neckbeard like you will be dead in first 10 seconds

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byebye original

Take me under your wing, I think I'm tough enough to join your little gang.

I thought being gay wasn't a choice? I also thought you were born that way?

nah im not a poor beta cuck like you fag lol

First you need to pass our initial Gang initiation test of getting ass fucked for 1 min and if you survive you are one of us

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>since 18
so which is it, then?

D*g I wish that were me

dating coaches, pua redpill are all gonna be dead by 2019.

i really dont know why anyone still even bothers listening to those fucking morons. they're just trying to sell you some douchebag lifestyle that only works if you actually look like a douchebag.

PUA is dying already with the emergence of the blackpill. there's a very strong blackpill presence on YouTube exposing PUAs for their bs and more men than ever before aren't falling for that shit. we know it's all about the LMS and anything else is a total cope. that's what girls really want. being a douchebag is something you can get away with if you already have at least two of LMS.

Having sex. And a lot in my case. Lol

Pathetic beta incel, you will get assraped by a gay warlord and his gang within the first hour of the system prolapse

That graph doesn't show female virginity is stable. Why are you lying?

Damn, what happened in 1997 and 2008? I was too young to partake in the fuck fests.

everyone was doing cocaine and ecstasy. electronic music events made sure that nobody was a virgin.

>Can't wait for the collapse

There won't be a collapse
There won't be a day of the rope

Stop being delusional

You might be chad at work but on here you sound like a fucking tool hahaha wait until these chicks get a load of your personality

Fortunately it proves that low quality men are dying out.

This what we are seeing is natural selection in progress based nature


The next one will hopefully balance the virgin rates. But im not so sure since tinder means they can just go fuck rich guys.

What about low quality women though?

if you believe in robot memes, all women are the same.

The collapse won't come overnight like you see in the movies, but a slow yet clearly visible downward spiral that can't and won't stop until it smashes into the bottom.

And why would a collapse come? Because a special snowflake like you is too dumb to figure out how to get sex?

things have been getting better in a lot of ways though.

legalize prostitution and that would solve most of it.

I'm so glad to be an oldfag. I managed to have my young years and get laid at 20 in 2007. If I was 18 today I don't think i'd have a start before 30, social media has destroyed everything because gigachad is only a swipe away to every woman.

The r9k """Chad"""LARPer has been around for goddamn years. They've always been this pathetic as well.

This is why incels don't exist outside of America.

Soon 40% will be used on incels

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It alleviates the symptom of the problem, but doesn't solve its cause. Surely 20% of young males didn't lose their virginities 10 years ago by fucking hookers. There's a reason why young men can't get laid, and we need to find it and fix the problem.

>living with a woman you do not have children with

newsflash, you're not a chad, you're an idiot

>There's a reason why young men choose to not get laid
Fixed that for you Shlomo.

Female here. If society collapsed, I would shoot you on sight.

Male here. Can we have sex?

Noice story mate, can I have some moar?

>"Weaker sex here"

Does this behaviour have any specific name? It's pretty interesting.

Stop being delusional? Why does it offend you so much?

India,China, Japan, UK. Yeah you're ignorant

>turning point coincides with the release of smartphones and faceberg





All this "collapse" talk is turbo cope. What's going to happen is that it will become the norm for chads to have 2 or 3 girlfriends while incels will have to settle for vr waifus or euthanize themselves

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