Is Reddit really as good as we say?

Is Reddit really as good as we say?
I never posted on it

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>"Is Reddit really as good as we say?"

Last I checked we all hate it, you living under a rock?

I used reddit before using Jow Forums. You can feel the "moderation" air around there. Definitely not as fun as Jow Forums but can work if you look for specific communities.
Basically expect them to not allow fun as much as here.

You're not everybody faggot

>You are not everybody faggot

Attached: soyboy(5).jpg (231x218, 10K)

Most communities are heavily moderated and at least lean slightly left. Watch out though, as some subs seem innocuous at first but then you go "oh shit, these people are all insane radicals".

Under a rock it is.

Attached: epic.png (425x357, 104K)

Jow Forums and reddit always had a rivalry towards each other. As well as the vibe of the communities differ greatly from each other. Reddit comes across as the more polite board and it's full of attention whores also everyone is forced to act respectful towards each other otherwise they get banned. Jow Forums is the complete opposite of that which is why Jow Forums is inherently better.

It's pretty fun, it's my most visited website to be honest. But you can't even really consider reddit as one single community, it all depends on which subreddit you visit. They are so different it's day and night.

its good for content, bad for discussion. opposite for Jow Forums, but Jow Forums is filled with retards so even getting decent discussion is hard these days.

If you haven't heard of Reddit you're newfag gtfo

>never heard of Reddit
>OP wrote "Reddit"

Attached: 8j3euqv0i2a01.jpg (765x630, 49K)

This pic reminds me of a Warcraft 3 abomination

>this is the face of the average american in 2050 and it's beautiful

Tbh all you have to do in order not to get banned on reddit is not to act like an ape. I find that there's more attention whoring on Jow Forums than on reddit cause if you do try to attention whore on reddit you get downvoted into oblivion and no one really gets to see your post. Still use both reddit and Jow Forums but for different reasons though

I tried out reddit for a few months once but genuinely did not enjoy it. it pisses me off that redditors here think that the whole "reddit sucks" thing is just a meme.

>Is Reddit really as good as we say?
Terrible? Yes. Being able to look through a user's history makes everyone more inclined to personal attacks and the relative anonymity invites bullying. Like a classic forum but on steroids

Pretty much this and I say it as a 2004 oldfag from Jow Forums. Reddit is great for the content. Community is okay; I appreciate that professionals post because they're the only people I want to hear from on there. Moderation is gay. Website design is the gayest. But it serves important functions Jow Forums can't. Also no fun allowed and everyone on there is roleplaying uptight soccer moms.

Not getting banned is the minimum. The problem is cultural as well as design related: people here highlight that which is interesting, be it good, smart, stupid, funny or even contrary to the prevailing opinion, using the (you) system which implies some effort being put into your reply.
Reddit values mainstream opinion. Contrary opinions get silenced and voting is exceedingly easy so you don't weigh the cons and pros of spending time to validate a post.


Attached: reddit.jpg (625x625, 59K)

Reddit is only good for getting information. Discussions are ill advised.

Reddit sucks. Old Reddit was fun and lived up to the name of "front page of the internet", people more freely discussed ideas and thoughts, volunteer mods didn't go on power trips. Now? It's shit. Everything is highly censored, people are very unoriginal, people get offended by the smallest things and constantly ask for praise for nothing. Place is shit and best to be avoided. I started there and liked it but it has declined FAST

>You can feel the "moderation" air around there.
Understatement. Half my posts on the main subs are silently deleted by some filter bot. I only found this out recently after logging out to view my posts after I post them. The ones that go through are often removed by mods, sometimes for no discernible reason. Sometimes I receive a PM alerting me that I got banned from a sub I've never heard of or posted on. Why people use that site is beyond me.

I have an account there mainly for memes and nudes and there are some more good subreddits, but sadly there are way too many normies

>Is Reddit really as good as we say?
who says that?
No, it's awful

I really hate when someone gets gold or silver they do the "Thank you kind stranger" meme then another edit where they go on about how humbled they are that their post was singled out so much.

It's a shit echochamber like this place but with less fucking facebook-tier normie trash on it with huge censorship.

It's large enough to vary from having golden content to being utter shit.

The site started off as being a discussion board for programmers and the format is actually pretty similar to other tech oriented sites like stackoverflow. However like many others has gone full normie. Even more than the censorship (which honestly was pretty much as minimal as a site their size could get away with without normies throwing a fit) the redesign actually makes it more difficult for power users to use the site efficiently at the cost of improving user friendliness. They tore down a barrier to shitty users and threw a barrier in front of power users. This really shows where the sites priorities lie because the people in charge don't fundamentally understand why the site became successful in the first place.

Reddit is also infamously bad for discussing politics because the upvote/downvote format encourages partisanship and tyranny of the majority effects.

One of Reddits founders was Aaron Shwartz. He was a chad who helped develop RSS as a teen. He became an hero largely because he downloaded a ton of information of JSTOR and put it online because he wanted free access to academic information. He became an hero. He is symbolic of what Reddit started out like. Ultra smart counterculture nerds with a heart.

The problem is the site like many others had its culture diluted by the constant influx of shitty users most notably Diggv4 refugees which is when the site started first going downhill. "leddit is shit" didn't really become a meme until the 2010's although the site has been around since '05. I don't know what it is but everything online decays including here although Jow Forums still has enough normie filters to keep out crappy posters to some degree.

If you want to see what Reddit is like now read the comments here and see how onions people truly are:

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