I want to establish an underground r9k commune far from society because they persecute us. If I actually made a self sustaining bunker would you come?
I want to establish an underground r9k commune far from society because they persecute us...
If you could artificially created a self-sustaining ecosystem then everyone in the world would come to see your scientific achievement
Only if the rape is kept to a minimum.
No, fuckin gr0ss
lol no ever heard of a terrarium? you can literally do that by getting a translucent bottle and putting some bugs water soil and plants in there.
you cant rape guys
Honestly, as cool of an idea as it sounds I think the sheer number of brainlets and NEETs would fuck it up. If you did something like this in 2008-2012 it would have worked a lot better.
yes, a fucking bottle. But a giant area meant to house hundreds of people and accompanying flora and fauna? With artificial climate?
Its a bunker not a terrarium. All that matters is that it can keep us alive. There will be plumbing and air circulation.
So forcing your wiener into someone's butthole isn't rape?
nobody would do that because there is shit in buttholes. The pleasure to pain ratio makes it nor worth 5 years in jail plus a life on the sex offender registry.
I genuinely would participate and make an actual effort. Especially when the cultish/political/philosophical blocs form and civil war over resources ensues
yeah if theres no serial killers or gaylord rapists
Nice LARP, but I've actually thought about bunker designs and possible problems a lot. I'd love to build or restore one and then live in it if I had the resources.
this sounds cool. im a gril but id get raped so rip
This pic is that one scp right?
its male only because women cant be social outcasts and we don't want any children being born
How would you select who's allowed to come? Obviously there would be a lot of people willing to go to this safe house. Also, what do you do when somebody releases the coordinates and people show up uninvited?
I wouldn't want to be around someone that has piss bottles and cum jars.
anyone who is a social outcast that has no other options and is willing to contribute in some way
No thx it will probably be filled with trannys.
i will come prepared w strapon and weaponry
yeah prolly origamiiiiiiiiiiii