Help me ruin someone's life before they ruin mine

Crazy single mom trying to ruin my life because i used to be in love with her cuckold provider and she feel threatened by my existence i guess??

>Lying about me to my friends, spreading rumors, trying to put me in dangerous situations and isolating me socially.

>Actually blocking me on mutual friend's phones when borrowing them for pictures.

>Throwing a bitch fit if someone suggests inviting me to a party or social gathering

>Tried to mislead my friend into leaving me alone, tripping balls, on a supermarket 3 am.

> I do not have the chance to defend myself because i don't go out nearly a third of what she does, and when i do i cannot hang out with our mutual friends due to her antics.

This whole thing is affecting me alot, i lost dear friends, the rumors affect my prospects of making new friendships (small town), the girl is bent down on making me a hermit.

So help me ruin her life please.

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Sure, give us some info. we're your personal army here.

sue her for defamation retard

Tipicl shit a female would do, she feels threatened, put the pressure on her, amp it up untill she breaks and commits something you can sue her ass over or send her to prison

reddit spacingdd

defamation is for important people user not 20 year old college students

Indeed a femanon

Infodump coming, might be complicated cause im not american

You used to fuck her boyfriend ?
You fucking did this .
Find a job and move away .

Fucking gross skank .

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"Not your personal army," as we used to say back in the day. Try again if you've got some dirt on her about abusing a kitten or something, otherwise tits or gtfo whore.

>i used to be in love with her cuckold provider

Sounds like it's your own fault, bitch

How would i go about that user?

If if it was like that i wouldn't be half as bothered.
I never had anything with the guy, just a massive public crush.

So old school

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She feels threatened because soubconsciousely she feels inferior to you, just keep up the superiority, feed on that inferiority complex, it gives you power, thats why that bitch wont try anything that is in your face. Remember womens tactic is destroying the competitions reputation, your tactic would be to make her destroy her own.
Also in in numbers how attractive are you and how attractive is the other bitch?
To continue getting info post tits

>Infodump coming
Honestly, don't dump her info here. People are just going to turn around and narc on you then you're going to get doxxed.

If you legitmately wanna piss her off, than stop giving her power by giving a shit. Even if you fuck with her, all that's going to do is make her seem like a bigger victim and you a bigger villain to those mutual friends.

where are you from.
ill kill her for you because i love fembots.

The problem is if i just ignore her she's still going to keep damaging my life, at first i did ignore her, i genuinely didn't care, but it started affecting my life in a way i can't ignore it, im really fucking desperate.

Thank you for being so wise, i actually was having second thoughts and you pushed me back into reality, im just really desperate.

shithole south america

>south america
Describe how your pussy looks like

it looks uttermost disappointing

This guy is right, sounds like the type of person that wants you to retaliate in any shape or form so she can have free ammo against you, take the "moral high-ground" / i don't give a shit attitude and even if that doesn't work in the long run see other options
South cone? sounds like the average thot from here.

Hot i love low self esteem girls
how many men have used it

You need to engage her
This user is somehow rightYou need to say to her youre sorry . See where that leads you .
I know you feel revengeful and angry .
Say to her you know about what shes doing to you and if shell continue shell ruin your life .
Go with the Jesus method and probably youll have a new mother thats supportive to you .
God bless .

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sounds like you deserve it for being so weak

Just start forming your own clique of loyal companions, when people start noticing your own little circle branching off from the hive they'll realise something is up, then you tell everyone what she's up to and people will flock to the cool new group. I've done this before, people are incredibly easy to manipulate when you utilise social dynamics.

Emotional appeal doesn't work, bonafide cunt.
That actually sounds feasible, im opting for a transfer for the uni she studies in (unrelated, im just switching my major), and i am a more socially pleasant person to be around.
If i manage to join the student council, which was already on my plans, i can actually ban her from parties and such.

I just wanted to say im very thankful for the helpful anons i've been getting, its such a difficult situation to be in, really realy thank you so much.

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can i marry you to give you a green card

Wait until i finish uni user

At least where i live its Decent and Free.

what are you studyiong

Linguistics, switching to Business next year.
Also do Graphic Design on the side, and planning to start Mortuary Sciences (aka mortician 101) after GD. Idk, i like studying things.

lmao useless
i make a lot more than you ever will just be my housewife

can't buy me user, im low maintenance.

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