Girls, what are your opinions on incels?
Girls, what are your opinions on incels?
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Not real, they just don't want to fuck beneath their standards
Hey buddy what's the sauce on that?
Incels shouldn't be a thing, not being able to get laid isn't an identity
Nvmd i found it i don't wanna watch that it's got poop
Not OP, hentai game called Euphoria, extremely graphic and unironically amazing plot
the vice incel is extremely cute and fuckable but i'm 99% sure he's not a real incel
He's mental so looks don't help that
i know, i just don't trust the vice reporting. but he really is extraordinarily attractive to me. 8/10 lookswise in my book
If that motherfucker is an 8, then I'm chad thundercock himself.
well how do you look? i like pale babyfaced guys
Nobody wants to fuck beneath their standards really.
>Incels shouldn't be a thing, not being able to get laid isn't an identity
Incel, in a practical sense, is the reddit word for robot.
Also agree
Most incels aren't even disturbingly ugly, just major weirdos who scare women away with their personality.
Congratulations user, you are a pretty boy and have low self esteem
It's ok to think society failed you in some ways, but 90% of incels also have themselves to blame for being failures.
The other 10% are deformed or mentally handicapped, I feel bad for them.
Most of them are mentally ill dudes, so they also don't have themselves to blame for anything except not getting therapy.
Okay, my standards are:
1. loyal
2. cuddly
3. clingy
Dont care what they look like
Can you help me find a gf?
Virgins? They're ok. My (now ex) bf tried really hard to get laid but never could, before me, when we were both 19.
If a guy can't get laid, thats fine. As long as he's a decent person otherwise, it doesn't matter to me. Hell, my research supervisor is 40-something and he's never had a gf, but he's smart and one of my most important mentors, and I have a lot of respect for him.
Incels? They're fucking terrifying. Keep them the fuck away from me, I don't want to be near anyone with such a hateful outlook
>Nobody wants to fuck beneath their standards really.
>Wonders why hypergamy exists
Actually yes, and she has almost no standards as well, bc she dated and got dumped by a fat neckbeard. But here's the caveat: she lives in Canada
Hypergamy doesn't exist though. I've checked the data that blackpill dudes present, and it either directly contradicts what their conclusions are, or is being interpreted in a fallacious way. As in, you need to assume hypergamy as true in order for the data to look like it confirms it, when, in fact, there are explanations that can account for the same results without hypergamy, and with way less contradictions.
Before you recommend her to user, make sure she doesn't have BPD. I don't want to see another dude rush into a relationship only to find himself with an abuser.
Where in canada? I will love her
Where do I talk to her
I agree, most of them are stuck in a shitty situation and need help, and I personally know that being mentally ill can make you debilitated. But at the end of the day, that's a battle you win mostly by your own effort and willpower. Not saying it's easy, not at all, but that's the truth. Sulking all the time is not what's going to help them.
I don't think she has BPD but she's definitely autistic, and looks like the stereotype too: covered in acne, has braces, and a mom bod at 19.
Didn't think I'd ever meet an irl femcel, but here we are
What you're saying might work for some mental illnesses, but not for others. I have OCD, so the more I think about it, the worst I get. I literally can't fight it, because the more I try, the more I lose. But yeah, I agree guys should try to overcome their limitations.
If she's autistic, but user is not, he may end up breaking up with her when he no longer feels as desperate. Effectively using her as a practice gf.
then get to work on your mental gymnastics explaining why 20% of men are fucking all the women and how this doesn't mean that women go for the top 20% of guys
How far is she willing to date? I am across the country.
Can I talk to her? Can I drop a throwaway email? I don't care about any of that stuff, I just want someone to love
First of all, I would like to see what statistics you have to prove that 20% of men are fucking all the women. Second of all, even if that unfounded assertion were true, that doesn't imply women will exclusively fuck those 20% of guys. Thirdly, statistics show that, in the US adult population, only 14% of men are virgins, compared to 12% of women. This directly contradicts the notion that women only go for the top 20% of guys. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the fucking study I got this from, because google is being a little bitch and it only shows me studies on the average age of virginity loss, rather than the one I'm looking for.
Like amazing plot in general or amazing plot for a hentai game?
Fair enough. I hope you can find a solution to your OCD.
There are certain maxims in statistics that are just true. One of those is the Pareto principle. Proven again and again for almost a century. But I guess your gay ass unfounded opinion disproves a whole century of research, right?
Amazing for an eroge that doesn't just have a two-minute sex scene, or a bunch of dating sim vanilla content here and there, but is full-on fucked up degenerate fap material that could've easily worked without a plot.
In general, still good, but you need a strong stomach and probably won't enjoy it if none of the gross stuff tickles your fancy.
Thanks, my dude. My project over the summer will be refuting all that as valid evidence for hypergamy.
Hey, man, I'm sorry to tell you, but, in case you haven't noticed, we're the fucking minority. We're not even close to 80% of the population. You might like to tell yourself that you're in a majority so that you feel better about yourself and can convince yourself all your problems are from the exterior, but I'm concerned with the empirical truth.
"20% of the men are fucking 80% of women" doesn't mean that the remaining 80% of men aren't getting any. It means that the top 20% are having sex with 80% of women. The remaining 80% of men are getting some, sure but the women have already been with a top 20%er at least once in their lives. Follow the curve and you'll see the virgins at the very bottom.
Idk, I didn't know her too well and haven't talked to her for two years. Don't even rly remember what her name is. Shae?
Sorry user. But she's out there. If you can find her, good luck!
In that case, what's the problem?
That it should be a perfectly normal bell curve but cunts choose to be cunts and need to be taken down a peg or 7. They need to get reeducated.
they must like them since theyre on r9k
Why does it matter if one of the dudes a chick fucked before you was a chad? Would it matter to you if he were a non-chad? Is the problem that you don't have the same ability to choose that chads do?
>Why does it matter if one of the dudes a chick fucked before you was a chad?
She would always be comparing me to him. I don't know about you but I don't like being compared to no fucking man, especially not a chad.
>Would it matter to you if he were a non-chad?
Yes because there's still the possibility that I'm better than a non-chad. I have a fighting chance to prove myself at least.
>Is the problem that you don't have the same ability to choose that chads do?
The problem is that shit is all twisted and 5s and 6s are all going for top tier chads and nothing else.
"You wanna cuddle, user?"
Tbf, sex isn't implied in the OkCupid study, it was just attractiveness rating. There is no claim that 80% of wahmens are being boned by 20% of men, but that they only rate 20% of men as attractive, whereas most men rated most women attractive.
I would, if she's a biological female. If not, she couldn't be my gf.
Fear and arousal
Trips because Euphoria is going to change your life
depends on how incel-y they are. if they have bought into the incel narrative or not.
if its the type that projects all their hatred and disgust and venom about themselves onto women i will pass
There are things i do not tell my therapist so that i can continue going about my day as a free man.
Well shit I'm a fucking 10 then
UwU I would be a 10 for her too. I get rated 8-10 on soc by most girls but am an incel because of a lot of stuff.
Way too good looking to be an incel
>Incel, in a practical sense, is the reddit word for robot.
This is how you tell everyone you are a newfag. A robot doesn't have to be an involuntary celibate. Just because it usually happens doesn't mean the two words mean the same thing. A robot could even be voluntarily celebate.
They're super bitter.. no one wants to be with someone bitter and proud of it
I kinda just want to give one a hug and tell him everything will be ok. I think that would cure them and maybe even stop all the shootings. Maybe make a federal law for women where they must give one hug to an incel per week.
Being a moron type of stuff right?
>Maybe make a federal law for women where
Thats incel rhetoric you retard.
I keep clicking on this thread because the picture turns me on
good job OP
I love you. I know that may sound ridiculous, but the more disillusioned I become with women the more I appreciate and want to reward the ones that are actually kind and sweet. Please never stop being the way the are. You are a blessing. I mean it.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I don't understand femdom. Why would anyone want a woman to be mean to them? Is it a coping mechanism, like guys who say they like having their dicks mutilated?
Lazy and unwilling to improve themselves.
How do you do fellow boomer
this is a stickup! put the hugs in the bag and nobody gets hurt!