Fembot here. I'm really, really ugly, and I don't know what to do

Fembot here. I'm really, really ugly, and I don't know what to do.
>enlarged forehead and deep set eyes make me look like a caveman
>bad acne
>naturally slouched neck and bad posture
>big nose
>thin hair with visible scalp no matter how I style it
>wrinkles that make me look 40 years old

Someone give me advice on how to fix this. I'm 23 and I've never even come close to having a boyfriend before and I've been called ugly by men and women my whole life. I went to the gym 3 times a week for a year and I went from a fat, unlovabley ugly girl to a regular unlovabley ugly girl.

I don't want an alpha man anymore, I just want someone who thinks I'm attractive, because nobody ever has. What do I do? Where do I go to meet someone who is ok with my looks?

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Date ugly men

>lower your standards
>practice hygiene
>work on posture
>join a dating site to be messaged by 5000 guys
>post on r9k to have a bunch of thirsty virgins to sperg over you being a girl
It looks like you already have it all figured out

Add me on discord and post pic, I won't bully and I might find u attractive and u can be my GF

I would be your bf. I'm 5/10 looks but very fat so overall I'm a 1/10. But I want a girl who I can hold hands with and kiss (28 khv). I dont really care about sex.

Where do I go to meet them? Every guy in my area and at my job is better look than me.

I don't care if a guy is ugly anymore, as long as he's not unemployed, isn't a lunatic and he doesn't smell.

Fuck. Nearly had it but I fail the last three criteria.

I don't want an online boyfriend, I want a real one.

You can start by going to the doctor, everything you just said is fixable except the forehead and deep set eyes.

Me, now where are u reee. Also add me on discord alrdy

Congratulations on being treated as a man by society, welcome to the club

shut the fuck up you retard ugly ass bitch fuck you.

>Where do I go to meet someone who is ok with my looks?
This must be bait

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Honestly? Cosmetic surgery. You *might* find someone to look past all that, but the quickest, easiest option is surgery from a competent surgeon. It's way more common than most people think

Country? i bet there is a lonely fuck from your country that is bwilling to talk to you on this board

Not reading your garbage thread but I'll say this: women are only as valuable as their looks. You are an inferior version of a man, both physically and mentally, and if you are unable to compensate by being an adequate mate for a man then you should kill yourself. You're a waste of resources.

Where do you live then? I will love you

unironically a dating website, thats it.
if youve seen the state of the hounds using these things and consider that they all find men, theres zero females on earth who cant do it.

How am I supposed to afford that? Cosmetic surgery costs tens of thousands of dollars and I don't have that.

I'm from central Canada. I'd rather meet somebody in real life than online, but maybe if I get desperate enough I'll give dating sites a try again.

I'm sure you're doing so much more with your life.

Big foreheads are usually pretty attractive and should balance out a larger nose.

On quick question, do you have sleep apnea by any chance? Usually you can tell if you wake up a lot in the middle of the night or snore.

>What do I do? Where do I go to meet someone who is ok with my looks?

Go to a hackathon and ask one of the programmers for a coffee. Programmers are usually pretty unattractive or at least socially inept enough to have trouble attracting women. They're probably employed but they might smell.

if you are white you can go to latin america or south east asia.

You're only holding yourself back, I'm sure that somebody who would've cared about you has tried to talk to you and you rejected them cause they're online.
You live in bumfuck nowhere Canada and you're whining about how you don't want to meet someone online? Okay, so your option is to go to a fucking bar and shack up with some alcoholic.

You are alone because of a prison of your own design.

>Cosmetic surgery costs tens of thousands of dollars and I don't have that.

If you need jaw/orthognathic surgery (you mentioned an overbite?) the government should cover some/most of it.

>I'm from central Canada. I'd rather meet somebody in real life than online, but maybe if I get desperate enough I'll give dating sites a try again.

By Central Canada do you mean the prairies or Ontario?

I'm from NA, be my qt 5 GF. Trade pics with me and I'd genuinely date u if u were nice and qt.

ive been a relationship coach before, and helped people find relationships. if you want some actual help instead of asking robots and incels i'd be happy to give you one of my social medias so we could talk more

>sleep apnea
I don't think I do. I sleep normal I think.

I've tried dating sites before and no one messaged me except creepy guys who were either just trying to have sex with me or guys who looked and sounded mentally unstable.

I might try again, but the last time I did, one guy asked me if I would be into trying "pony play", which I googled and it was fucking disgusting and I got so creeped out I deleted my profile.

>>naturally slouched neck and bad posture
look up neck and back posture videos on youtube
>bad acne
thats like a hygiene thing. Wash face morning, midday and before you sleep

Have a cool personality. I like Amber from Chapo even though she looks like pic related

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SS + GOMAD and get thicc

i will be your bf, i really like the OP image and you seem really nice, i don't want nudes or sex i just want someone to love.
where in central Canada are you at though? i could come see you

>enlarged forehead and deep set eyes make me look like a caveman
>naturally slouched neck and bad posture
>big nose
>thin hair with visible scalp

Grug want make ungabunga with three/three fishy nice smell femgrug, but grug always ungabunga-blocked by Chag Scary Sky Boom neaderthal!! And then femgrug come to Grug's happy touch himself cave to complain?? Grug think big nose tribe is to blame.

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>forehead and eyes
can't do much about that
tretinoin, or isoretinoin if that doesn't work
fixable, you can improve that
nothing you can do, big noses are fine if they aren't too wide at least
>thin hair
get some good conditioner with natural oils, stop shampooing every day, put peppermint oil in your conditioner. It's more effective than minoxidil. Either that, or get your hair cut short, it'll be harder to notice.
get on tretinoin immediately. It'll fix acne too.