How do i become an egirl r9k
How do i become an egirl r9k
are you cute, op? whaddya look like? what are your interests?
>be a female or tranny
>install weheartit and IG
>add a bunch of other e-whores
>spam cute stuff xD
>spam SFW sexy pics xD
>collect neetbux
play a video game, like anime, join a discord filled with boys
now you're internet famous
Just post our pics all over and make a server on dick sword
Same question OP
I just wanted a platform to share my niche interests with people
Get abused
Develop BPD
Get a discord and join servers, acquire lots of orbiters
Repeat until you find one insane enough to cut you into pieces
Rest for a bit
My self esteem is pretty much non-existent so I don't think I am but a lot of people think so. I'm mixed race. And I'm into anime and cosplay and games.
Well I have part of that down I guess lmao
I thought self pics weren't allowed.
Same desu
You can post a picture and pretend it's someone else op
I kinda wanna be an egirl too.
I had someone from here tell me I'm cute enough to be so basically earlier.
I have really bad anxiety though and nearly had an anxiety attack just sending him a picture. ):
Lets open a discord fembots
I have good self esteem and am a meany so i can protect you two from gross fucktards
That actually sounds kinda cool, I'm down!
Why the hell do you WANT this? Are you that desperate for attention?
Ah okay, thank you.
I have anxiety too. I'm also shy. That's why I've been lurking in the shadows like a scaredy cat. ;/
Bet, I'm up for it.
id like to join as well if possible!
fellow wanna be egirl with low self esteem. im down.
>I have anxiety too. I'm also shy. That's why I've been lurking in the shadows like a scaredy cat. ;/
Heh yeah, you sound like me then. How old are you?
Add me, lets make this work
YOURE ALL FUCKING RETARDED. Get off of this board. You will be bullied relentlessly if you manage to take off and gain any sort of fame, most likely even doxxed (if youre trying to get popular on this board). How the fuck do you expect to become an e-girl if you have low self esteem?
>How the fuck do you expect to become an e-girl if you have low self esteem?
most e-girls have low self esteem and only push through thorugh attention, drugs, neetbux
I want to creampie a stinky fembot
a little hesitant to add, please tell me if anyone adds and if all is okay!
Just start posting pics and be active in a male dominated community. It was snowball from there.
Warning though
1. Never go fill nude
2. Never date or hint you have a bf
3. Make sure you always pretend to be a virgin
It's safe, go ahead and add yourself
Yeah it's fine to add
Go on Twitch and turn on the camera? Will work if you are mildly attractive.
holy shit everyone itt needs to kill themselves for christs sake, god dams gtfo my board
wtf is an egirl