Hi dylan im so sorry

hi dylan im so sorry

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You're on acid right? Turn off the lights and think long and hard about how you've gotten to this point

ok ill do it im sorry

its still not the end everything is ok

i still love you dylan

im sorry i hurt you constantly

i love you dylan im dumb

So what's your deal user? I always see you posting threads about "Dylan" and "Dante" and I never click on them 'cause I'm not either of them. What's going on?

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kys kathyposter you schizoid nonhuman.

dyalannn hi

im dumb dylan

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Hey op, Dylan isn't coming back, if you want you can vent with me

My name is Dylan. Are you talking to me?

im sorry i keep ruining my best opportunities

hello friend dylan is coming back you'll have to trust me

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How long he's been gone?

1 week exactly for dylan

Why is he gone?

because i got upset and stopped talking its my fault not his

Talk to him again

>Talk to him again
very t rying

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What the fuck do you want from me, OP?

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And he isn't replying?

dylan you have to believe me i've tried so hard

and got so far originally

but in the end originally

is his last name koll lmao because if so you my friend got naynayed as well

>and got so far originally

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>She is quoting LKP instead of N.I.N

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What a dumb bitch, am I right fellow Dylan from the future?

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dylan im sorry

Bianca aren't you supposed to be fucking dead?



She's craving our dick, not Brandons

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real dylan hi youre beautiful and i love you even if you dont love me back

Who is real Dylan?

best person i've ever met

What made him so great?

hes so smart and talented and pretty and he cared about me

If he cared about you why don't you talk with him anymore?

im fucking stupid
i hope he still cares and never stops

>tfw name is dylan
>recently ghosted a girl who was obsessed with me
>see this thread
Hopefully it's not me

I just want you to know youre the special one. He was probably just toying with you. Go outside. Other people are waiting for you. I hope you can take this message to heart, I sure as hell cant.

These threads are pointless and attention seeking. Just message Dylan.

>my name is dylan

what to hecc
give me a little information about yourself

If it's me then don't message me. I ghosted you for a reason