Girl at at work grabs me by the shoulders and fixes my collar all the time when she sees it's out of place because she...

>girl at at work grabs me by the shoulders and fixes my collar all the time when she sees it's out of place because she thinks she's my mom
>roommate and her friend comment about how delicately I eat and say it's very childish and effeminate because I take small bites
>women often ask if I'm gay
>girl tells me I remind her of her little brother
>other girl tells me that she sees me as her son
>never been called handsome by women, just get called cute
>all because I'm short, thin and have a high pitched voice
I am universally and eternally sonzoned by every woman in existance, what the fuck is my life

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Time for a mommy gf then

Very few women want that. Most girls I've talked to don't even want to take a guy's virginity because teaching a guy how to have sex is apparently too much work for them. Hell, most of them ask dudes out after getting banged by them.

Time to become a cute bottom opee

werg out

That's gay
That's painful

You havent looked hard enough then my fren. Found plenty of mommy gf material myself

where user. please tell me your secret!

>That's painful
No it's fun
Buy free weights

>That's painful
Lifting weights will give you testosterone boosts you didn't even know were possible