Would you have a relationship with an older woman? I mean significantly older... like 40 or 50.
Would you have a relationship with an older woman? I mean significantly older... like 40 or 50
I think about it a lot. Younger women are garbage.
If it's someone like Liz Hurley or Kate Beckinsale then sure, why not?
>tfw that wouldn't even really count as "significantly" anymore until 55 or 60 or something.
im 34 im decent enough hit me up LBs
I have always been able to relate to older women (especially those who are mothers) as opposed to women my age and never really knew why.
No I want a girl that is naive and dumb so I can mold her to my liking not a second mom.
Yes, I have one right now. AMA
I'm 26 and my gf is 34. I don't give a shit right now but things like progeny worry me a bit. If she could have kids at 50 that would solve the only little issue I have.
I literally want the opposite. Getting real tired of stupid bitchea who only know edm and dancing, or got into some shitty trend because of their ex, and can't think for themselves.
I want a girl who has got her own stuff going on, unrelated to her friends or exes. I want a woman who isn't inferior to me. Obviously age helps worth that but if I found a mature 14yo it would be fine too, if that were possible
No, she'd just use me for sex.
Of course, but she'd have to take care of me, financially and sexually. Since I am the younger and therefore less dominant partner.
If she looked like that then i wouldn't give a fuck if she were a hundred
why don't you just tell her to freeze her eggs and you could use a surrogate later
Dude... I'm sorry but if you want kids with her you're gonna have to have them soon. I know it's annoying as fuck but women's fertility windows are short as fuck compared to men's. The later she has them the more likely birth defects and shit like autism are gonna be. You don't wanna put your kids through that because you wanted to wait.
40 is no longer much older than me user
That photo does her no favours. Looks like she hasn't aged as well as the tabloids would have us believe.
that would be great for me since I'm autist with low self-confidence. older women with more wisdom/life experience probably aren't so demanding that their man do everything for them
> 18 year old having a relationship with a 40 or 50 year old woman.
Interesting, but I have other things that need to be focused on, so I have to declined.
it would be preferable. I cannot stand women my age
If she's like a substitute mom type then yeah.
I'm otherwise only willing to go up to early thirty as a mid twenties bloke.
i'm 37 so yeah why not
I would prefer a 18-25 yo though
I am 26 and banging (fwb relationship) a woman who is 36 or 37. Also she is gross. I will answer any questions, curiosities, or hate you may have
When I was 27, I dated a 45 year old woman for about four months. She fucked like a nympho, it was very sensual sex but god she wanted to fuck for hours, every night, it was pretty amazing. We ended things and I am dating someone closer to my age now but I still think about her. AMA I guess.
>Also she is gross.
In what way? Fat?
Tell us more. How did you two meet? Were there any signals that she was sending?
I have a neighbor around that age and she's wearing skimpy clothes and I'm losing my fucking mind over her.
imagine fucking a used up old roastie with dust flaps