like literally just start a dropshipping store on shopify
Please elaborate dear user, I'm at the end of my wits here... I'm tired of rejection emails
Are you a felon or something? pretty sure anyone could get a dishwashing, construction labor, or fast food job.
I'm just gonna kill myself, sorry for this useless thread.
look it up on youtube
endless guides, tutorials, endless hours of instruction
I quit 3 jobs now due to anxiety and poor self-image, maybe I should get this taken care of.
Same boat. I have no problem getting a job, but I can't keep it for more than two months because it just makes me miserable and I become emotionally unstable and feel like I'm going to have a breakdown at work.
you underestimate how autistic some of us are. they don't hire people that can't put a coherent sentence together
I used to be able to do interviews even though they gave me bad anxiety attacks, but now I feel like I can barely do those.
I can do interviews and get hired easy enough, it's just the longer I work the more I know my co-workers and managers know I am doing a bad job and I just feel like I am there as a waste of space and they can just hired someone better, so I stop showing up.
I just completely shut down if they don't ask the normal questions. Even if they just word the usual questions differently, I can't use my script anymore and I can't say anything.
It would be nice if you could get a job without having an interview just to flaunt your social skills.
>want to do my dream job of being a baker
>can't get a job because everyone wants years of experience
Fuck me.
I can answer basic informational questions but anytime I'm forced to bullshit about myself I simply can't do it. i think i'm genuinely autistic. I cannot lie. i cannot say something that isn't true
Yea employers used to hire autistic people to do shit jobs like dishwashing but these days if you're not a social butterfly then hardly anyone will hire you.
Bonus, if you don't have any social media account that the employer can check up on then you're guaranteed to be jobless for a long time.
user I have real aspergers that a real doctor diagnosed, stop being a little fucking bitch. I forced myself to go to many interviews and practiced eye contact and relaxed body language and after trying enough times and failing, I eventually got a job. And I really am autistic, not just memeing it like you. Anyone could get a dishwashing job, stop making excuses.
ive heard of dropshipping before but is it actually something you can live off of in a timely manner or is it all just a meme?
>t. wageslave desperately wanting to go part time to pursue a craft
My coworkers get really annoying really fast. I just feel bad all the time when I talk to people, even when they are praising me I don't know what's wrong with me.
I always say something generic and then feel like a fucking dork and loser for saying it and when they ask me random questions I say something unprofessional or take forever. Interviews are unironically the most stressful part of getting a job for me and I don't understand why they can't be easier and just drop the pretense bullshit that they really fucking care. Half the time they just want to make sure you aren't a psycho or a criminal and as long as you can tie your shoes and wipe your ass you are hired so I don't know why they put you through this stressful bullshit for no reason.
This is why I cna't even talk to people anymore. They all have jobs and hobbies and friends and family and I have nothing. I sit at home all day and look at stuff on the internet. How the fuck are you supposed to make a conversation out of that. I genuinely have nothing to say to people.
If I was ever genuinely praised at a job, I think I would stay there for live. All I ever want to be is useful to people and finding out you are being a detriment or falling behind is soul crushing.
and then of course I feel like a fucking loser and asshole for making everyone uncomfortable because they are just trying to be nice and make conversation like a normal person and they didn't expect some fucking autist weird with mental health issue to make everything awkward and then I just feel like it would genuinely be better if I never talked to anyone at all.
yeah. I used to hhang out with old high school friends but gradually their lives were so different from mine that it was painfully awkward. I used to just sit there in silence while they talked to each other about what they do each day.
I always tried to elevate the conversation to something more interesting. maybe a discussion about film or world events etc but all they wanted to talk about is themselves
I have really bad self-esteem, so even when I'm being told I'm doing a good job I just think about how I'm really not and if they knew how much I slacked off they wouldn't praise me so much but then I realize I'm still doing a better job than the 20 other people they hired and then it all just seems so miserable and worthless.
My problem is I don't slack off and I always try and it still isn't good enough.
What is your job? I am curious.
Half my friends are losers now and the other half are actually normie-tier and yes it's the same for me. They have jobs and S/O's and I was still at home doing nothing. I think about how some of them probably think I'm such a loser.
I don't really care about them nor do I want the lives they have, but I'm really just unhappy that I can't even have the life I want. It's fine if I want to do something different, but I can't even do that. I can't do anything.
I used to worry about what people thought of me but it's pointless. especially when you have legitimate mental illness and other things out of your control that have caused your life to be shit. me caring what some people who had nice cushy upbringings and are attractive and mentally healthy think about me is completely pointless. and trying to explain to them my troubles would just be more pointless.
I've accepted I'm the only person who will understand my own perspective and trying to communicate that to others is futile
I've done that a few times, it's even worse.
I quit awhile ago. It was basically a janitor. Apparently everyone half-assed it and even though I cut a few corners it was still way more than what the others were doing. I never took a break and some people would take 2 fucking hour "smoke breaks".
A co-worker pissed me off so I quit, but my boss really wanted me to stay. I really just hated it so much and felt miserable and like I was going to have a breakdown every time I went in at that point. I just have bad mental health issues. I'm able-bodied enough and appaerently do a better job than most other mininum wage employees. I could probably be a manager if I knew how to socialize and kiss ass, but I'm an aspie with anger issues.
Is it something people live off of? Yes. Is it something you have to be dedicated to and become competent at in order to succeed? Yes.
Sounds all right. I keep doing grocery stock jobs since I don't have the skills to do anything else, both day and night shift and it's super discouraging to know you aren't good enough for the job. I mean it doesn't help I am an overweight our of shape person but I still do above average. I wish some of these managers and co-workers would do a little praising, it would really help morale instead of being told you're not good enough and to deal with the criticism.
I'm similar. I just want to live my own life, I don't even want to be like them and I never did. I feel worse about people in the field I aspire to be in who are my age and are far ahead of me. I'm 27 and when I look at what other successful 27 year olds are doing, I feel like I wasted my youth and it's over.
But I know I'm sick and I just have to focus on myself, I just like to bitch about it sometimes I guess.
I'm overweight and out of shape too, but it was chill because you can work at your own pace where I was. As long as the basic stuff was done by the time I clocked out. I did stocking once at a Wal-Mart, grocery was the worst but I only had to do it once. Same shit there as at every job. I got miserable and wanted to shoot myself in the face by month 2.
I think the physical aspect does play a part, but I can't stand repetition and that's 90% of jobs under the sun.
I actually would suggest a janitorial job for you. Way easier than stocking and half the time you will probably work alone anyway. It was probably the best job I've had, but I couldn't hack because lol mental illness.
I actually did wal-mart grocery stock for 2 years combined between a few stores. I don't mind the repetition or the physical aspect it's just the unrealistic expectations of the management is just hard to deal with.
Yeah, for whatever reason janitorial jobs around my area are desperate for help so if you just show up and do the bare minimum they love you. Maybe you could check it out.
and yeah, Wal-Mart management are fucking assholes. They never said anything to me, but I saw and heard plenty while I was there. I would never want to work there ever again. From what I hear, they are notorious cunts.
It's just a trickle down of being cunts, their managers are cunts to them and those mangers managers are cunts to them and etc. etc. It just feels bad being a useful worker among a crew of slower, older people are getting shit on despite doing well. These store would have a much better turnover rate if they just fucked off.
I kind of thought about doing a janitor job or security.
I haven't done security, but it sounds like you get paid to sit somewhere all night or look at a tv screen. The place I worked at had security guys who would drive by the building and walk through and then leave. That was their job.
I honestly hear that all the time about Wal-Mart though. It really isn't worth it imo. There are so many other jobs that pay just as much that won't treat their employees that way.