What are some shows that make you feel happy and warm inside?
What are some shows that make you feel happy and warm inside?
Aria (The Animation, The Natural, The Origination)
Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga ShitaI!
k-on is goat
also yui is one hot slut
Yui is top cute, but not a slut.
I don't understand how anyone can find a cartoon character to be cute. I tried watching some this morning and I just found it to be more annoying than anything. If you could make shitposting into a cartoon, it would be this cute shit you faggots like. Very low effort anime.
Anyway, most 80s-90s anime makes me happy because it's the shit I grew up on. Back when the main characters weren't complete faggots. You could watch this shit without your parents questioning your sexuality. Even Sailor Moon was better than this super kawaii shit you niggas like.
>girl with a body like that
>not a slut
Your penis is no doubt under 6 inches.
She's only a slut for me
If bodies made you a slut I'd be a total slut because my body is pretty fucking sexual but instead I'm a virgin.
Very unhealthy way to view women's bodies. A body type does not make you a slut. You can be a whore with any body type.
>she is only a slut for Ui
Show by rock
Autistic lesbean dog is best girl
Yours must be under 1
Why? I'm not compensating for something like you are.
>you would rather watch something that artists and writers put effort into
>this means you have small penis XD
Sorry I don't like your autistic pedophile cartoons user. Their silly dances and insufferable voices don't do anything for me.
>that artists and writers put effort into
Okay mister four-by-two.
>Finally watched Azumanga Daioh for the first time, over a decade late
>First anime I've watched in years where I was eager to keep watching
>Cast genuinely likeable (Kagura best girl)
>What little "fanservice" there is is mostly just cute stuff, very tame
Where did it go wrong with anime? When did it all just shift into ecchi and softcore porn?
I don't watch Super. It's trash compared to Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. And just because one macho fighting anime is trash doesn't make pic related ok.
k-on was the beginning of the end
It didn't, there was much more ecchi in the 00s than now if you actually took time to look at a chart.
>And just because one macho fighting anime is trash doesn't make pic related ok.
Shonen fighting anime aren't """macho""" they're for teenage boys who progress onto seinen moe shows as adults. They're capeshit's equivalent, you're a hipster microduck version of capeshitter manchildren.
You will become the same if you continue watching anime. It happens to everyone the further they go, they are all led to moe or they quit anime. Bookmark this post and come back to it in two or three years and tell me I'm right then in the archive's ghost.
speaking of more ecchi stuff, why is there no more nudity in anime? i remember there being more bare boobs in the mid 00s and late 90s stuff
for example, midori no hibi
I grew up on both shonen and seinen anime because that's what came on TV. I never progressed into watching little girls dancing. I've pretty much quit anime because I only watch shit that I grew up on or things from that era that I've never seen. Only the weirdos devolve into moeshit. If moe were made in America, it's target audience would be pre teen girls. But since japan is an island of would-be ponyfags, "cute" shitty half-assed low effort comedies appeal to them and their American counterparts.
probably laws similar to the no blood laws
early pony
pripara unironically. it has the same director as milky holmes so the comedy is very similar, except it has cute dancing girls in it.
They'd lose money by not letting teens watch it, as well as revenue from uncensored bluray sales.
Red dwarf
Non-Non-Biyori, K-ON and Lucky Star are the only anime I've watched that male presence was minimal (as in, main characters were all girls) and I watched them specifically for the feel-good kinda feeling. Pretty successfully I might add. Rest of the stuff is shounen/seinen/harem/ecchi.
K-ON is trash
Machikado mazoku
Yuru camp
Kiniro mozaic
based post, good taste
All little girl anime is trash
Is it wrong to like natsume if I am a guy? The series just is a very calm one. Each episode you are left with this calm feeling same as aria
fucking hot bitch i'll rape her little cunt
Why would it be? Natsume is really nice. I still have to watch the other seasons.
Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru Originaru
holocaust documentary, no im not racist
But it's just a cartoon. How do you rape something that doesn't exist?
A dakikamura and a fleshlight, I'd assume.
Not that kind of warm and happy feeling, user...
based and rapepilled tho
Dragon Maid was bretty gud
Gurren Lagann, I've watched anytime I feel bummed out.