How do I get cute russian gf. No green card marriage, just cute pure Russian gf!
How do I get cute russian gf. No green card marriage, just cute pure Russian gf!
tf are those lines under her eyes
>be white
>be minimum 5'10
>be minimum 6/10
>travel to russia
It's really easy. Most russian boys are ugly.
I guess green card marriage is an option heh
I'm not sure what they are.
>russian gf
bwahahah oh fuck user. slavic women natashas are the biggest whores possible
Is this even for real? What if I'm a 5'7 manlet?
So many russian girls are quite tall
>I guess green card marriage is an option heh
They'll leave you after they get a greencard. If you're not attractive you have no chance.
>So many russian girls are quite tall
You were never in russia. There are so many nymphomaniacs. Most boys and girls are like 5'6 there.
are you a roastie, sestra?
Nah, I'm a halfrussian 7-8/10 who went to russia when I was a teenager a few times, bratan.
As long as she's my wife for a while it's okay :)
check your privilege
you have the looks and the passport
but you aint a clueless western foreigner who could be easily abused by natashas
basically godmode
She'll abuse you and waste your money.
Yeah, even every criminal I know is extremely nice to me bc I look a bit russian.
What if I'm some white passing spic? Not like white, but like tanned-pale? It's over for me
Just look at her she wouldn't hurt a fly.
Rip. Don't even try if you're not minimum 7/10.
You don't know russian girls. Many of them are disgusting. A few are cute but they won't date you.
Not sure if I'm 7/10 but I've dated girls before, all of them white so not sure, I need to travel to Russia asap t b h
Eyy, i'll come with you bro.
You monkey shouldn't try it if you don't want to get beaten up.
Unless he acts like a complete retard, I don't think he'll get beaten up.
>Implying i wont beat people up
Ok bro.
Only if he stays in tourist areas but girls there only want your money. If he can't speak russian he'll easily get robbed and beaten up in other areas.
If you're obviously not Russian and you try to act tough there, there's a 100% chance a bunch of gopniks will gang up and beat you to death.
tfw no russian tomboy gf to fuck hard every day and night
I wouldn't worry about it, i'm not dumb.
They will only see you as a t4urka if you're brown even if you're not an arab. People would team up against you, retard.
I'm not brown, i'm pretty sure i would blend in well with the way i look.
agree with these trips
>i'm pretty sure i would blend in well
Maybe in a western country but not in russia. How big are you?
>tfw don't want to crush his dreams
>tfw also don't want him beaten to death by some angry gopniks
I can easily get a girl like this. I've had better just not cute Russian gf.
>just cute pure Russian gf!
Russian women are worthless roasties who only care about getting out of their shithole of a country
>I can easily get a girl like this
You probably don't want her. Most of these girls have bpd or other mental illnesses.
Brilliant. What about my autism though?
I want a Russian bf. What are the men like over there?
>What about my autism though?
If you're 8/10 it's not a problem but if not you can forget it.
Your flat affect will blend in well in Russia.
They beat you up and rape you if you ever interact with another male in any way
more like they go whine to and send her nudes to friends and family
there's no male more passive aggressive and beta than a sissy sl*v
well howdy lass
*tips ushanka*
how's the day faring you