>women require you to have friends to date them
>never let you hang out with them
Women require you to have friends to date them
>Never will have a girl obsess over you like yuno
>What's the fucking point
It gets unhealthy over time. Not exactly worth it.
Some people crave for the existence of something just so they have the power to refuse it
says the fatass who never exercises...
god, I wish I had an abusive yandere gf
thissss why would any girl ever look at a fatty let alone obsess over one?
>not having friends who are male
your on r9k what do you expect? I want a yandere gf because I don't have or want friends I just want a gf to be with all the time.
what is the closest youve got to getting a gf before?
where do you live? how independent are you in general?
I have had women flirt with me and approach me in highschool. I live in Washington state and I wouldn't consider myself independent because im in college but I do have a job.
why would you care about how independent I am if were not gonna have kids?
You 100% need to have male friends female friends are optional but will help in finding a girlfriend. Also girls don't like it when guys have female friends because it means that they can monkey branch to a better girl. Basically it's insecurity. And if you try to call her out on having male friends then she'll call you insecure which is right. Basically to have a good relationship you'd both need to not be insecure and have friends of both sexes while being loyal to each other
too much independence is a bad thing so I need to know how much I'd contend with!
Washington is really long distance and because you're in college it would be years before you could move over or visit regularly....
Post contact anyway.
>wants yanderegf
>wild yanderegf appears
>user has fainted
oh well gg
do robots want a yandere gf because they feell ike the gf would initiate most of the difficult aspects of a relationship, like asking the other person out? is it also because youve never had a gf before and assume having someone who is overly clingy to you wouldn't be a complete annoying nightmare?
I want one because they actually have undying love for the other person that doesn't flicker out on a whim or circumstance.
I've had a gf before but normal ones suck because there's so much game playing and they can stop "loving" you at any moment. Yanderes are up front about their affection and mean it.
Overly clingy obsessed girls are best girls.
Stop fucking spewing this shit because you have no god damn idea what you're talking about. Seriously, there are people that are here all day that read this and genuinely take your word for it and resent themselves even more for being lonely.
No, you do not need friends to get a girlfriend. If you're chasing after vapid awful whores then you're going to encounter people with some ridiculous standards, but if you look at the vast majority of women they have very simple needs.
its only unhealthy if you're a soulless normie who can't match the level of love offered by a yandere
Are you still here? Will you be my yandere gf please?
I want a clingy gf to take all of my time.
It wouldn't be annoying, I want that.
Feelsbadman, here's a (you)
to those assuming the gender of OPs friends
women also don't let you hang out with your male friends
oklix PepeGiggle
Be my yandere gf if no penis
>incel trying to tell me that i dont know anything about people or relationships
Quit being retarded and let other people improve themselves
trick is not to give a shit
I kept ignoring a girl and eventually she asked my sister for my number, fwb for awhile and then had to move because that was the only way to get away from her. Stay away from BPD girls