Decided to quit soda cold turkey in an attempt to get healthier and lose weight what's a good alternative to soda...

Decided to quit soda cold turkey in an attempt to get healthier and lose weight what's a good alternative to soda? Don't get me wrong I love water but sometimes you need something with flavour. I'm about to go to the store to get a drink but not sure what to buy, is milkshake a good alternative?

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dont drink anything but water. anything you substitue for soda you will likely end up drinking too much of. cold turkey is based

you have to start with a long hard fast, im talking close to a week. at the end, those shitty lacroix waters will taste almost sweet. they wont be but they almost do

i also pick iced tea when i go out to eat

Try teas, there's a ton of them and some are quite good when cold.

Could probably get powerade or something

drink sparkling water. You'll get used to the taste after a day or so

youre addicted. drink tea and water you fool. you dont need me to tell you that youre fucking up your body drinking sugar syrups

tea (and not fucking arizonas that is just sugar water) sparkling water or juice

>drink a spoon of honey then down some sparkling water
This actually tastes better than any soda.

I drink nothing but sparkling water, coffee if i need energy, and zevia if you really need that soda kick

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flavor your water with mint and lemon,711&ssl=1

or just put a bag of peppermint tea inside a bottle of water.

no it doesn't, stop being retarded

Definitely not a milkshake, get some organic juice with no added sugar. It's sweet enough from satisfy your urge but not to bad for you.

i quit soda years ago, all i drink now is sparkling mineral water or plain soda water. try pellegrino.

>but not to bad for you.
fruit juice, even without added sugar is very bad for you. stop spreading this myth please.

I said no added sugar you fucking brainlet. The article is arguing about juice with added sugar. How retarded can you be

it's not, low IQ cunt. Read again retard.

Sparkling water is the best way to work your way out of soda. Just make sure you drink it ice cold or it will taste like absolute shit.

fructose is literal sugar, literally chemically functions exactly the same as hfcs

diet coke/pepsi worked for me. also, fun experiment to convince you to quit sugary drinks: add a table spoon of sugar to a glass of water, mix, and then drink it with your eyes closed. come back to tell me how it tastes surprisingly alike coke

if you want to lose weight, don't drink calories you moron. They don't satisfy your appetite at all. Save your calories for feeling full.

sugar free energy drinks like bang and reign. this post was sponsored by bang and reign.

Tea. Or just get some syrup and mix it in some water if you need the flavour.

I got one of those soda stream things where you make bubbly water and added flavor to the water.
I know they also have so you can make something that tastes like Pepsi and it's sugar hell and all but just regular flavors like pear, watermelon, citrus etc.

Did that for 5 months whenever I were thirsty and dropped 50 pounds along with some walking every other day.

Black coffee for the caffeine.
Tea (no added sugar) for the flavor.

I drink green tea a lot. It tastes a lot better than plain water, you can cold- or hot-brew depending on the season. Can be flavored with all kinds of not-sugary things, I sometimes use mint, lime, ginger, but it's good as it is, don't tend to flavor it often.

I like iced tea, simple and easy to drink.
I genuinely enjoy unsweetened but flavored seltzer water but most people dont.

Its fine to grab a soda once in a while.

>needs flavor
exercise then see what drink u prefer fat ass

all of this

only good thing 7up-snapple distributes

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looks expensive

grow a stevia plant

You could try tea or coffee to get your caffine fix. Sugar isnt replaceable.

Try mio if you just want flavor fren, you can get it sugar free but it's still sweet
Sucralose isn't very bad for you either c:

All natural juice, water and milk you don't need anything else.

>literally cant imagine consuming a liquid other than sugar juice

most obvious step is to switch to diet soda. don't believe the fake news propaganda from the sugar industry that it will somehow make you gain weight anyway. its literally 0 calorie.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned this.
1/4th of glass is fruit juice
3/4th sparkling water
result is soda, but less sugar, and more natural if real fruitjuice

Diet soda dumb shit

they're only like 2 bucks a bottle. And they're delicious as fuck

Ice tea, tastes better and is FAR healthier.
Ice water is also very underrated

I drink unsweet tea and seltzer on a daily basis. Just plain sparkling water is spiking in popularity here in the states.

These. The fizzy carbonation and aluminum can give you the same psychological satisfaction that opening a can of soda does. And the flavor infusion tricks your mind into tasting sweetness. 0 calories, no artificial sweeteners, just water and flavoring. Worked for me anyways.

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not the user you were replying to but this is quite the flimsy defense

>Although most of the studies are using sugar-sweetened or fructose-sweetened drinks, there is no reason to assume that 100% fruit juice would be any different. The sugar molecules are identical and your liver won't be able to tell the difference.

>But just in case you're in doubt, some studies did use actual fruit juice. In one of them, 480 ml (16 ounces) of grape juice per day for 3 months caused insulin resistance and increased waist circumference in overweight individuals (16Trusted Source).

Lol if you think something like orange juice registers the same as coca-cola on the glycemic index or that the phytonutrients+other benefits aren't worthwhile.
You're a fucking nutritional brainlet. It's ok.

that's a ton, those bottles look tiny. even the cheapest coconut water is pretty pricey

god, I can never fathom how La Croix is getting so much traction when it tastes like acid and salt-water. I tried one at a buddies house and I spat onto the garage floor in pure instict, it's so fucking disgusting.

OP, buy these instead. Sparkling water that actually taste decent, even in room temperature. It's still sweet despite have virtually no sugar

if 2 bucks is pricey, then try pic related. They're only a buck, sometimes 75 cents, and you can get them practically anywhere (dollar stores, retail, gas stations, etc)

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>I tried one at a buddies house and I spat onto the garage floor in pure instict, it's so fucking disgusting
with an attitude like that im very impressed you can kick the sugar meme

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$1.25 where I live

good stuff

I purely drink water, milk, or milk-tea (along with an occasional sparkling water or protein shake when I'm out and about). I'm not exactly a health nut, but if you at least have an average IQ and some trait of self-control, it shouldn't be hard to cut out soda or crazy sugar-packed drinks.

"aguas frescas"


Jamaica (hibiscus tea):

For other flavors like (water)melon, pineapple, etc you dont even need to heat anything.
Just blend that shit up then strain it then pour it over ice.

Also ginger ale and lemon/lime aid.

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Pro-tips from a professional soda-quitter, 3 years in;

Just drink water. Get yourself a big-ass water bottle, first thing you do every morning is fill it up and start drinking. Before your coffee or anything, immediately get and start drinking your water.

Get yourself 2-3 of those hand-sized bottles of iced tea from the local super-market, drink half of one with a meal, preferably just one meal a day or less. Make it special and not a routine.

No sugar in your coffee.

Eventually you will reach a point where you're fine with water and sweetened drinks like soda and iced tea make you feel disgusting (because they fucking are disgusting)

>Plain sparkling water/club soda/ selztzer water/ mineral water

I was a diet soda addict for 8 years, I drank 2 to 4 litres of diet soda a day. I quit cold turkey drinking club soda with a lime in it. Day 1 and 3 were horrible, but I'm on day 9 and feel great. Tried drinking a diet soda last night, it was too sweet and hurt my stomach

i quit soda about a year ago. one of the better decisions in my life. i found that arizona green tea was a good substitute for it. i also occasionally drink soda, but treat it like a dessert. dont deny your cravings, but also dont lose your dignity and pig out.

> feel disgusting (because they fucking are disgusting)

Absolutely fucking retarded bullshit. Soda is fucking delicious. I drink 3 light sodas every day. I'm 6'1 tall and I can bench 3 plates at 190 body weight

did you reach a point where you're fine with water tho

Whatever you substitute it with make sure to check the sugar content of, a lot of flavored drinks have just as much sugar.
Also Kombucha

powerade is as bad as soda

I drink too much water, actually. 2 gallons in a day and it just isn't enough to parch my mouth. I can chug half a gallon or more in one sitting and stilll feel like I need it. But I don't want to fuck my salts up so I limit myself to 1.5 gallons per day and feeling dehydrated. My lips and skin are dry, so it's not diabetes. My blood sugar is pretty normal.

Sparkling water is great, my personal favs are Cucumber Mint found at Target, PeachPear LaCroix found fucking everywhere, and Peach Perrier found in some places (Kroger and Target in my area)

I drink coffee, when I want a treat I pour in steamed milk

Sodafag here as well. I posted on /ck/ and they recommended switching to tea.

Unsweet tea
Black coffee

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I'm the same way. I did what he said when I stopped drinking soda and now I can't not be thirsty. I drink gallons of water every day. It's fucking annoying.

diet soda, replacing it with tea, milkshake, etc is retarded and worse

Make your own tea. If you want something sweet, start with red tea, but DON'T add sugar. once you get used to red tea, then transition to green. afterwards, transition to water. That's how I went from drinking 2l of soda daily to just water.

How exactly is tea worse than soda?

I replaced soda with coffee. I love my caffeine too much, but at least drinking black instead is zero cal.

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Tea, I like black tea with milk, it's great. There are a lot to try though, I drink coffee as well. Outside of that water fits into the rest.

Honestly the substitutes aren't great they're all more acidic than water which can cause some negative health effects like ulcers or kidney stones.

That all being said I'll recommend coffee, tea, flavored sparkling water, those "mio" drink enhancer things.

he probably means typical sweetened ice tea like Arizona tea. Making regular brewed tea is fine. Also recommend sparkling water.

I mean if you force yourself to drink water you WILL get used to it. Flavored drinks are sort of addictive but the addiction fades.

hi user. put these in your water for some flavor.

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>tfw when you realise you are several months older than Misato.

And asuka still a shit.

Crystal light is obsolete tbqh... you don't need to stir those new concentrate products so they're better.

chocolate milk and water

Cold Tea, really good and no sugar

Almond milk (no sugar added) iced coffee latte. It's my favorite and I drink it every morning. I live in NYC where there's a coffee shop around every corner, but if you want to make it yourself it's super easy.