How do wageslaves do it? Been working for 4 years but I knew in the first week that it was only going to get worse...

How do wageslaves do it? Been working for 4 years but I knew in the first week that it was only going to get worse. How do they do this their whole lives? And when you try to explain to people, especially boomers, they just think you are lazy. It is not the act of work I hate, it is just how modern jobs are. Is a minimalist lifestyle or off the grid lifestyle the answer?
>inb4 part time
It might work for a short while, but I know I will be right back here eventually

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Honestly cannot wait for the boomer generation to die

I guess boomers werent asked to work as hard as millennials, they just kind of spend a good pprtion of their time fooling around

they delude themselves into thinking it'll get better if they just keep pursuing pointless goals only to end up like this guy

>It is not the act of work I hate, it is just how modern jobs are
So you wrote an entire paragraph and still never explained what specifically aggravates you about it.

I hate the act of work too, but here's how I handle it: my job is something most people can't do (so there's some pride behind it), I save 80% of my income and build more passive income, and my boss loves me (to the point we're landlords of the same property).

Whenever I ask a complainer to actually explain his job/career, it becomes very obvious that he just made poor life decisions and deserves it.

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Ok, here goes. I think what I hate the most about jobs is the main reason why people have them in the first place, money. I hate chasing money and I wish I could live without needing it. Everyone is trying to make more money, but my goal is trying to lessen the need for it, eventually not needing it at all if that is even possible. That is why I could never be self employed or run my own business, the goal in those is to make money still. That is why I asked if an off the grid lifestyle is the solution. Probably should have explained why I hate modern jobs though so Yh, my bad

>it becomes very obvious that he just made poor life decisions and deserves it.
t. gilded age aristocrat

>I save 80% of my income and build more passive income
Boom, there you go. I'm on the same page - it's the only reason why I slave it up each day

Well yeah, all the benefits you get from on-grid are linked to opportunity costs and money, which savings from jobs facilitate, so you'll never escape that unless you go off-grid.

The only other thing is do what I do: put up with it for a while, save save save and build passive income so you don't have to work after you're 40.

I'm in my mid-20s and started with nothing, but great job on not actually answering my criticism.

Rooting for you. Hate people who have the gall to complain when they waste their money on stupid shit.

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I only imagine they had loving wives and kids at home and it made them satisfied knowing they did it to support their family. What cucks.

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I save most of my income like you so saving is no issue for me, but I am not sure how much more of this I can take. Trying to do this for another 15-20 years sounds like hell. Tbqh, I have no idea what an off the grid lifestyle would entail. I spent a summer with my cousins who live on a farm 8 years ago and it was hard work and that was semi off the grid. I am willing to give it a go if it means I can escape wageslaving for money though

Wageslaves have people in their lives such as wives/kids to give them reasons to work, other than that I don't really question why they do things. I personally hate working just as much as anyone else, and to me the greatest luxury is the ability to not have to slave away for 8+ hours a day, which is the reason why I'm saving and investing my money/being careful which banks I use, I don't want to work all of my life.

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>started with nothing
>not actually answering my criticism
your pretending doesnt change anything

I've been working for 3 days and already want to kill myself since I have no time to do anything. This isn't my first job either, this happens everytime I spend a few years being a NEET
cycle goes
>get job
>hate it and want to be a NEET
>quit after a few months
>be NEET
>mentally draining after a few years
>get job

I started with a minimum wage job at age 25. I'm almost 28 now and have a net worth of $121k (pic related - although I didn't SS the August budget sheet yet).

>your pretending doesnt change anything
First you accused me of being something and now you're accusing me of pretending when you couldn't back up your first accusation. If that's how it's going to work in service of avoiding my basic criticism, why defend any accusation if you'll just jump to the next? Accuse me of something and tell me what reasonably available evidence you'd accept over the Internet and answer my criticism or fuck off, you boring brainlet.

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Are you planning to buy a house? Go into neetdom for years? invest that money?

As mentioned in my first post, I and my boss (we work for 7 car dealerships in accounting) and co-owners of a property. The net worth factors that into one of the columns. Eventually I'll just reinvest into another property and rinse and repeat until I have enough sources to never bother working again. I'm sure at this rate I'll be retired by 40 since I don't need a lot to maintain my lifestyle.

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My friend recently got his first job after ten straight years of being a NEET on welfare. He says that it gets easier and easier because your brain just turns to mush after a while. You get used to "chitchat," you get used to the grind, you get used to always having "something to do," you get used to not having to think about deeper issues of purpose or meaning in your life because there IS always something to do tomorrow, some errand to run. He says normies love errands, their whole mind and life is taken up by errands, and they do them all naturally. They don't perceive an errand as something that breaks up their usual flow, the endless errands simply become the flow.

Also remember that normies have never experienced higher consciousness of any kind. Or if they have, it was quickly destroyed before it could become a habit. All they know is consumption, herd behaviors, "fitting in," socializing, petty workplace drama.

Also, keep in mind that women are 60% of the people you're seeing, and women are the ultimate normies. For a woman, twenty years of monotonous workplace drama is as enjoyable as being on NEETbux and playing video games all day would be for you. Workplace drama is women's favorite video game. They really enjoy it. They love to just exist passively for 20-30 years and pass the hours by always being in some kind of cunty feud with their other female coworkers.

is the accusation you are referring to aristocrat? i think we both know that wasnt literal so this seems insincere especially the line of reasoning you go on to follow, but in case sincere ill address it.
my initial comment hinges on what you meant by 'poor' and how you arbitrate deserving. as in
-someone relatively well informed but impulsive/high time preference
-someone not well informed and risk averse
-someone informed only by cultural traditions and doing their best to carry those out
i was implying you have survivors bias, subscribe to just world, and are ignoring your talents/factors which worked in your favor by hyperbolically calling you an aristocrat

oh, are you are accounting user? has a wife, she helped you with accounting, supposedly got involved before you had any wealth to your name, you do some kind of financing for a dealership because you can get a better rate than they can, you are a good talker?

Don't bother, mate. You will never convince a burger they didn't earn their money any other way than through blood sweat and tears. If you're stuck in a ghetto waiting to die it's because you just didn't pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

>is the accusation you are referring to aristocrat? i think we both know that wasnt literal so this seems insincere especially the line of reasoning you go on to follow, but in case sincere ill address it.
I didn't care about the hyperbole, but when you said I was pretending the second time not to be, you're at the very least suggesting a higher allocation of ease over grit would fairly describe the output of my current circumstances, which is an accusation I would deny when levied against me. I'm not ignoring my personal talents that helped bolster it; I do think a lot of what it would take to straighten out an encumbered person's financial life does not require the same personal talents/it would just take some common sense, which poor people typically lack.

Yes. Great memory, fellow user.
>you do some kind of financing for a dealership because you can get a better rate than they can
That's the only inaccuracy - I'm an accounting analyst, payroll accountant and I also do some actuarial work. Thanks for saying hello in any case!

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>you get used to always having "something to do,"
this is probably the best explanation of why I hated having a job (and hated being in college before that), I never got used to always having something to do. I never stopped wanting it to just all cease so that I wouldn't have to get up and do this or that task today. Evey once in a while I see some normal post about how they can't stand being neet because they get cabin fever within a few days of not having "something to do", and it blows my mind. I get whatever the opposite of cabin fever is.

It really depends man. I literally work my dream job so I dont have this kind of problem but when i used to work at a box factory my life was a living hell and I wanted to off myself every day. But now I literally love work I wake up every morning looking forward to going to work every morning.

>How do wageslaves do it?
You mean, having the ability to go to work everyday and thrive? It starts with having a proper home base to grow in that amplifies you from the moment you wake up to the moment you go out the door, and at minimum a low capacity well rounded skill set for the job to build off of.

For me, this requires living alone at all costs, as the majority of Americans are toxic and cause domestic disturbance (which statistically happens to be the deadliest and #1 reason for police calls in the US)

>How do they do this their whole lives?
Proper work life balance . . or being an indentured servant (dependents). If the work you doing isn't your passion, you should pursue something you're **passionate** about when not working at all times possible. Stress release outlet for the soul.

>Is a minimalist lifestyle or off the grid lifestyle the answer?
Depends, what is your vision for your ideal life that would make you the happiest?

Why do you hate it? That's the part you should work on. Would a better diet, more comfortable shoes, or more sleep make things easier? Always equip yourself to make work as easy possible, then you might hate it less or not at all.

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i am a burger as well. its not about convincing but understanding what he meant by that
>you're at the very least suggesting a higher allocation of ease over grit would fairly describe the output of my current circumstances, which is an accusation I would deny when levied against me
our backgrounds may influence interpretations of intended suggestions/implications here so allow me to clarify.
i did not intent to focus on your efforts/gritt, but circumstance, so consequently access to information and talents. pursuing a goal inherently takes effort, but if we seize all assets from the average person and someone like Soros/Buffett, then give each $1000 to start their financial journey, the outcomes will obviously not be equal. i think much of that can be prescribed to not only their social spheres, but great disparities in actions which each habituated and would consider that a practical definition of common sense
>Thanks for saying hello in any case!
always interested in the opinions of the successful especially when i disagree

Nothing I harnessed, whether it's access to info or resources, when starting with $0 to my name came at a premium. Factoring in the talent is an account of what lets me luxuriate in relief at the end of the day (knowing I can do a lot better than a lot of other people). Factoring in talent is not an account, however, of emancipation from financial crippling, unless you explain to me what premium was laid at my feet. If you take the route of saying I had a good family or whatever, I would say plenty of the morons who are financially crippled had similar venn diagrams in their upbringing and still wound up making stupid decisions, which I didn't, and I can't accept that talent renders someone impervious to stupid decisions before common sense.

>your brain just turns to mush after a while.
this, the pain receptors in your brain get fried after awhile and you can't feel anything. Its like torturing a dead dog. All I can think is "What do i do next?" and also what porn i'm going to fap to when i get home. Then repeat forever. t. wagie

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ill have to ask for some leniency as im not sure i completely grasp your post.
i think you know, given the circumstance, i cant preform a factor analysis to empirically demonstrate "what premium was laid at" specifically your feet. also, im going to work backwards since previously i thought we were simply clarifying our positions to eventually define poor and deserving in:
>he just made poor life decisions and deserves it
is it arithmatic, as in empirically some decisions are worse than others with regards to financial freedom and results are simply the sum of actions
is it moral, as in humans have intrinsic ethical codes, can delineate between decisions in familiar and unfamiliar contexts, and simply demonstrate their own immorality through failure and success
can you clarify and provide your own example?
to go back to your most recent comment, good family is vague and could manifest as anything from high iq, a reference to a predisposition to conscientiousness which is a powerful predictor for lifetime success, to more specifically generational traditions of valuing knowledge and its applications as is common in jewish, quaker and jesuit households. i dont think id be allowed sufficient evidence to prove my claim
>you have survivors bias, subscribe to just world, and are ignoring your talents/factors which worked in your favor by hyperbolically calling you an aristocrat
and rightfully so given anonymous image board. you obviously disagree, so you also wouldnt anonymize anything useful and post it for me. basically, ass i can do is post predictors of success and hope you are honest if one meets your circumstance, but i am very interested in your definitions which were the heart of this

Your post speaks to me. Especially the first part. What do you do? How do you make a living? What part of the US do you live in?

I currently live in SoCal. No choice but to live with my parents. They hate me. I want to live alone but can't afford it anywhere around here. I need to move but I can't find a a half decent job with my worthless bachelor's degree.

>What do you do? How do you make a living?

If you live in the US? Ask family or friends of family to give you a referral for a job application (anyone given a referral on a job application gets hired first- nepotism is how this country operates).

If you don't have that option, look for companies willing to pay for you to get licensed in something (manufacturing, automotive, licensed sales, etc).

Once you have a "qualification", thats when you can eek out a small "living". Unless you get lucky and can take public transpo or walk quickly to work.

>What part of the US do you live in?
I actually don't have a permanent address as I'm a contractor

lol full communism when? seriously though anybody against communism just strikes me as a crypto boomer wannabe

Getting a basic low en job here in eu it would take me over 10 years of savings after basic bills are paid and not spending anything to get there

>not inheriting a quarter mil at 19
Honestly, I'd be wildly lost without the money. Basically all I have to do now is just let it build in the background while I half ass a job for 20 more years until I can retire early. Oh also, I'm paying for my own house in cash soon, closing should be in a couple weeks. Looking forward to sitting around the christmas tree with hot chocy in my own home this holiday season.

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Yea, maaaan. History is just propaganda to support the bourgeoisie!!!

People don't 'chase' money, nitwit. They need money to trade for shit they need to provide for themselves and others.

>Also remember that normies have never experienced higher consciousness of any kind. Or if they have, it was quickly destroyed before it could become a habit. All they know is consumption, herd behaviors, "fitting in," socializing, petty workplace drama.

I started a new job at the start of august, 2 weeks in and I want to blow my fucking brains out.
I'll work this winter and then I'll fuck off

If that were the case then I'd see significantly less billionaires with jobs.

I don't know how people wage slave full time unless they have a really good job where they don't actually have to work the whole time. I did full time wage slavery for like a month and that was it, I would have rather killed myself than continued. I wage slave part time now and its a lot more bearable, I could do it for an extended period of time. My goal is still to eventually work from home though. That's the only way I can see myself working for the rest of my life.

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>Grandpa was a millionaire
>Left $500,00 to my aunt who already has a paid off house, paid off vehicles and goes on yearly vacations to hawaii
>Left $500,000 to my junkie dad who shot it up and gambled it all away in a year and is homeless now
>My brother and I got $5,000 each
I mean, I was't good to him because I thought I was getting a paycheck but goddamn it felt bad to realize you will be reaching for every last penny the rest of your life when you thought you might be able to buy a house or something and not worry for once in your life.

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Tell me your story, user. I wanna learn how to make it

Oof. That's the worst. I got mine from a relative I barely even knew.

>Whenever I ask a complainer to actually explain his job/career, it becomes very obvious that he just made poor life decisions and deserves it.

I am a programmer, and I hate it
I went to the top ranked university in my state, for free, because I had the highest SAT and ACT in my high school, as well as a near perfect GPA

First year of university I was undeclared, had no idea what I wanted to rope myself into. After doing research (government statistics on median income for recent grads) and a few people telling me to, I decided to go to with economics. I'm a genetic night owl so it was good for me since there was a lot of online and afternoon classes. Plus it was one of the best ranked degrees in terms of jobs after.

I got an internship doing basic web dev shit. It was my first job at age 21. I excelled enormously, I immediately became the best employee, highest paid (which was still very shit pay) and I made my boss a fuckton of money. The thing was it was so very low pay and there were zero benefits. Additionally it was all under the table. After 4.5 years my dad was begging me to quit, telling me the guy was taking advantage of me and I could easily get a better job

So I left, moved back in with my parents. Technically, I still worked there remotely. So there was absolutely no 'gap' on my resume of NEETdom. It took me almost a year to get this new programming job (not web dev, actual programming, I don't deal with any HTML or CSS). For some reason, nobody wanted to hire me.

I fucking hate it. I hate waking up early. I hate driving to work. I hate sitting in a chair for 8 hours. I hate programming now. Unfortunately I have no idea what kind of job I could actually enjoy.
The hope is that I will just get more experience, and my health won't deteriorate TOO much, and I'll be able to work remotely, part time
I'd pay anyone $5,000 if they could some how make me enjoy this. My parents see how miserable I am and insist I go to a therapist (doesn't help)


it's gotten to the point where I gave up ever trying to get a gf. I used to have dreams of starting a family and getting a gf and all that. I have had sex with a few girls (I didn't love them, I just wanted to try it and to be able to say I wasn't a virgin)

I gave all that up because wageslaving is just so terrible.

If I can do ANYTHING to retire earlier I will. If that means not having children, that's absolutely fine with me. Heck, I'd happily give up my testicles if it meant I could retire forever!

It just makes me so absolutely miserable I can't justify creating a child if I can't afford them to be NEET in the chance that they, just like me, can't get paid to do the things they enjoy.

Wageslaving is 8 hours of guaranteed misery and boredom, preventing you from achieving anything, doing anything enjoyable or truly constructive.

And of all the jobs in the world I feel like mine is the least horrible (except for remote work, which nobody wanted to pay me to do for some reason).

Honestly the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I think once my parents die I can retire off their inheritance. If I knew I would be forced to wageslave for another 40+ years I'd just kill myself now. Well, I'd quit my job and just live off my savings for as long as I can doing enjoyable things (my hobbies/interests are absolutely free) and THEN I would kill myself. Because life actually is worth living if you're NEET/retired

Yeah well, not everyone is lucky enough to have wealthy relatives user.

The 1 programmer that isn't a "My life is perfect" LARP

After getting paid to code for a few weeks I started to very much dislike it

I am not sure how people can enjoy programming just like that.

At least it's very easy and I can't imagine a job that would make me less miserable

Why do you hate programming?

I used to enjoy it but somehow just doing it for work made me hate it. I just don't enjoy anything about it. Seems totally pointless. Even though there is a point: I get paid to do it. That's why I do it, for money.

Like I said, there's not really any sort of activity I think would be enjoyable that someone would pay me to do. So, I choose to sell my labor as a programmer.

What is the alternative? Starving to death and being homeless

Here's some options. They aren't the best but some might work for some people.
>Gain a trade that you can eventually break off & be self employed.
If you have no employees you can work only when you need the money.
>Live off grid
You will have to pay property taxes but it's cheaper than rent for the msot part. Plus you have to know survival stuff & what not.
>Van life
This should only be used to save money for property or some other big purchase
>Scam gov for money
IDK the first thing about this except getting unemployment while working cash jobs
You have to be really smart to do this on a profitable lvl & not get caught.
You might even need a crew of people & that means bigger & more heists to pay them all.
Bonus: You might become a bandit king & that's pretty bad ass

They have some kind of motivation that is hard to relate to I think