NEETs enjoying a /comfy/ night shitposting while wagies cry themselves to sleep at the prospect of another week of backbreaking labour edition
first for fuck mudslimes
send them back to africka
Second for scat
>sue brunning isn't my gf
why must i suffer like this
the lonely loner seems to free his mind at night
I'd curate her corner
>he complains about WHO his girlfriend is
I just want A girlfriend.
>tfw no Britney wife
Meanwhile I'd be shagging her in the bedroom.
Prince Andrew is a child extortion enabler and paedophile
She was 17 and consented.
That's not a nice way to talk about Prince Andrew
Well the 3-Iron torrent was dogshit, it was a VHS with static in the background.
I will be watching 'Persona' instead. Starting in 5, just need to get out of these jeans.
Anyone got a name that can be easily shortened? With some it seems fine, like Jon from Jonathon or Tom from Thomas. But what if you had a name like Andrew, and people just happened to call you Andy?
Would you be ok with that? Not my name by the way, the above posts just reminded me.
Seems a bit too familiar, bit too casual. Happens to me at work and it's a bit jarring even though my friends call me the shortened-y version.
what if that's a shit copy?
>Kidnapped child consented to rape
Yeah, no pal
This is a post by the Banbury Fatman.
Alexander is so versatile as a name.
that's too old for him though
Where's the best place to get ringtones boys? I used to use Zedge back in the Wild West days but now it's gone
Preferably meme ringtones but even just somewhere with ordinary music will do
She was seventeen so not a child.
People actually lengthen my name endearingly. Can't actually tell you what it is without doxxing myself though
wonder why moni hasn't mentioned the job search now his laptops sorted, he was constantly saying how not having a laptop was the only reason he was working a dead end call center job, but now his new laptops setup but he hasn't mentioned job hunting could it be he's just a lazy cunt who makes excuses?
can just make em yourself lad if they're normal songs
You lads need to be a lot more consistent with your thread image.
> No funny depressive word that rhymes with August
>No additions to the image to reflect funny/notable images in the last month
>No subtractions for the dead content
>One lad wanted the greggs turned into a robot cock/vape shop
>The callcentre upstairs could easily be changed to that lads image macro where he posts most weekdays sating he wants to kill himself
>No Boris/Brexit refs or anything referencing the news in general
>No senor benis
You lot are loosing your edge.
I only a few days ago realised that cinema theaters nowadays only show digital and I'm more upset than I should
be. I thought all actual cinemas stayed 35mm and I think that's soulless as fuck. That's how illl describe nowadays: soulless. It's the cars, films, food,tv,sport. It's all maybe better but just straight up soulless. Except Celtic. Except bye bye Keiran Tierney.
fuck off why isnt the capture working
You could always make your own? That's what I did.
Using audacity I pulled the noise I liked from an anime and I use that.
>You seem to have mistyped the captcha!
>Buy a pass!
If I'm going down as the funny alcoholic then have this
we need big baz to take down this royal nonce
what if I listen to abnormal music like metal? can I still make em myself?
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams
Just go ahead, let your hair down
Your name Richard and they call you dick?
I've been hoping someone would add the little girls jeans to the OP image, it's never going to be not funny.
Is the capatcha working again?
Was gonna ask how to do that and then I got memed by the fucking captcha
Audacity, huh? Is that an app?
not got the skills to pay the bills or i'd give it a go
I can only think of John/Johnny.
Hypocorism is the "proper" word. Although no such thing as a hypercorism.
Alri Andy Pandy
Hahaha, very close. Ricky, only started when someone from work overheard my friend.
Dick doesn't sound nice at all.
Hate it when someone gives me life advice when their own life is a mess, especially when I didnt ask for it. I suppose it makes them feel better telling someone how to live their life.
Adam but people in school used to call me "madam"
Dunno about android but on iOS you just crop any song to the right amount and convert it to the right format and drag it into iTunes then sync to your phone.
Presume it's even easier on Android
sorry about that madam
Audacity is a computer program if that's what you meant by app.
it's still a thing though user. it's on that google play store thing
Nah, standard android doesn't have any useful features like that. It's google innit, they want you to install an app that is full of adverts. It's how they make their money. One of the versions of android that companies customise might have the option though.
Better than my mate who was called "Ads".
>oi ads bruv
I hate when overweight and out of shape people give me health advice, legitimately had a mate who does coke and drinks himself stupid every weekend tell me to "watch out with them protein shakes" because it's probably overly processed and bad for me I generally hate anyone who gives unsolicited advice
Would it be cucked to go and teach in Africa for a bit? I have no interest in Africa or Africans, but it might be a bit different.
My name is poo mong :) some people call me pong :D
Not cucked but you need to understand that there's a very real chance of you being killed.
You sure you can't drop an MP3 into a folder using Android File Transfer? That's usually how it is with Android stuff
having sex would also be a bit different for you so do that instead
>tfw no GigaChad
Why would I risk my life to civilise them? I dunno, I'm not feeling it. Especially if I won't even be paid decently.
Had sex fairly recently mate.
You can pick a standard MP3/FLAC or whatever and use it as a ringtone but android has no option for you to select a portion of that track to use as a ringtone. It simply plays it from the beginning.
>Had sex fairly recently mate.
your hand isnt a woman fella
>Why would I
I don't know, no sane person would. It's a white saviour thing that middle class girls do so they can brag about it later.
You're asking me and I think it's fucking stupid.
Here's a famous example I remember
ive had sex around 15 times in my life
Download Audacity (bit of a shite app but does the job for free) and trim it to the portion you want.
Maybe his hand is female, you never know these days.
Once every year ?
no, they were all bunched together in an absolute shaggathon that lasted about 6 months, that was in 2011 though
Alright babe wanna try for 16?
I'm not the user who wants ringtones, I was just explaining that stock android doesn't have that nifty little feature.
Audacity is a good shout, but if it's only a one-off the lad can use something like (or google for any other "online audio cutter") and do it on the web.
I seem to accidentally bring about a lot of funny happenings. Shippy replied to me posting his nonce stuff and the lad knocking about in female kid jeans posted his clothing to me
I have caused loads of other stuff like the ebin and tilde vocaroo and started loads of memes ( someone should repost the vocaroo)
>Alright babe wanna try for 16?
yes pls
The vocaroo is expired and no longer exists. Perhaps Shippy saved a copy.
I know what you mean, I have a mate who eats trash. All I see him eat is processed poison, and he often takes issue with me eating very little meat and no processed stuff.
do you guys trim the hair on your arse?
nah i just let it get all long and pooey. the poo keeps it healthy, like a mousse.
Been away since Jan lads, did I miss anything?
it's weird how the people who seem to be in the worse shape try and give the most advice, I wonder if it's a defense mechanism thing
>oh anons having some home cooked meal whilst I'm going to walk to mcdonalds, if I give him a little bit of advice it'll make it not seem as bad
or some kind of logic like that
I need to do that. It's starting to itch and sometimes gets pieces of toilet roll stuck in it
>removing any hair other than facial or head hair
Nothing wrong with hypocrites, they know best most of the time.
I've lost 8 stone
going to roll a big fat spliff then go to bed and watch a film. pacific rim. hope it's not pacific grim. haha.
user lost 8 stone
there's some cunt who won't shut the fuck up about his scottish friend
apart from that, not much
Britfeel archivist has saved it
Such weird freaky mongs. He's gotta be putting a voice.
Tilde should voice something in a horror film.
what/who have you been doing in your time away.
>tfw not much facial hair
makes me feel less of a man
>removing facial hair
alright ya bufty, out of the thread with you
wonder what norf fc would think if they heard this
>he shaves his arse hair
>needs facial hair to hide his weak chin or big fat second chin
I don't feel like shaving. I don't feel like going in to work tomorrow. I don't feel like doing much of anything at all
Congrats lad, proud of ya
That was going on while I was last here, gotta hand it to the lad for keeping it up.
Working mostly I guess, i've been lurking just not on r9k/britfeel longest I've ever been away from it in the last 5 years, been almost daily apart from this year.
>I don't feel like going in to work tomorrow
If I were you, I wouldn't bother.
Do men have groombrides then?
Nice that you at least pretend you remove it.
Get my bum back and sack waxed once a month.
Just woke up. Watching the Summerslam pre-show on my phone.
edgbaston offers everyone out
>gifted with good chin genetics
>still a loser on r9k
Probably should wax it really.