Why does every critique of socialism sound like it was written by a boomer?

Why does every critique of socialism sound like it was written by a boomer?

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Because only zoomers fall for it

Boomers love socialism, they love those social security bucks you'll never see ;)

Fall for what? Socialism or the American brand of propaganda?

Because it was disproven that long ago in the early 1900s. Language hasn't changed that much, it's just your brainlet ass who can't read at a 10th grade level.

Did I miss this on her Instagram?

Oh my bad didn't realize you were retarded. Nvm then

What was disproven? Socialism? I'm talking about boomers. I'm perfectly capable of reading and researching on my own but that has nothing to do with my post.

Why does every socialist sound like a whiny faggot millennial?

>inb4 boomer
Gen Zyklon.

Omg see? These fucking crypto boomers are insufferable. You can't ask them ANYTHING about socialism without them either playing dumb or just being outright hostile! This is the reason socialism is growing in popularity among the youth.

you sound like an insufferable Ioser

Samefag. You stupid faggot communist.

>What was disproven? Socialism?

>I'm perfectly capable of reading and researching on my own
Doubtful. You couldn't even understand my simple post.

So, a gen X'er?

Thats funny, you've still failed to respond to the OP

I was going to respond to OP with "because it's only young people who have been tricked by the Jew into being niggerized and wanting Socialism." Based.

Hey OP, even if robbing workers of their money and giving it to niggers (or, hell, even giving it to civilized people who work and aren't self-destructive) wasn't unfair and illogical, it eventually creates laziness, stupidity, criminality, and ends in collapse. What don't you understand about that? Other than someone being disabled or extremely elderly (and even in that case, it should be purely charity), why in the fuck should someone else receive money from others for free, other than via charity?

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The boomers spent over a trillion dollars in wars and propaganda (and continue to do so) to imply that capitalism is the system that best helps the individual flourish.

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You're right, I changed my mind. I LOVE giving my surplus labor value to some rich dickhead now.

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You know this girl is 15, right?

>At least those billions of dollars can't be used to give black people education, stable communities, access to health care, access to child care, etc.

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>But I get to pretend like my country's decisions didn't directly and solely cause the refugee crisis, so whatever

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>Yeah, but brown man had like 3 grams of weed and wasn't even going to change his friend to get him high.

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why did you abandon the previous thread? i still ask, why are you interested in continuing with the capitalism/socialism dichotomy when both facilitate the exploitation of poor/working people? we should be working together to find a way out of this dialect

We have enough homes and food in the richest country on Earth, but too many of the wrong people have too much of the magic sky paper so they need to suffer

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Funny thing is that Blacks had all of that back in 50s before Democrats started doling out billions of dollars of gibs per year to blacks

>muh "Jewish socialism" shit
Yeah I wonder who loves capitalism, money, and focus on creating and maintaining a small group of powerful people in a society that you're able to exert power with said money.

Definitely blacks fault. You will never solve anything you want to solve because your are a fucking blind retard who cannot into thinking past surface level observations.

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What the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to say that there's an option besides "hierarchy or no hierarchy"? Like "Kind of hierarchy?"

Or are you just here to say that anarcho-syndicalism doesn't exist?

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Fo Jews want money or do they want socialism? Pick one

>back in 50s

Could you help me put this into context please? Was this during the lynchings? Was this during the Tuskegee syphilis experiment? Was this before or after the Black Panthers got called terrorists for exercising their second amendment rights?

I'm just kidding, don't answer that. I'm not about to entertain how cool apartheid states are. If I make too many concessions about it, I might start thinking Israel is cool.

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Because the majority of Millennials and younger people support it.

Counting both their payments to the state (taxes) and benefits from the state, the average nigger costs white and asian taxpayers $750,000 over the course of its life.


>Please don't give me the insulin. If I get insulin, then some nigger gets insulin and then I get the big sad

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>but too many of the wrong people have too much of the magic sky paper so they need to suffer
when you make yourself the arbiter of such judgments, you are free to justify anything to achieve your means. also, killing those people doesnt remove all of those kinds of people. those people have skills which must be disseminated to the general populace to prevent them from being exploited, it is essentially economic and administrative literacy. if you only kill them and replace them with another group, those vulnerable workers are just as disenfranchised as they were previously with no guarantee of improvement
previously, people were promoting a capitalism/socialism dichotomy. since you introduce anarcho-syndicalism i say orthodoxy is intended as a mechanism for keeping the poor people, who are not paid to study and hypothesize, inside the exploitative systems of the rich. however, op was only regarding socialism so it is what i limited myself to

Why does any defense of socialism sound like it was written by someone impervious to empirical evidence?

>It's racism to not steal

Interesting It's not interesting____________________

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Because they can speak intelligently.

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>Those people have skills

The only skill of the landlord is owning things

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>all of the poorest people give their money to the rich
>to solve this we take all the money from the rich and give it to the poor
>they give it back to the rich
you see the issue? very moderate socialism where the poorest people are just taken care of is alright though

But all forms of government are challenged. If Communism can't protect it's self it is a failed ideology.

itself* you don't need the apostrophe

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this is just as reductive as the
>too many of the wrong people have too much of the magic sky paper so they need to suffer
statement. if you believe there is no competency scale in economic systems/systems of administration i would wonder how you delineate skilled doctors from unskilled. simply because some use it to rent seek and exploit doesnt mean it cannot be used by the poor to defend themselves from such actions. budgeting is a skill as is planning. many do not have these skills and many states/companies use high level implementations of thes skills to mitigating issues. this knowledge must be disseminated as a countering force to elite conspiracies regardless of the system

I actually don't get to post very much about the body guards of capital.

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neither of those comments endorsed police forces or their current forms

Do you even like your landlord? The only reason someone would defend a landlord is because they want to leech like one.

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Yeah, that was kind of the point

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you should reread my comment as i never endorsed the current socioeconomic structure of the us.

Thanks for correcting my grammar. Also fascist deserve death for they are thieves of the people. But they can defend and sustain their government unfortunately. Spain had to live with it until the 70's. USSR was not "real" Communism but fascism because if it was "real" Communism it would have collapsed immediately.

is specifically meant replying to it seems strange a reply would address nothing in the post, but that seems to be happening to me here so maybe this is common practice

Honestly, I sort of got that vibe, but a lot of your shit was complicated and TL;DR. I don't like the rich and I don't want people to die rationing insulin, so I wouldn't lose sleep if the pharma CEOs were divested of their capital and it was repurposed to provide people with insulin.

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>Also fascist deserve death

Fair enough, comrade. I'm not about to do leftist-infighting memes in here. ilu lad stay safe

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(you)s feel good so I give you (you). You're welcome

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Or instead of getting all hateful and muh re-distributiony how about we just put a cap on the price of medicine so no one can get fucked while trying to battle a disease?

>I don't like the rich
as in you disagree with their actions or would look forward to their executions?
>I don't want people to die rationing insulin
i generally disagree with deaths, from exploitive impoverishment to capital execution
>I wouldn't lose sleep if the pharma CEOs were divested of their capital and it was repurposed to provide people with insulin
if that were the only change, the system which perpetuates that result is still in place and does address the core issue, one of which is knowledge and time disparities. you are proposing a hamfisted solution which will address the present and not causes or the future
sometimes they engage

Nearly every critique of socialism as we know it today WAS written by a boomer.

"Socialism" had a very different meaning in the first half of the 20th century than it does today. Back then it was about central planning and ownership of the means of production; now it's primarily about redistribution of wealth.

i think the eu has a similar system. iirc almost as a bloc they negotiate the price to keep it low, but since companies want their big returns americans end up footing most the bill. price fixing is a band aid, which may be necessary for the short term in a transitional phase, but it doesnt address knowledge and time

>Why aren't you catching fish?
>Because I've caught all I need for the day
>Why don't you catch more?
>What would I do with them?
>Give them to the hungry, to those who can't fish themselves, to those who's lives would greatly benefit from more fish
>Nah fuck them
Why are commies fake kind? They always end up being lazy and greedy just like those they hate

and free medicine 4 everyone bill gates is paying y'all! is a good solution to you?
how exactly is fixing the price at a rate that covers production costs and labour unreasonable?


this is like calling people sheep, it ignores the surrounding context. while this might just be a meme thread with meme images, people who proselytize socialism could be doing something else, whether working through anger at new realizations of how they exploited, caught up by friends or family who have been abandoned by the system. cant expect someone to completely change their mind and lifestyle to be 100% consistent in any short amount of time since even noncommunists are not 100% consistent
this extends into other territories like copyrights with which i have much disagreement, but to keep it short i dont think its an unreasonable ideal, but fail to see why it would work under our current drug rights laws and economic system. more would need to change

Because they can't see what a lot of us on the bottom go through. I told my story to one of my Dad's friends once (hardcore conservative too), and he suddenly changed his narriative. Especially when I mentioned human limitations and teamwork vs hostile work. He didn't fully agree with me but he said, "That's almost like when I was your age."

Why is it total failures love the idea of socialism? I love capitalism because I'm a winner. Getting rich is so fucking easy, you just put yourself in a position where PEOPLE FUCKING PAY YOU. There's a limitless number of ways to make this happen. Me, I'm one of those dicks that outsources everything, it just makes sense paying people in shit countries to do the manufacturing work cause they live on a couple hundred dollars a month. Had a very fun convo with this old boomer recently, they're a loser boomer that still has to work, lol, was telling them about importing and shit and they're like "durr why can't you just manufacture in usa durr" and I'm like "bitch it don't make sense to make shit here labor here is way more expensive what I'm doing is taking advantage of the difference in economies..." and they're like "durr but our jobs durr" and I'm like "BITCH I AM CAPITALISM, WHAT ARE YOU SOME KINDA WEAK SOCIALIST FAILURE, JOBS FOR EVERYBODY? Bitch I created my own fucking job grow a fucking spine!" Seriously you're all so fucking weak, I used to be a wageslave but I saved and created my own thing, I'm the sole investor and shit wasn't handed to me I just grew a spine one day and I'm more happy than I've ever been. Lots of run-ons cause on phone. Grow a fucking backbone you don't even need to be particularly smart to run some shit but it helps for sure.

change the copyright laws surrounding medicine then
why do we need to get other people to pay for everything? if you are middle class or even lower then you can afford medicine at a fixed rate. you don't need bill gates paying for your shit.

>look at ussr


I can understand your pic. It's nice to have money, but we have personal limitations too. Just like building a home, one person can't do everything in a day. But it can slowly build at the correct pace.

And that is what's truly rewarding to me, in my opinion.

I don't even know who the fuck she is

You're rich because people are helping you maintain that position, and you pay them in return for their labor effort. Civilization is supposed to be a team effort. But when the people on top don't put in an equal share in business planning and coordination, the whole work effort breaks down, and the business becomes a sinking ship. That's why some CEOs are forced to sell a company.

shes very tender

>would look forward to their executions?

If it were streamed on Twitch I would watch it. Are you trying to implicate me in violence? Why the fuck do you keep bringing up violence? You're the only person in this thread to do so.

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God, there's a 0 chance a proverb stays a proverb with you fuckers. How about this? In the real world, there's more than enough food to feed everyone and more than enough houses for all the homeless. The guy doesn't need to fish anymore to feed the rest of his people. Maybe a question like "Do you want to join the government program to repurpose Amazon's warehouses to distribute inelastic goods to impoverished communities instead of sleeping in a hammock?" It might be an interesting question, but perhaps a little too difficult for the paragraph long story

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Let me reiterate the question from the OP

>Why does every critique of socialism sound like it was written by a boomer?

They're not sending their best folks

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this is bait i tells ya

ad hominem attacks, typical boomerfag

Does anyone actually disagree with lowering healthcare costs?
You don't have to go full socialist to do that you know. Never go full socialist.

This is not bait, I'm quite real. I used to be like you guys, libertarian/socialist ideals, then I grew the fuck up but I'm still quite young. Most boomers aren't even a quarter the man I am. These days I'm a straight-up neocon. I still hate Trump tho if that makes you feel better, seriously what a fucking retard. 99% of neocons are neocons out of fear, then there's the 1% like me who are neocons out of greed. The Apex Predators. Everything is WAR. The only real sin in this world is failure. Take Hitler and USA's founding fathers as examples. If Hitler won, we'd praise him today like what a great leader who made the hard decisions blah blah blah and if the founding fathers lost we'd be saying 'what ingrates, what disgusting, treasonous bastards', but they won and Hitler lost thus the current mainstream perceptions. You wish I wasn't right but deep down inside you know this is the truth. Nothing will ever be fair, ever. Give up your childish illusions. It's up to you to make the game unfair to your own advantage like I have done.

While I don't disagree with you on most things you sound like a cartoon villain.
You might want to settle down on the posturing, you just sound like an ass with a lot of bark.

>you don't need bill gates paying for your shit.
im not a proponent of socialism/capitalism, would rather find a solution thats nonorthodox
>You're the only person in this thread to do so
not true and i was asking for clarity in reference to dispositions. no need to be dishonest

Lol, as if you can judge me. Nobody cares what you little people think, not even other little people. And no one ever will. And when you die the rain will wash all of your accomplishments away.

Run along little bitch, run along.

Why is every lefty meme unfunny shit that looks like it was made by a teenage twitter user?

>And when you die the rain will wash all of your accomplishments away.

until you posted i didnt know op was a webm

What percentage of critiques of socialism do you think go so far as to define the idea "socialism" which they criticize? It's less than 10%, and I bet it's less than 1%.

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>don't pick sides
>guise why are you attacking my side incorrectly

America already is a socialist country, the fact that we're suffering as a whole while spending exorbitant amounts of money on basic necessities that doesnt go to us or the government has to mean that theres a glaring flaw in the system we are living in.

Why are we being raided by /leftypol/

sadly for propagandist purposes instead of engagement

Most people don't have the same personality you do. That's why you still serve them, just as they do for you. The entity you serve is your company and Mother Earth.

Have you ever seen male animals claim territory? It's only for their own use, and nobody bothers to figure out how to create more resources. Without intelligence and proper teamwork, we'd be just like all the other animals. Fighting, genocide, and eating shit. That's why the Marshall Plan and NATO worked, and Hitler's Lebenstraum policy didn't. He failed to realize that other outgrups were human beings with thoughts and feelings too.

Too add on,
>socialist country
Not completely a socialist country but has socialist traits. The fact that we arent more socialist given that we can afford it and have the means to while suffering under others greed is crazy

>He failed to realize that other outgrups were human beings with thoughts and feelings too.
Then why did he help them resettle?

I don't think extermination camps and racial culling count as resettlement.

Besides, it was only a selected few countries versus a united group of adversaries from 50 countries or so. Right off the bat, it was an inevitable victory for Allied forces. Especially with oil and metals being cut off for Germany, and no way to resupply regardless of money.

Who knows, perhaps we should give it one more try, it'll work this time I swear!

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At least are not as bad as the critiques of anarchy, I have never had a discussion about anarchy where havent explained the basic theory behind anarchism, is not even funny anymore.

Common dude don't be a fag, take some responsability, if you are gonna enjoy it you better take part and adknowledge it was you who made things change for better or worse,