robots, why do you hate women?
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Robots, why do you hate women?
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i'm curious, anons.
what drove you to this hatred?
negative personal experiences
what hatred? we're robots. we don't feel anything. we're post-emotion. go away.
the time difference between these 2 lmao.
if you're gonna bait at least don't be this obviously pathetic
I don't hate women per se. I hate that the game is skewed in their favor and life sucks as a male.
she's a teenage dream if you hate yourself
i dont hate women just womens rights
thanks for ruining society kikes
i don't hate women, just like i don't hate people with perfect health. it's just something i see and think 'damn i wish i could have that'.
I think i've managed to do something unique by starting to hate women because of Jow Forums and Jow Forums poison, then going back to liking them. I have a girlfriend now and life is good.
Don't take anyone in here seriously. They'll never amount to anything.
i dont hate women
they hate me
ive been cheated on twice when they said they weren't ready for sex
and then i turned to long distance relationships
and i only disappoint or get friend zoned when they meet me
all I want is to take care of and spend the rest of my life with someone and do nice things for them
no woman would ever truly want me though
i am alone
oh dude just shut the fuck up. this whole "have sex" meme advice is just bait for incels and you know it. if anything getting in relationships will make you hate women more. i used to orbit and worship women when i was a virgin and now i outright hate them after getting cheated on and emotionally manipulated
Because they are inferior beings pretending to be equal or superior, and by doing that they are responsible for destroying civilisation after civilisation, from anicent egypt to western civilisation
I don't hate anyone. I doubt most people here do.
I love women. They might not love me, some maybe might, but still that wont change my opinion.
I don't hate anyone by default, I only hate the fact that women treat me like I don't even exist.
Then learn to exist, man. Try talking to them casually more and getting good at stuff (preferably stuff that interests normies) Maybe try a hobby that puts you around people.
All I ever think is women don't know how good they have it. They always whinge and bitch and moan about how hard it is to be a chick but all you gotta do is be a good person. I'd be a better woman than an actual woman but because that's impossible it makes me despise them for being such ungrateful cunts.
I hate how they are empty husks with no real thoughts of their own. They all seem to have some derivative of a set of common personality traits and interests.
They hate me because im a manlet, I just retribute the feeling
oh sorry user this response is unrelated
Whores. Same reason why I hate robots, whores. I think majority of people are just whores and teary then in a negative manner till they can prove otherwise
born for all the wrong reasons
raised in a feminist family
autistic and lack social grace thanks to stunted development
missed out on major life opportunities because of the 'tism and avoidance/anxiety
blackpilled early in life
trust issues from witnessing and being affected negatively by their behavior throughout life
2D > 3DPD
>raised in a feminist family
Nightmare fuel. I always wondered what kinda hell that must be.
>if anything getting in relationships will make you hate women more
this is true
>now i outright hate them after getting cheated on and emotionally manipulated
and incels think THEY get manipulated? you don't even know capable and cunning they really are until you've been in a relationship with one
now does she not only dangle sex in front of you, which an orbiter won't get, she can ruin your life even with people who knew you before her
Why do men still white knight for women, do they think they are going to get pussy by calling us incels?
Yes. Not joking. In fact if you think we hate women you should see a white knight's face when it dawns on him it was all for nothing. They even get violent physically sometimes or threaten the chicks. In fact they may be the reasons why women hate the rest of us because the retards hang around psychotic soiboi's all the time.
Personal experience. One girl in mu HS told everyone that I raped her, though I didnt even talk to her. Later she told that it was all a prank, but from then on I was known as the "creepy rapist".
imagine having your nuts clipped little by little as you grew until you become an neurotic, low-test "male" who by the time realizes how socially fucked he is, is too domesticated and docile to change his ways
going to the gym will get you Jow Forums but you will still have the autism and beta conditioning from your formative years
Perhaps now it dawned on me, like the recent 5 mass shooters all were not incels, they werent even virgins they all had ex GF's, that explains a lot and incels take the blame because women can do nothing except name call
I don't hate women, I'm just frustrated that they hate me.
their collective political influence
Childhood abuse led to what i can only describe as gynophobia, porn is now virtually ruined for me as I can only see the cunt taking my money and controlling the whole ordeal.
Its not really hate, but slight disgust maybe?
this thread is actually about that gay-ass youtube video, right?
fucking bandwagoning niggers
>actually about that gay-ass youtube video, right?
what video?
because there's all these double standards and unwritten rules that no matter how abusive and exploitative women are to you you're supposed to just accept it
they're treated like some privileged group that deserves reparations for no reason and are allowed to cheat the system for their own benefit
Still nothing you can do about it, hating women actually makes things worse.
I love women. You can talk to them and sometimes have sex with them. Sure you can talk to guys too but the sex part makes women even better
I hate everyone, but women more because nature made me wanting them.
no it doesn't, I hate women and I have sex regularly
hating them actually verifies that they are a group of people that need protection and deserve some privileges.
hating them doesn't verify that they are a group of people that need protection and deserve some privileges.
Those are meth pipes, not crack pipes. I've never done crack, so I couldn't tell you why crack pipes are different but a meth pipe has the round ball at the bottom, so you can spin it around and the meth doesn't burn.
this. I'm really just indifferent to them OP. I've never known what it's like to have a woman besides your mom genuinely interested in and care about you. it's because I'm boring and since I'm an autist I have no clue how to make myself interesting and have no social foundation to build off. I've basically accepted that I'm gonna be alone forever, I just complain about it on Jow Forums because venting is cathartic.
>incels take the blame because women can do nothing except name call
pretty much. even though incel literally just means "guy who hasn't had sex because he's a failure rather than choosing to for religious reasons or such", it first gained the connotation of only being angry, violent people that take part in online communities, and now just means "any guy who isn't particularly attractive or charismatic who does anything bad". it's such a boogeyman word
I don't hate them. Women hate people like me and I can't really blame them, it's just how they are.
Hey are just physically disgusting. The fact that they go out i. Public bothers me. I am tired of seeing them with my eyes
Not really a robot but let me give you a real reason, their irrational justification for bad behavior.
>be college couple from midwest
>both accept jobs but in different cities 1 1/2 hour drive apart
>engaged to help us remain committed during separation
>drive to DC to see her every weekend all is well and she's planning the wedding
>she's busy "with a project" a weekend then another, then another
>hard to get her to respond at times
>get worried and show up a weekend she was busy "with a project" let myself in her apartment
>she comes in at 12:30 a guy at the door and he leaves after he gives her a kiss
>wtf, she's startled, mad at first then starts crying "its not what you think"
So, this guy, a coworker, had been asking her out for months and she kept telling him no and then he pulled the race card (he is black), accusing her of not going because she was racist and to prove she wasn't she had gone out with him 3 times and nothing more than the kiss I saw ever happened.
I'm speechless and leave and engagement is over. I won't offer explanations but she has spun this so I am the bad guy to our family and friends.
Watch out guys
I just hate all people, but that's just because people hate me too
You being an incel is unrelated to sex.
they're all NPCs
I don't hate women because I'm not a weak willed shit who believes the bullshit i see here. i do however hate certain women, just like I hate certain men. but that is because I hate attention whores, vapid narcissists, chads & stacies, moralfags, and the like.