>your race
>something you do/are that's not typical of your race
Like spicy food
Your race
Other urls found in this thread:
>i genuinely love western civilization
I don't want to shoot up a school
>>your race
>>something you do/are that's not typical of your race
t.dumbass. Whites colonised the world for spices, VOC became the richest company to ever exist because of the spice trade
Pay taxes
>I'm not obese
move fast
>Hate my blue eye and blonde hair
>cannot into academics
I thought all turks were black/brown???
I behave and think like a white dude
>conquer the world for spices
>don't use it on any of your food
i never understood this
Absolute uneducated retard....at least look up some wiki articles before talking/typing shit.
I've never stolen anything
>dating a paki
>your race
>something you do/are that's not typical of your race
I recognize the Global Conspiracy to eliminate the white races via mass immigration and miscegenation
come on. half of that "conspiracy" are whites that wanna racemix. blame yourselves for once
>hehe I'm not like the other white people
Every white person likes spicy food. Thats like saying your unique for being white and enjoying sushi.
Not the western ones
Now thats actually rare
retarded twitter niggers pushed this meme because they fuck the bottom of the barrel coalburners who come from poor families and dont use spices.
>be East Asian
>be opposite of hard working drone
Stay mad
>I acknowledge the looming chinese threat and the fact that we've already lost
>absolute brainlet with computers
china's military is a glorified militia, if it comes down to it 15 guys with half a stale tortilla could take beijing
Even if this thing doesn't come to a head, my country is still becoming full of chinks and they're just buying more and more land. They're going to take a large majority of western life if we're not careful.
>says a brainlet on r9k
Typical white incel comment.
No. They are white-asian when you exclude arab and kurd mutts. See other turkic nations.
Unemployed, steal things, sell drugs.
Figured out I'm just a nigger stuck in a white man body.
>be USA spic
>have high IQ
>curry living in the US
>don't like white women
surely i am very rare
>Fuck Black chicks on the reg
you should be fucking ashamed.
Its almost as if
>whitey dont like da spicey food
is just a dumb meme invented by niggers.
Don't hate myself or my race simply because I was born white. No white guilt.
>SE asian (flip)
>maintain a clean vicinity and never litter
>super tan amerimutt (mostly southern european)
>mfw they're aren't any stereotypes for southern euro mutts
heh, nothing personnal, kiddos
>Masterbate every single Day
>Every Single day
>White Canadian with English and Scottish roots.
I'm continue the proud but forgotten British tradition of fucking the Chinese.
>Race doesn't exist
How stupid are you, for comparison?
Get good grades
>Not lactose intolerant
>Speaks fluent English
>Can't think of anything
too dumb for college, slow at picking up things if at all and bad memory, very slow thinking process overall
>American football player
>reasonably large dick
>hate Socialism
>not muslim
>native american
>right wing politics
Still a virgin
>Don't hate my race and people because I was told to do so, want to secure it's existence and don't feel ashamed about that.
>East Asian
>I follow my own path, like the White people used to do
I'm not fascinated by asian culture and I think african culture is actually more interesting
>Poor and live in the hood
sounds like you've been to COLONIZED dot com
>White skin and features
Love being Chadstizo
>Read/Write JPN and create weird fetish porn.
>f*cked three wh*te women
>Doesnt correct people when they call me black