Be me

be me

high-T ---> fap ---> balding ---> loneliness/sadness

should i nofap? sounds logical

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does fapping make you lose hair?

Bad posture makes you lose your hair, I bet you have a jutting forward posture/nerd neck. Someone should do a survey or a study


Hair loss is caused primarily by poor circulation. When an area of skin doesn't quite get enough blood, hair follicles are one of the first things to go.

Nofap is a malicious meme.

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Posture and circulation are related. Bad, unnatural posture can pinch blood vessels and restrict blood flow. Neck posture affects blood flow to your head.


damn, you might be on to something

whoops, forgot to tag

DHT does not cause hair loss. If DHT was the culprit, you'd expect even hair loss across the scalp, and the whole body for that matter.

But that's not how hair loss progresses for most men.

Nofap is literal propaganda. It's designed to emasculate western men.

Not true, only some follicles are sensitive to DHT's effects.

Idk man I have horrible posture at 29, and my hair is still great.
It's receding a little, but that just comes with age. It still has that natural arch like I did when I was young. I still fap every night too

interesting theory, its a hell of a coincidence that multiple generations of a family line can share the same balding pattern considering the changes in lifestyle over the years.

I wonder why it's always the same M pattern and doesn't fuck with the side of the head

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Any explanation for why the DHT-sensitive follicles almost always occur in the same pattern?

There's genetic/environmental variation in how robust someone's circulatory system is. Yours might be able to naturally withstand bad posture better than others.

>I still fap every night too
being this shameless, pfft

Fapping releases DHT which is tied to hair loss. Propecia / finasteride blocks DHT. Fapping probably has a very very negligible effect but more pronounced as you get older.
Fact is most guys bald when they hit their 40s. Best to hop on that finasteride bandwagon early. Practically all males in Hollywood are on that shit.

Balding is to do with DHT production and how that effects hair, has nothing to do with circulation what so ever.

your balls are constantly pumping out DHT regardless of fapping

Notice how the people who endorse nofap also endorse weird drugs that fuck with your dick and libido. It's propaganda.

As an aside, the truly wealthy people who cheat their hair back do it with hair transplants and high-tech toupees.

High T is what causes balding, tardmax.

Are these people shills? Or are they just oblivious NPCs, regurgitating popular opinion without thinking about it for themselves? The world may never know.

t. glow-in-the-dark nofap shill feminst

I know the dudes on this board are dumb but they're not feminist dumb, you fat cunt.

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You're paranoid. Try applying that skepticism to the current state of medical science. Look at the actual studies that claim is based on. Look at the methods in particular.

Nofap is a malicious meme. Finasteride is bad for you. DHT is not the main root cause of MPB.

Quit porn. Keep fapping when you feel like it. Work on your posture and circulation.

why does god hate us, baldanon?

God is mad at you for misusing your body. Stand up straight and fix your posture dear boy, and the Lord will flood your shriveled follicles with divine nutrition.

I am skeptical, but I will try