What did she see in him?

She's literally a 9/10 almost perfect, why cute girls always choose assholes?

Attached: sam hyde and marky.jpg (500x281, 19K)

Self-defeating personality disorder

original response

A lot of chicks on lolcow seem to like him; they say he is quite masculine. He is pretty tall and built to be fair.

Also, women seem to like men with social standing and some fame. Within the whole small chantard world Sam Hyde is quite famous.

well self-defeating personality disorder and self-defensive personality disorder are practically soul mates.

Sam Hyde is an alpha. Thats all it is.

mental illness, nonexistent self-esteem

Unoriginally this. You incels just can't compete

he looks like an incel desu

probably for his e-fame and notoriety

It's all about the act mate. He can easily hit girls.

nah, he looks disgusting now and his career is washed up after as canceled his shitshow

also he's 6'5, there's a thread currently up on heightism

still, goes to show that if you build e-clout through attention whoring in the correct way at the correct time, you too can smash heavily medicated girls! i bet even egg man has egirls lined up despite being an unemployed alchoholic 30yo boomer

Attached: thisfuckedthat.jpg (1767x719, 84K)

No, he is an ultra-beta. He says so himself. He is the most alpha beta male out there.

Attached: 1565495940464.jpg (1835x2750, 946K)

He's funny as shit. He obviously can do whatever he wants.

lol? theyre both 6 out of 10

still better than you can get.

sure, but im asexual. definitely wouldnt want to bag her anyways

>He's funny as shit
zoomers, die

Fuck off spic ,wetback

Marky is literally an ugly degenerate whore. You are fucking blind or simply autistic. The fact that you made this thread just shows how much of a fucking loser you are. Do the world a favor and kill yourself.

He's tall and charismatic and semi famous

bruh that's a 6/10 at best, wtf u talkin bout 9/10