You must be actually female.
You must have white, Caucasian skin.
You must be under 32.
You must have at least a 2 year college education.
You cannot be formerly married.
you cannot have a degree in psychiatry, psychology, social studies, liberal arts, or feminism.
You cannot be obese or anorexic, as defined by european standards.
You cannot be a drug user.
You must not descend from a line of curly haired whiny bridge troll women.
These are my requirements to even consider you.

You must agree to all of the following in order to be considered for a relationship:

On our first date, you will pay for MY meal.
On our second date and onwards, I will pay for your meals.

The very first time you show me nipple or anything else, you have to delete your tinder.

After either of us voluntarily agrees to meet the other's mother, you void your rights to discuss
our relationship with your girlfriends and must take all insecurities or issues to arbitration, that is, our moms.


Attached: 602796049358127105.png (112x112, 19K)

After the very first time we have sex which you are satisfied with, you must agree to begin making plans to live together.
At the exact moment you accept my marriage proposal, you agree to sign a prenuptial document that essentially acts as a binding contract which states the following: you cannot divorce me for any reason other than: infidelity, not taking care of my own body(where clinical anorexia, incurable STDS, or clinical obesity counts as "not taking care of"), not paying my share of the bills, or committing homicide in any degree. You agree that i have equal right to divorce you under the same terms and all divorces are no fault divorces with no possibility of alimony. You agree to a mutal agreement that voids any right to child support payments in the case of divorce for as long as the parent without custody or that would be giving the support remains single and without sex. You further agree that a mutual contract that if either remains sexually satisfying to the other but they elect not to have sex with the other, I/you am allowed to fuck any single siblings the other may have without it counting towards infidelity. You You further agree that if we have a biological female it will be raised female and identifying as female, and if we have a biological male, it will be raised male, identifying as male.

These are my terms of agreement for a relationship.
Not one woman on the entire planet would agree to any of these terms.

About me:

I am actually male.
White, caucasian, aryan skin and features and characteristics.
Under 31.
got the colleg
never married or in a relationship, incel virgin mostly
degree isnt in any liberal psycho nonsense
not obese or anorexic, by euro standards
never used the drugs
not from any whiney bridge trolls

Fuck. Failed on the first point.

Attached: 𐌺.png (463x572, 315K)

>wish you luck user but this is r9k, so no head

Attached: fanipepe.jpg (1480x833, 160K)

nobody wants ur stinky trap butthole
vaginas are the only place where dicks actually want to cum, the rest is just tricking the brain into thinking various holes are vaginas

Attached: 562710243050520593.png (112x112, 19K)

>incel virgin mostly

Yeah, I can tell.

These are not very challenging requirements. No male, if he were born a female, would consider them objectionable. Do you disagree?

You think you're hot shit?

Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>Thought it was an Akko poster thread
>Just a raging incel using a reaction image

Attached: LRN.png (480x457, 274K)

not raging, not even angry.
dont even have an account on any incel or lookism websites. Just a loner.

Hey, not so fast here, I would take anything I can get my hands on.

Me too, I was already rejoicing, just to see this shit.

I got to the part where you said you could sleep (you said *fuck) her siblings. that's when I knew you were craazy. but your never gonna get a good girl acting like this, which is what you want.

my requirements on the other hand:
>within 5 years of my age or younger
>nice face
>a little chubby is ok, but wrap around gut (under the arms) is out
>children are ok
>no dick

You got issues. No wonder you're an incel

It's implied that would never happen

manlets without any brains in this thread not really thinking it through... you only get to be with their sister or whatever IF your wife admits she is satisfied with you sexually but just not in the mood... This kind of agreement essentially prohibits any kind of sex withholding typically used to manipulate the male. But because none of you have had sex withheld from you, you wouldnt understand this. Of course the clause wouldnt work if they have no siblings.

Oh look, another tripfag thread

This made me kek. Keep up the good bait op.

but where's the catch !

You mean the catch with regards to the whole package?
I'm a fucking autist