Has anyone sucked a cutebois nipples? How about her clit? Do they typically used oils and perfumes to taste more feminine?
Has anyone sucked a cutebois nipples? How about her clit...
faggot faggo fagg fag fa f faggot
Yes daddy i am a faggot, are you going to punish me? :-(
>Dude, we're trans and we're just as normal as everyone else. We're just normal people trying to live our lives
>Proceed to get naked constantly and fuck everyone and anything.
Going trans is 100% about feeling sexy and being praised as a sex object. There I said it. this guy would be meh tier as a guy but if he's a slutty trans everyone wants to fuck him.
Teach me to suck daddy
Why are you so angry user?
The fuck did them being a slut do to you?
Don't reply with fuck off redditor either that isn't an argument.
Give me a real argument on why trans people suck other than.
>Theyre mentally ill!!! They'll never be a fucking woman!!!
>They're slutty!!!! I don't like it!!!
>They're delusional!!!
I sucked a transgirls nipples, they were delicious and she made the cutest moans and squirmed a lot.
>How about her clit?
Miss me with that gay shit.
not him but fuck off redditor
>decent looking tranny
what a waste
meeant for fuck me
Addicts suck. Trannies are porn addicts who decided to live out their fetish at all times. I don't really care if you think eating shit or fucking dogs is hot but please keep it private. Don't show it to people who don't want to see it. Same with your fetish. Don't post this shit when you know that there are people here who don't want to see this shit. Go find a tranny forum.
You seem more like a redditor than me honestly.
You fuck up the quoting, and then you tried to give me some le epic Haha funny response
Thanks for the (You) by the way
>Don't post this shit when you know that there are people here who don't want to see this shit.
thanks for motivating me to do 5 more tranny threads user
You will never be real girls, hormones just make you undesirable to anyone and anything
You are men, and probably ugly and fat
Death is the only thing I will accept for trannies
>Don't post this shit when you know that there are people here who don't want to see this shit. Go find a tranny forum.
but how are you going to let people know about your tranny forum if you aren't allowed to advertise it here or anywhere else?
This is why people fucking hate your kind and only tolerate your existence. People like gays. When it comes to trannies, the most people can say is "well I don't want to kill them". Because you people are obnoxious narcissists who think everyone wants to be part of your sexuality. People used to think that gays convert young boys. I've never seen a homosexual try to convert anyone. You fucking devils, on the other hand...
Its fucking hot though, whats your beef? Look at those soft hips, you dont want those gyrating on your crotch??
Only reason people don't want to kill them is because they don't wanna get arrested cos of faggot laws protecting trannies
You can find a tranny forum if you really want to. I found 4 with a simple two word search.
Did you fuck her? Bareback? Creampie? Ass to mouth? Im hard
please leave this board
Based trapposter
Im a girl according to my therapist faggot
>This is why people fucking hate your kind
I'm not a tranny, I just like that it makes you mad user
Please leave this board
Don't try to change the subject. No wonder blacks love killing you faggots and dumping you into rivers. You're an insult to the species.
No we just fooled around and she gave me hj. Can't win every battle, user.
A man of simple, yet elegant, tastes.
Tell your the rapist that you don't want to be a girl and you want to deal with your mental illness like it's any other mental illness
>n-n-no u
post something original
nursing handjob?
sucking on an adorable tranny's soft small squishy boob while she massages your cock is winning the goddamn war
if it has a penis it isnt a "she"
I'm straight so whatever makes my dick hard is a woman faggot
>implying that if he cuts it off it will change anything
that's not implied at all, no
this is the most based reply I have ever seen
thanks im trying lole
based reply user here is a faggot and impostor
Id suck the nut out her balls bro. I don't even give a fuck!
you responded a minute after him. stop samefagging so hard, nigger.
unbased and very cringe shut up you gay loser
ill take this back then.
please don't steal my posts thank you, unbased cringeman
Is that your ass in the picture?
Oh, well when you put it that way... yeay me I guess? I wanted to buttfuck her but she wasn't into anal :(
The only Chad answer.
lol faggots amirite lole
shut up you mouthbreathing retard
Anyone know of any timelapse showing the mtf breast development over time?
All tranies will end up like pic related. You can't fight nature.
fuckin disgustin
>You can't fight nature.
But I can fuck the cute passable trannies, stay incel
What if it is?? :))) Then wat
>Then wat
I have a nice big male dog that might be interested in it