why don't you boys grow up and take some responsibilty? women are suffering because of your eternal peter pan syndrome too
Why don't you boys grow up and take some responsibilty...
Women have exerted selective pressure on males for eons through reproduction. I earnestly think we ought to do the same. Be a worthwhile person or you don't mate.
HA, this is like the Hillary Clinton saying "Women are the real victims of war because they lose their husbands and sons" etc xD I assume this is bait because it is so retarded. Dear women, fuck less guys and you might be capable of developing a deep emotional connection with your partner.
my existence has no bearing on women whatsoever, as they've shown me countless times throughout the years. they are happy chasing Chads and I need to move on and be happy that I'm perpetually alone. good thing I'm a man so I can take isolation. women need a social group and a good boyfriend to be happy, that's difficult in its own right.
why should i grow up and contribute to a society that has done nothing for me?
my gf is a teenager and we are emotionally very similarly aged even though im 15 years older than her
>45% of women are "emotionally celibate"
they said they didnt want those things
im just not giving them what they didnt want
see, this is why you are a virgin and why women today cannot establish an emotional connection
grow the fuck up
This, bearing the reproductive burden is only enough 'value' to low quality males. Men worth their salt are going to look for much more in a woman that they actually invest their time and money into.
i'll grow up when Christ comes to Missouri
Because society already contributed to you through tax dollars spent on your public education, roads to get you there, defense spending to protect you from chinks, etc.
Why take responsibility with the pig getting older when new one get legal every years?
You're justad that the balance of power is tipping in the other direction past 30 years old.
>why should i grow up and contribute to a society that has done nothing for me?
literal adult male crybaby virgin loser
you can leave the victim mentality at home
my pussy dries up faster than the sahara having to listen to your mentally ill incel ass
just try and talk to a woman like a human being for once
Obviously this is bait. But I'm not a virgin, sorry to disappoint.
>dude just try and talk to women like a human being for once lmao
why bother? i'll just get rejected and shunned.
public education did nothing for me
>No husband
>No boyfriend
>"emotionally celibate"
Yeaaah uhm...have you tried NOT impaling your holes with any and every dick in your immidiate vicinity?
I can't remember the last time I talked to a piece of property... hmmm.
>boohoo I can't find gf
>doesn't even try
And so what?
Can't they live by themselves or something? Like women independence and stuff?
Imagine being this brainwashed.
>defense spending to protect you
LOL no that's so your defense contractor buddies get the big bonuses they share with you, dumb fuck.
women need a masculine man daddy bf/husband to have meaning in their lives and not kill themselves. I'm not even kidding, women can't handle isolation like men can.
>taking any sort of risk
what are you, a faggot?
are we not entitled to have emotional support and love?
women's liberation has nothing to do with being alone or doing everything on your own, it's about empowerment
the power to go out and fulfil our needs as human beings
or do you think women not allowed to that, you piece of shit
you say we're not entitled to it so i'll say that you aren't entitled to it
alright, give me one thing that the men in this thread can do to help women like you in your plight. keep in mind that most of us have limited experience with women.
If women aren't obligated to help with my problems, I'm not obligated to help with their problems.
Not trying to be rude, but fair's fair.
you can't compare mentally ill incels with women
you can grow a pair of balls
two of them, like your dubs
why do women think they're entitled to me being responsible?
That's a great way to ask for something you need
Oh I dunno, I'm not the first person who says that
Anyone who tries that is just called entitled.
that doesn't really mean anything. you're telling us to toughen up? for what purpose? how does it benefit women?
>mentally ill incels
that's a weird way to spell men...
The person you're arguing with isn't femle. They're putting on this act specifically to annoy you. If it is a woman or someone who really follows this logic then they are truly delusional
>nah thanks im good
most men today are childish losers only interested in toys and movies
if you gave an effort, like going to the gym once in a while, or took a female out to eat or bought her a present once in a while, then maybe you would show you have some value as a future husband
You can easily just say "sorry I'm not attracted to you. No means no."
That's obvious. Anyone who replied to the obvious bait with anything other than amusement is a retard
i thought women were gatekeepers?
haw dare you? ima man
yes keep supporting women who want nothing to do with non chads that will make no effort to reciprocate. why are women so entitled?
They still spent the money and you are obligated to help pay it back.
I've bought presents for coworkers before and they were female. I don't go to the movies, I don't play video games or own any toys. I have productive hobbies. I guess I'm future husband material but women give me too much anxiety, so I prefer to be alone. I don't really want friends. you're not wrong about the childish part, in my case.
No woman has ever done anything for me (except my mom).
If I give my everything and receive nothing obviously I'll mind my business and you'll mind yours.
Yeah, like man can handle isolation easily. Suicide rate says a lot.
>Are you trying to say that hooking up and getting fucked like the dirty whore i am by 5 different chads a week i met on tinder is NOT emotionally fulfilling?!
>The fucking guys who gave up on life and isolate themselves at home ate surely at fault!!!
sounds like you haven't tried at all
>Yeah, like man can handle isolation easily. Suicide rate says a lot.
what kind of man can't handle being a little bit alone now and then
if you are that weak, then you may as well kill yourself
a man is strong and silent, and doesn't need others
Maybe if I could meet a woman who wasn't busy choking on dick during her teen years then she'd be worth while.
This is retribution, but no one is talking about the root of the problem. There are good men, but women spent highschool having sex with bad boys and then wonder why any man with self respect doesn't want them as the mother of his children.
They of course blame men for this like in your picture, sure some men are responsible for ruining them. But they're complacent in this, they could have always just said no.
Hopefully this will be a warning to the next generation of women to get their shit together, and keep their chastity (their most valuable asset) until marriage.
>sounds like you haven't tried at all
that's just unfair. I try in many things but of course I can always improve. going to the gym might be good for me, I am pretty scrawny. what else should I be doing? work with me here
sex is natural and this is virgin cope
if you weren't such a pathetic loser and actually got laid once, you wouldn't be this hung up about girls having been with other men
And you OP, have you ever been with a woman?
I mean a real woman who makes dinner and everything, not a tranny who has cuckold fetiches
Are you kidding me?! Men aren't ALLOWED to talk about their problems, or then everyone thinks that they're just a pussy.
pretty sure white knighting whores is even more pathetic
>You're entitled because you won't date a cumdumpster like me
Talk about real problems: like the fact that most homeless people, homicide victims, war death rate, job death rate and suicide victims are men.
I'm sick of everybody putting women on a pedestal.
what a stupid picture and what a stupid comment
I can literally see your neckbeard and fedora in your post
Actually you're both right and wrong on a few things.
Yes I am a virgin, I was raised Catholic, and didn't really start thinking for myself until I was 16.
But no I am no incel. No one who meets me thinks I'm a virgin, in fact when I tell people, they actually just think I'm joking and tell me I look way too good to be one.
But I was awkward in highschool because of my upbringing. I got sent away to a boarding school at 16. It was all boys.
Now I'm 20, I'm in the military, and take care of myself, all the Highschool 'chads' I knew growing up still live with their parents, and most are drug addicts.
I would never give myself to a woman who gave her virginity to one of those losers.
I want to know what it's like to take a girls virginity, and share something with her, that neither of us have ever given to anyone else.
Sure, it's possessive, but so we're the no lives that did it in highschool. Only difference is I'd actually care about her.
I've spoken to some of these girls, girls who wouldn't have ever considered me in my freshman and sophomore years, but now the tables have turned, I'm grown up, I'm in shape, I have a job, and self respect. They try to flirt with me, and I can feel their disappointment when I tell them, that their poor decisions will have consequences, and that I would never love them...
The hardest part though, is actually finding a girl who's still a virgin, and wants to be in a religious family. Perhaps it's a fantasy, but that's only because older generations and pop culture stole that from me, and I will never accept that and allow those who hurt me to have Victory.
I can feel your anal pain from your post.
so i should fuck the government then? sounds like they did all this shit
lol shut the fuck up you fucking liberal
sounds like they should just kill themselves
>emotionally celibate
>Only has 200 followers on instagram and 900 facebook friends, and three real life best friends
While the rest of us are living it big with literally no friends, no job, and no social media.
FUCK women man. The world is handed to them on a silver fucking platter and they still complain.
Based Mohammed, everything over 40kg is legal
Good. I hope they start killing themselves soon
Why doesnt amything show up when i search emcel in youtube?
why should I contribute to society if I'll never be able to have kids that will benefit from it.
Why would I help raise other men's kids via taxes like some cuck
>emotionalIy celibate
I did grow up. But every last woman that graphic speaks to would never allow me to *take responsibility* for them in a million fucking years.
Your post is comical, OP, because it assumes that women would LET us help them. Are you stupid or something?
Maybe incels need to grow up so they can form a mature emotional connection at all?
>Emotionally celibate
Pathetic cheap whores.
Based af, roasties seething
try emocel
>Maybe incels need to grow up so they can form a mature emotional connection at all
thats a big projection dawg
You still benefit from society. You think the government should get yuu a girlfriend? That's retarded
>You think the government should get yuu a girlfriend?
yea, it's part of healthcare
No it's a comment on the typical lack of emotional stability that incels suffer from. Manchildren are emotionally children.
its matter of economics.
women are demanding too much so men are no longer "buying"
the market will correct itself eventually.
No finding your own girlfriend is part of becoming a teenager.
women aren't entitled to emotional intimacy.
fuck off capitalist scum, government mandated partners SHOULD be a human right
Why? Seems like it's violating her rights just because you're emotionally stunted
It's part of healthcare
For who? Women don't want to be trapped with an incel.
Women are not attracted to most men anyway. Women have 40% of potentially successful men to choose from. Am the 60% who plays video games and enjoys an independent life. I still work and pay taxes like everyone else.
>For who?
You know who you dumb fucking retard
Why would most men want to contribute to the future of society when they will have no stake in it after they die (ie. kids)?
But if women do not want to be trapped with incels, then OP is stupid to ask incels to do something about the problem of female loneliness.
Because they lived there. What kind of baby would think like you? You really are emotionally immature
>Because they lived there.
really childish, non-sensical logic
Because it's unironically the fault of women.
Men can't find a marriage partner because womens standards are unrealistically high.
Women can't find a partner because they have have planet sized egos. Feminism has made the modern women entitled, and social media has 1's and 2's thinking they are 10s. She thinks herself too good for men that are in fact above her, and thus cannot find a boyfriend/husband due to her inability to get over herself.
I mean most people want their home to be better. Your tantrum isn't really improving the country.
It's easier now to get laid than ever. It's easier to get a girlfriend now than ever. Incels would rather play video games than learn social skills, then think they're entitled to a girlfriend.
I'd argue that it's actually harder. Social media has ruined the world.
>men dare to bring up the fact that theyre killing themselves and wageslaving to death at an alarming rate
>women laugh and go boo hoo then complain about not having enough representation as petroleum engineers
yeah you can go fuck yourself
>Your tantrum
He seems reasonable actually. You're the one throwing baseless inflammatory remarks and generally acting childish
There are millions of Americans who contribute less to society than they cost society in resources. And many of those net losses to society are held in greater esteem BY that society than I am. Especially by women.
Most of the Tyrones out there spawning mixed race bastards are contributing nothing to society but still manage to get laid like Wilt Chamberlain. Since I get less esteem from the women in my society than Tyrone, I intend to make sure I contribute less than Tyrone, if I can manage it.
>learn social skills
social skills are stupid
>hows da weafher?
>wat ru stdyng?
>hoo ru vodin 4?
wow great skill there champ
Are you american? Because you're ruining the world, thanks sweety
>he hasn't figured out what actual social skills are
pretty nice, sneaky kek
>muh facial cues
go suck a dick