Tfw found out my IQ is only 126 (on an official test)

>tfw found out my IQ is only 126 (on an official test)

will God forgive me if I commit suicide? I'm basically a useless person, and it's confirmed.

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You can raise that shit indefinitely faggot.
Mine is 91 but I'm still doing fine.

Imagine being so bad at humblebragging that you go full circle and end up looking retarded

William James Sidis was a god tier genius and he spent most of his life as a dishwasher and clerk. IQ on its own doesn't matter much.

>"only" 26 points above average
Fuck of with that humblebrag, douchelord.

>thinking intelligence means anything
Kill yourself, thats the only thing that will give your life any meaning to it that doesnt revolve around yourself.

fuck up cunt my iq is literally 88 and i'm doing just fine
humble bragging turbonigger just kys

Also how do people not realize this was deliberate bait?

The real number is likely closer to 90. 126 is way above average and if you were really that sharp, you would have known that.

Idiots. Of course I know 126 is "smarter" than the average population, but it's still on the lowest tier of general quality. It goes like this:

God tier
>Above 150 IQ
>Below 70 IQ

Good tier
>130s-140s IQ
>80s IQ

normie tier
>90s-110s IQ

shit tier
>120s IQ

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You are aware Feynman's IQ was only measured a little over a standard deviation above the mean? He was tested at 120 something. Assessment limitations aside, what's stopping you?

OP is correct here retards
Although id say god tier is 140 and above since thats like the 1%, even still his point is right
Above 150 (or 140 if you agree with me) means you're smart enough to do something with your life, and below 70 means you're so retarded you arent able to comprehend how fucked it all is, and live in eternal ignorant bliss.
130s is good because you'll still be able to get somewhere, and 80s is because you arent entirely retarded but still get ignorant bliss
90s to 110s is the average, its where 65% of the population sits, odds are 99999 to 1 you're a neurotypical if you're in this range. You're smart enough to not be a dumbass but you'll maybe become a walmart manager
120s are the shittiest, maybe lazy 130s and gifted 110s. Youre smart enough to recognize the massive shitpile that everything is, so no ignorant bliss, and you're smart enough to realize you're smart, but not smart enough to ever truly do anything. Its the cursed range. Not smart enough to be smart, too smart to be dumb.
>t. 144 IQ chadbrain whos only friends with retards because they're actually based also because big brain points are irrelevant and im still a retard who can barely form a sentence without shitting my dickhole

Then you are the last of the normies
Have a fucking donut

>thinking intelligence means anything
>thinking IQ means anything
>thinking you can measure intelligence as a quantity, especially using statistical analysis
>thinking you can reach any conclusion using statistics
Dont think at all that youre above 105 at the most, youre a retard.

Still disagree, fucko.
Everyone I know who's in the 120's range is better-adjusted than the brains in the higher percentiles.
Every point above 125 and it starts getting subtracted from your sanity. I've met and learned from people who are in the 150's and 160's range. They're nuts. They're practically fucking space aliens.
And that's not just their brains being beyond our comprehension. They're genuinely bad at taking care of themselves, they're emotionally unstable, they're flaky and chaotic and have difficulty maintaining relationships and jobs outside academia, and they're isolated to a large extent. They have a way higher representation of neurological problems, seizure disorders, sensory and motor issues, speech disorders, emotional, behavioral, and personality disorders, they're a lot more likely to be alcoholics or drug addicts or sex fiends, and they all do just the dumbest shit. They're tortured people.

Having 120 IQ with mutant-tier, one-in-a-billion multidimensional mathematical-synesthetic crosswiring isn't the same as 120 IQ. Functionally he might have well had 145 or 150.

blah don't blah do blah it

Yeah I agree there but it's further proof of IQ's comprehensive inadequacy.

just be happy you dipshit
if someone had fat fingered the results and accidentally given you a 140 you'd never know and you'd feel like you're walking on clouds
I've been assessed 3 times since I was 12 getting 127, 147 and 136 respectively so I have no faith in the definitive nature of the test or its results

130 iq here
intelligence means nothing if you dont have fire in your heart
have passion for those you love and passion for what you want to be tomorrow
and youll be smarter than anyone on this planet

Did you really just paraphrase a generic anime protag because it feels that way

yare yare daze (you)

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if you think thats a paraphrased anime dogma then you need to get outside more

Did you really just reference Earl Sweatshirt

i dont know who that is fgfggf

Did you really just

did i really just what? kinda confused

He has nothing to forgive.

Just you really did