>finally got my first boyfriend
>ready to dust off the old hole and open up for business for the first time ever
>he won't do it
>am I ugly?
>am I nasty?
>what's wrong?
>he's busy unpacking in his new apartment
>decide to surprise him with lunch
>sneak in, luckily the door was unlocked
>hear groaning
>take a peek into his bedroom
>he's face first into a pillow while a MASSIVE black guy is fucking the shit out of him
Brb, killing myself
Finally got my first boyfriend
is okay user :( perhaps I could be your bf.
I wish this story was true but, its obviously some faggot's rp with a nigger fetish. If you were actually a girl it would serve you right for being a whore.
No thanks I think I'm gonna forego dating a little more. I made a mistake giving it a shot.
This response literally makes no sense at all
he probably wants to wait till marriage
>This response literally makes no sense at all
Wow, if you have reading comprehension that bad then you might actually be a girl.
Take a video so you can masturbate to it
I think it's because you made into some weird racist, angry, incel thing when my post is about thinking you have a boyfriend and it turns out they're mega gay.
Why dont you want to date me? I want to date you :(
that's fucking awesome, did you get hard?
Maybe he had to pay tyrone back some drug money
where do you live? I'll date you.
>just let herself in
Why don't you just be the huge black guy he wants in life?
How do you get a fag bf even? 99% sure this is a larp, but if it's real then just uhh, go afk in real life for a bit brodie
Women read a lot more than men.
You should have stuck your dick in the black man's ass to assert your dominance.
>[unzips jeans] are you sure you're ready anonette?
>oh yea user, just lemme dust off the old hole
fake but also very gay
origianl comment
Doesn't mean they are as good at it.
>implying they actually read anything worth while.
T pose and pee on him to assert dominance
Did you not establish who would be top and who would be bottom when you started the relationship, OP? He clearly wanted dick, so you should have given him dick.