Do you have a boyfriend Jow Forums?
Do you have a boyfriend Jow Forums?
fuck off poofta
Do you?
Unfortunately no.
french girls are adorable how dare ya become a faggot?
I like girls too.
what are you?
Half faggot
No, I'm not a faggot
then join foreign legion and die honourably at war
Based Russia
yes i do, been together almost 2 years
>dying defending Israel's interests
Yeah no.
foreign legion is just full of chechen gopniks and durka durka
but your gay being is result of Israel psyop and gay bomb
Another good reason not to fight for Israel you stupid faggot.
it is you faggot! and ya don't enjoy being your faggot being?
Fuck off, faggot. Take it to /lgbt/.
kill yourself faggot
Rude desu
it's your only path to lasting peace
what did i ever do to you
fuck off