How do I convince my boss that I'm sick tomorrow? I don't wanna go to work bros.
I work at a fast food place, so I want to fake some nasty diarrhea, any tips?
Wagecuck thread
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I hope my boss lets me come into work tomorrow, might need to get a second part time job soon. What pairs well with pizza delivery(in the ghetto)?
Just tell them you threw up and can't come in. They can't make you show up if you are sick with vomiting/diarrhea, although vomiting is less difficult to try to work around.
Lmao, I stopped going to work 6 days ago, they just started calling yesterday but I did not answer.
Fucking retards
I'd get in really big trouble if they find out
I can't afford to lose this job bro.
just tell him youre not white and being oppressed with too many hours
tell your boss you are going fishing with your friends but can he pretend that you are sick
pizza delivery in the ghetto? why dont you just work in the rich part of town
I have an offer to go to the richer side but it would be a little bit of a commute, honestly it is not that bad and kind of comfy.
It is centered right in the middle of a market that separates the nice suburbanite blacks from the project niggers, but somehow neither of them seem able to tip. It is insulting when you pull up to a 500k house and the guy just does not fucking tip
I hate Black people (I am black)
Is wageslaving 40 hours a week at minimum sustainable realistically, if I live in a scrubnigger apartment maybe? I want to be a wagecuck because I have no friends so I'll cope by committing my time to money. I have too much freetime to think about how horrible my life is otherwise.
trust me you dont wanna hang out with normalfags
i think you should just type something like i puked to your boss, dont call, type
Dude nobody cares if you miss a day at a mcjob. I overheard while I was there once some bitch named shaquanda or some shit called out of work to get a fucking tattoo. That's the kind of competition you have user.
Holy shit this isn't grade school. Just say you can't come in tomorrow. Somebody probably wants extra hours and can work your shift. If your work won't let you take a day off without faking an illness, you should find a different employer.
Dude I'm so excited to work another 10 hour shift today! And do it again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after it never ends
>2nd week of training at a new job in a new town
>have to memorize a script outside of work and study for a test to be properly licensed
>still no friends
>forgot to take my meds one day and it felt like everyone noticed I was a little off the other day
>don't even start getting paid until third week of training, paycheck is weekly on saturdays so might not even get paid until much later
>can't move without paystubs to prove I can pay for rent
soon lads
I want to get a different/better job so I can earn and save more money, I could try and get an office job or something, but that might even be worse than my retailcuck job despite the extra money, or maybe I should just power through it. I could do an apprenticeship or something too, I'm 25 now so people will still invest in me, not to mention there's adult apprenticeships anyway, maybe accounting or something, I could start learning now to give me an edge but not like there's any guarantee of getting one, I need to decide what to do. I don't want to jump into a shit job I hate again and all things considered my retail job isn't even too bad.
How the fuck would they find out bro?
As long as you don't do anything stupid like post photos of yourself partying on facebook you'll be fine (>robotsgoingtoparties).
I'd suggest taking two days off though, it's rare for something like gastro to pass overnight.
>wageslaving 40 hours a week at minimum sustainable realistically, if I live in a scrubnigger apartment maybe? I want to be a wagecuck because I have no friends so I'll cope by committing my time to money. I have too much freetime to think about how horrible my life is otherwise.
Yeah, I know that feel user.
Full-time wagie here.
I've started picking up extra shifts because all my time off just ends up with me sitting around the house thinking about how much I want to kill myself and how boring all the hobbies I used to enjoy have become. And the extra shifts pay $140/h which is a nice bonus.
like literally just make a shopify dropshipping store
you won't have to leave the house anymore
>mfw there's a higher turnover on lower management than on regular workers
just kill me
Like literally just cam whore
You won't need to leave the house anymore
Here's a real wagecuck feel
>tfw so dependent on caffeine I need a double shot just to take an afternoon nap
>my mind is actually so afraid that if I fall asleep I won't wake up it requires caffeine to go to bed
if you want then find a coworker that can cover for you, that way the manager won't have to deal with it and he won't be upset that you can't come
>video game i'm interested in launches
>hey boss i'm sick on this date
>yeah me too hahaha
>neither of us show for work
>both of us paid regardless
>corporate seething
sure feels good to be a codemonkey chad
>Leave my comfy NEETness behind almost 6 years ago
>Get a job running a CNC
>Allergic to the coolant
>They put me down in the foundry where we cast the parts to run on the CNC
>Do good there
>Eventually end up getting taught how to make the parts by hand
>Then work on the robots that do everything automatically
>Yesterday, owner comes up to me and tells me foreman put his two weeks notice in
>They need a new one, offer me a foreman position
I took it, more pay and straight shift instead of swing shift, but holy shit I don't know if I made the right choice.
Are we talking about being a fullstack dev?
>tfw I have a certain number of "sick days" each year, which allow me to call in for any reason I want (often I just say "I can't make it, sorry") and still get paid
I plan on when needing to fake illness just take a Zolpidem because that shit makes me extremely dizzy for some reason and I look like I'm always about to faint.
Fullstack, yeah, but its PHP, MySQL, jQuery&Ajax, etc. Not actual hardcore math, mostly managing and parsing big data sets.
One of my first days on the job I had to call in like that, because I didn't have any pants to wear to work. I went out to buy breakfast, and rain started pouring while I walked back home, and got me wet as if I fell into a lake. And since I had just arrived to town, and I only had the clothes on my back, I called the secretary and told her I can't come to work, and had to explain five times why. They took it well though, had a laugh, never gave me problems, at the end of the month the day was marked as if I had been there working and I was paid for it.
Why not just do a trade apprenticeship? Unions dominate them and you're black so it's easy to get in. I'm not for affirmative action but robots need to do what's best and available for them no matter what.
I don't even have to talk to someone and explain it. I just leave a message and say I'm not coming. It's a shitty job but they have a good attendance policy where you always know where you stand, so they can't just fire you because you missed some arbitrary amount of days. The sick days are also on top of three weeks paid vacation and their normal disciplinary system that lets me stay out several more times.
Need to stop working for large companies where I'm nothing but a number.
what are your responsibilities as foreman?
>PHP, MySQL, jQuery&Ajax
I had a job doing that and i made $18/hr after 4.5 years
It was so bad my dad kept harrassing me to quit and come live with them to find a better job
Took me 1000+ applications over 10 months to get another job. Now i do java and javascript for, get this, $19/hr
No benefits at all
>so bad
I'm going to say the P word. I'll do it. Here it comes. Here it comes! Privilege.
How much do you get paid to do web dev or programming?
And how is it privilege? I taught myself
I make just under $10/hour, which is just over the average for the country.
I put away $1500 a month working min. wage and living with my parents. All I dream is of the day I can afford to quit and move out. Is it realistic to find a cheap studio and live off savings+part-time min. wage with food stamps? I need very little to survive.
How much is your rent per month?
About 220 USD per month for my own apartment. With utilities and taxes maybe just over $300 a month.
I thought this was a shitty 2008 meme that only worked for a year then it was just lucky people and shills trying to shill their products who succeeded at it?
Cheaper rent in America is triple that.
how do you plan to invest your savings?
If it was that easy everyone would do it
>tfw kind of liking my fast food job
Sure as shit dont want a career out of this and the second either something better pops up or I get a car and other things to get a better job or at least get some more schooling in I am out, but for now it isnt too bad, probably because I am still pretty young and just muck around doing stuff in the kitchen. Hell even my coworkers and managers are pretty good for the most part, which still flabbergasts me. Probably got the exception to it all though.
Where do you live? $300 for rent sounds blissful.
chainLINK obv I wasn't planning on investing at all, I'm only going to save up 10k-15k
what's the point in saving up if you're not going to invest it
if you don't plan to marry and only want to be a frugal neet then just save up to buy a house/apartment and then live off the rent
To save that much with my current wages I would have to live with my parents for years, fuck that. I just want to work as little as possible and spend my free time teaching myself skills.
At my job we are expected to use our vacation hours when we're sick. And we're still expected to personally find another person to cover our shift ourselves. If we can't get someone to agree, we are expected to come in and pretend to not be sick as to not annoy customers.
Though the SOP manual says employees shouldn't come to work if they are contagious, it's silently understood that that is just a meme, just written to satisfy legal standards, being sick is no excuse to miss work, if you are too sick to work, you are weak and need to be fired. Minimum wage is a doggy dog world and employees are a diamond dozen.
Honestly? Mostly babysit people. Still have to assign them to run different presses + CNC machines, make calls on whether parts we make are good or bad, try to fix both die cast machines and CNC's, and probably some other stuff I can't think of right now.
Most people think the foreman on the other shifts don't do shit; the one that's quitting legitimately didn't do shit and actually fucked our production over because he'd make up his own priority list and shut stuff down that we needed for shipment because he figured we had enough of them.
Some are mad that I'm getting straight shift but they don't realize that, going into a management/foreman position, I'm leaving the union and all the job protection that comes with it. If you fuck something up as a normal union employee, the union rep's will defend you. People have been all fucked up on all kinds of drugs and the union managed to save their jobs when anywhere else would fire them in a heartbeat. For the foreman, if you fuck up, you're on your own. Literally.
>going in hungover with fucked stomach after drinking a bottle of everclear last night
H-Hopefully I don't slack right guys?
That sucks dude. My "sick" days and vacation days are separate. You have to get permission ahead of time to use vacation days, but the sick days can be used at employee discretion. Try to get out of customer service shit if you can. If you don't mind doing manual labor go to a temp agency and try to get placed in manufacturing plant or something. You'll make more money and won't have to worry about some of this bullshit.
You might not believe this but fuck it I'll share it anyway
>Used to work in mccucks night shift a few years ago
>Night shift was comfy enough
as this mccucks is located in a retail park
>Place gets busy during the day with shoppers but no reason for many people to be around late at night
>No bars or pubs about, literally just some passing truckers or taxi drivers as we were close to a freeway and some distribution center for the trucks
>Working one Wednesday night
>2am and boring as fuck
>Suddenly hear massive banging coming from the bathrooms
>Goes on for over ten seconds so go and investigate and it's not sounding right
if you move out you'll never be able to save enough to retire unless you're a stemfag or manage to create a successful business, having meme skills won't get you much more than minimum wage
i think it's better to live with your parents and work your ass off in your twenties and retire at age 30 rather than being forced to work your entire life trying to keep up with the bills
How would it be affirmative action if I have a four year degree and an honorable discharge from the military? Lol at any time a black guy gets a job it has to be affirmative action, God forbid a person get employment via their own credentials.
People actually drink that shit??
Just because you asked, no, don't.
If you've got a greentext story post it smdh
Dirt cheap
I am paying $800 a month. Not including utilities and internet
It was the cheapest i could get in this town, the only place i could get a job
I don't know why people bother asking either, just fucking post it if you're gonna post it. Even if it's a shit story you're leaving everyone hanging.
>My "sick" days and vacation days are separate. You have to get permission ahead of time to use vacation days, but the sick days can be used at employee discretion
Yeah, that's how basically all full-time jobs operate. Here in Aus I've got 5 weeks annual leave and 28 days sick leave.
And that sweet double-time-and-a-half for public holidays and shit.
>looking for jobs
>Administrator Assistant
user who got a job at UPS if anybody remembers (or was I complaining at a different chan)
Today was my 4th day of work.
>First and second day I am just separating packages by an even and odd number on a conveyor belt, no lifting
>Third day they sent me home after ten minutes since there was too many people
>Today I was unloading trailers
If I have to unload trailers again tomorrow I will quit on Friday after getting my paycheck. My back is in my pain, my arms are limb and I can hardly grip my phone. I'm dirty and disgusting. My back is in pain so much that will say it again. I turned down a retail job for this because it pays $14, not worth it. I want to separate evens and odds again. This is bullshit
Ok will cont
>Go into men's bathrooms
>What the fuck is this noise sounds like a fucking earthquake
>One of the cubicals is shaking
>Sounds like it's going to topple
>Suddenly the door opens slightly
>Suddenly swings open fully
>OMG wtf
>This small sissy, must be about 20yo or so is getting rammed by some BBC
>Black guy is like twice his size
>Oh shit is this rape?
>Panic for like a second or so
>Sissy turns to me
>I'm surprised hes actually still alive at this point
>"Go away"
>Ok cool doesn't seem like rape now
>"err sorry guys you can't do that in here"
>Sounds beta but hadn't a clue what to say
>ok cool so confirmed not rape
>Feel relieved somewhat
>This guy had this sissy bent at a 45 degree angle, hands on his shoulders and it's completely going to town on the sissy white boy
>End up leaving as I had no idea what to do
>Pray that no one walks in and sees this
>Ten minute later and thankfully no one walks in and then both leave
>Black guys just walks straight out doesn't even look at me
>Sissy looks at me again and calls me a perv
I don't care if this sounds fake but it's true. Never saw them again thankfully
not only a sissy but also retarded apparently
Put tobacco between toes for night and you feel sick in the morning. If you want to get hospital treatment eat a half of cigarette. Works in the army if you want holidays.
Should've punched that faggot sissy cunt in the face
I suppose the sissy had it's master to protect it
Should've punched the nigger as well
don't drink anything stronger than 20% regularly, you WILL erode your esophagus and develop heartburn/GERD
t. Travia Bickle
if you were any good at it you would be making more money. it's not difficult to clear 6 figures just on sql queries.
>only reason to work is that I want to be loved
>no chance of that ever happening
>keep going to work anyways
It turns out that I don't even have enough willpower to quit
no one wants to hear your cuck fanfic giggling shitposter
What does skill have to do with it? Nobody wanted to hire me. There was no way i could prove to them my skills, i didn't even get a chance
>just got scheduled for 7 days in a row
>only on day 2
It's not a good feel user, atleast you will get some overtime?
Nope. It's three days at the end of the current work week, four days at the beginning of the next work week. It all amounts to my usual 30 hours a week, but it's strategically lined up in a way just to fuck me over.
I want to work but I am autistic and schizophrenic and could do something socially inappropriate or have a psychotic episode and get fired. I also appear to have developed either panic disorder or SVT within the past week and am having heart palpitations followed by extreme weakness and near-fainting.
>friday is a holiday in town
>literal jewish boss somehow got convinced of letting us stay at home
Three day weekend here we go, can't wait to be alone and depressed for one more day than usual, still better than wage cucking thought.
Get disability and volunteer a few times a week.
>get back from wagecucking at 9am
>have to go to sleep at 6pm
>mom expects me to pick up my brother at 2pm when I am in the middle of sleeping
fuck off cunt you are you going to interuppt my sleep because you are too fucking lazy to pick up your goddamn son from school
fuck I meant 2pm not 6pm anyways she is still a bitch fuck off
ill be making this post on sunday.
thankfully i still have 3 days before i start my 7 days in a row to have comfy depression naps and watching people through the window
Any securitybros here?