Just saw a stereotypical 30+ manchild sitting in public playing bing bing wahoo
Made me cringe inside
Just saw a stereotypical 30+ manchild sitting in public playing bing bing wahoo
Made me cringe inside
go back to /v/ console cuck
>beating up a child for playing with a children's videogame console
Big man, Quentin. Big man.
One day you'll get what you deserve.
That manchild is my friend. I'll be sure to cum inside your crush, and smack her face like the whore that she is. No one insults my friend and gets away with it. I'll notify the IRS about your little "schemes" too.
Love how Quentin has a private army dedicated to beating up children playing video games.
Men having fun playing his video games outside oh wow such cringe.
Mean while on r9k you had to make a post about it. Eeehh I think I rather be the loser playing Bing Bing whahoo than you.
The only person ive seen play a game in public was one of my coworkers playing on a Switch
Video games? Disgraceful. I'm a 65 year old man who's only hobbies are playing sports, hunting, fishing, fucking my wife and fighting
Grow the fuck up and stop waisting your precious life doing stupid unproductive shit, man children
Fighting playing sports are productive how?
"I cringed at the person living their life how they wanted to, whilst I posted about it to the image board for faggots infinite losers"
You do realise the irony here don't you?
What kind of boomer hangs out on Jow Forums, especially Jow Forums?
Boomer who has been here before r9k was even added you whippersnapper
lmao at the offended part. some roasties sure think like that.
>I'm a 65 year old man
>fucking my wife
What does grandma pussy feel like? I can imagine it getting looser but can it get just as wet as before or do you need to lube her up? Does she have much of a libido being well past menopause? When you're 65 do you also start finding ancient women attractive or does it kind of disgust you to bang her?
What was there for a boomer to talk about here before 2008? I only remember really using the site for anime and video games, though I suppose /b/ was popular around the time too.
>being the fun police
fuck off and let the guy play what he wants
>falling for this ironic bait
>Not playing along for the lulz
>i-i was only pretending!
Personally I'm genuinely interested in speculating on what grandma sex is like. Would you fuck a 60 something woman if given the chance? I'm talking about your average 60 something woman that doesn't look any older or younger for her age but is down for taking your cock
he remarried a hot 19-year-old ukrainian slut after leaving his geriatric pruned up bitch exwife.
sure. i mean if she has dentures just ask for her to take em out. get a 10/10 bj
why are you so obsessed with that jap shit fucing weebs? Why can't you at least play with a PSP like us normal ppl?
Hunting fishing sport and fighting are productive?
>tfw bred over a dozen shiny pokemon at work
elder god feels only itt