what the fuck is wrong with "men" these days?
What the fuck is wrong with "men" these days?
Women's rights were a mistake, their only place is in the kitchen
I blame whores
>emotionally celibate
my sides
It's as dumb as "involuntarily celibate" isn't it?
How is incel stupid? In China there's like 30 million of them just cause it's literally impossible for them to get a partner.
masculinity is demonized in schools, their traditional role as providers has been made obsolete, sexual markets are less localized which gives women access to the best men in a much larger area increasing inequality, the economy is kind of shit for people without lots of capital, and escapism is more immersive and accessible than it has ever been.
what did i miss guys?
involuntarily celibate doesnt nearly sound as dumb as emotionally celibate
What the fuck is wrong with women SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME????
Women can get a partner any time they want. They can even get knocked up if they don't want to put up with men. They get the child by default.
I can't wait until this leaks outside of Jow Forums and we get article after article of VICIOUS HATE SPREAD BY DISGUSTING 'INCELS' CAUSE THEY CAN'T GET LAID without a single drop of irony or self awareness
i'm in 100% support of reframing male problems as female problems. It will help accelerate the decline of society
Lacking a penis
They can't emotionally connect though. Thus emotionally celibate.
this is what happens when women go after the "bad guys" or "chads"
>emotional virginity
>spiritual hymen
>S O U L H O L E
my sides
That's why you don't date chad or get dicked by different guys off tinder.
trips of 8 and recurring 5 proves this post right
Everyone is shit today
It's a fucking downward spiral because women and men both lack inhibition and they aren't smart, they aren't morally good and lack loyalty, and everyone's standards are too high
Also the people in this thread should know that the OP is completely irrational and only makes this posts so they can get (you)s
thats what you get for fucking around. a woman can't bond with a man if she had too many partners. of course you can't expect self awarnes from a woman.
They can get sex but can't get a partner to stay with them. And you're a fucking retard if you think girls want to be single moms.
Its 'cause they fuck guys out of their league and don't understand that he's not turning up with flowers the next day, it must be rife
makes sense, but to be honest every case of fucking only relationship i know were initiated by women, most don't want to marry.
Finding partners is unironically easy as fuck. If a woman has had several short term relationships it's usually a red flag for her and not "bad luck". Sure shit happens, but when you've gone through a good 30 relationships or so lasting a couple weeks at max, it sounds like a personal problem.
>girls want to be single moms
The number of single moms are rising. Because they
A, don't want to take responsibility for their shitty choices in men
B, they don't want to spend energy and time fixing their relationships
C, they are favored in divorces by default
D, women are incapable of love anyone except their children
Still to this day most women's goal is to have a child sooner or later. Best if they have a male slave around but if it is too bothersome then they leave him in a heartbeat.
giggledy goooo ;)
Incels can't get sex AND can't get a partner to stay with them either. And you're a fucking retard if you think men want to be single.
>Incels can't get sex
When will this meme die? Incels could get sex but refuse to do anything that would result in sex.
Plenty of men want to be single numbnuts. Relationships are a hassle.
the seething incel rage in this thread is indicative of why you losers can't get laid, let alone have a normal conversation with a female
Sounds like these woman should become better women/girlfriends then? "woman up" as they say.
but that is because there was a decades long one child rule and every family wanted a boy and killed the girl babies so there aren't enough females.
that cope
>video games all day and night
>refuses to get any employment
>lives with mom and she cooks, cleans and does his laundry
>never threw, shot, hit or caught a ball in his life
>convinced hes right about EVERYTHING though he has done NOTHING
>won't bathe, shave or wear clean clothing unless mom makes him
>orgasms when women meet a horrible death
>keeps a rape list
>calls every woman a whore
Now come on you idiots, if you were a woman would you want you?
And? It's still a valid term.
I feel so sorry for women having to go through the nightmare that is today's modern world
it's 2019 and we don't even have equal pay, let alone equality
and then you privileged white males sit here and whine over stuff that is entirely your own fault
who would ever be interested in any of you when you act like children
do you honestly believe that any woman would be interested in a truck driver or a mailman?
man up and get a real job
if you want a woman, or anything from a woman, you have to have something to offer in return
but you don't
you want women to jump on your dick while you give nothing in return
not even taking me out to a nice restaurant or ask me how my day has been
fuck emcels
The one child rule was abolished in 2015 and now they can have two but still chinese parents want boys so this woman hate and kill women thing of white men in the west will doom them in the end
>truck driver or a mailman
at least these are jobs and white guys today don't even want to work at all and forget about doing anything physical, even if it requires walking.
there are women like this but there are also women who want intimacy and loyalty from men, and both of these things are harder to find
Wtf are you talking about, retard? The guy I replied to said "incel" made no sense, and I explained to him that it's a completely valid term because some men literally cannot have female partners.
Idk what you're going on about otherwise.
> so this woman hate and kill women thing of white men in the west
Lmao! White men in the West are literally the biggest feminists on the planet.
>there are women like this but there are also women who want intimacy and loyalty from men, and both of these things are harder to find
yeah! but it's so hard when all men today are behaving like boys
man the fuck up, jesus christ
hey, dont blame men. its women who have crazy high standards, and we all know it
Previous gen parents didn't do theyr job.
>emotionally celibate
Very fancy way of saying sociopathic.
It's the push for egalitarianism and feminism; 'equality between the sexes.' Truth be told our grand fathers have opened Pandora's box (women's rights) and there is no turning back now, the west died when that happened.
>Women now outnumber men in voting.
>Women overwhelmingly vote for bigger government and the expansion of the welfare state.
>The role of men are now replaced by daddy government, male role models are deemed ''sexiest'' and ''toxic''.
>A whole generation of men raised by single mothers who can't raise them properly so they sedate them with adderall and ritalin.
>''what the fuck is wrong with "men" these days?''
>45% of women aged 16-35 now identify as emotionally celibate
incels are also consequently emotionally celibate
1) you are not ostracized and demonized for being "emotionally celibate"
2)if they simply dropped their standards they could get that easily
>45% of women aged 16-35 can't get Chad to commit
>abloo abloo
>it's 2019 and we don't even have equal pay, let alone equality
Stopped reading after that, can already tell you're an idiot.
you perceive that as high standards but it's just searching for someone who actually cares and doesn't only think about themselves = a real father, and none of you could be worthy, you get what you give
They will never change, even when betas finally refuse to put up with their shit and opt for sex robots instead. Chad will be all they will ever be sexually attracted to, its in their biology.
men can't be emotionally celibate
you're not a man then
what woman would want to be with a crybaby incel
They love being used like a sex doll, that's what gets them off. Being chads cum bin is all they want out of life.
Immigration is the perfect counter, not only that immigrants vote right after a few generation but also that insecurity is going to force white women to vote right
Are you worth of that treatment?
that statement implies that you think women in general aren't worthy of basic human needs to fulfil them
and you are not a misogynist?
that's for a guy to decide of course. who are the ones having high standards then?
>that statement implies that you think women in general aren't worthy of basic human needs to fulfil them
i don't think that's what user was implying. if everyone started thinking every woman is worthy of that there wouldn't be a special preference for their own wife
Lmao no way
They were pushing this term in Jow Forums several months ago. Haven't seen it again until now
They are hard to find in the men women select. Incels would probably be the most intimate and loyal of all the men out there but there's no convincing femoids of this. Its all about sexual attraction when it comes down to it and incels are the least sexy men on the planet.
it's not funny at all, sicko
user here, what I tried to say is that if you want someone to really care about you it must be reciprocal, if a lot of dudes care more about their football teams more than about their wife maybe it's because said wifes don't care about them, a lot of women think that if they marry a man they can stop caring about him and that's a problem
Why does a man need to be worthy of you? You aren't a princess whore, you are just a wet whole in most men's eyes especially the men you find attractive.
lol emotional celebate at least women are giving up on pretending to be incels. Women should make their own communities more often I fully suport this
>You aren't a princess whore, you are just a wet whole in most men's eyes
gee, I wonder why you are still a virgin and why you are on the verge of tears daily
Incels are hilarious when talking about women. You need some self awareness
Ok then we should strip you of your rights then? If men can't express emotions like women then maybe you can't have rights. Equality is equality, if you want it don't complain about men not wanting to follow strict gender codes whore.
Gee how totally original your post is and totally not like what every other mindless meat hole npc would robotically repeat after being put in its place by a human.
>arguing with holes
roasties lmao
that's not equality
women and men are not the same in that way
men are strong, silent...I mean, come on, everyone knows this
they show emotion to their loved ones, sure, but they don't break down and cry like "men" do these days
maybe if people keep telling you this that's because it's the truth
Great! I'm glad we agree. Men should be strong and silent breadwinners who work, own property and vote and women should be free to be emotional lovers and mothers without the burdens of labor.
Ok then so you are fine with being striped of your human rights? Great then, I hope more w*men start seeing things the way you do.
>Men are silet
You've never meet a South European don't you?
that's not equality at all, retard
equality is the same pay, same standard of living, same rights, same respect
You mean just talk to women and bee yourself?
Don't forget to shower twice a day and give her your bf application with a firm handshake
>burn out serotonin receptors on the cock carousel
>is now incapable of forming bonds of any sort
>emotionally celibate
>this is men's fault.
Or maybe you could take responsibility for your shit decisions? Maybe you could realize that women were never meant to have sex like gay men from an evolutionary stand point.
so every woman is a whore just because you can't get laid? being with 5 guys is average today
I have friends who have been with 50 guys, and they are not any worse off for it, because we still can't find any decent men to settle down with
They never had to take responsibility throughout all time, so they can always find a way to blame men for their own bullshit decisions.
We gave them the right to vote and full control of their lives: but they spent the past couple million years being baby machines. They weren't ready for full autonomy. and they proceed to fuck society and their own lives up.
sweetie, you aren't entitled to commitment
>get a real job
>man up
>doesn't care about his well-being
And now you know why MGTOW exists.
Whores trying to cope with the fact that they threw away their virginity (their most valuable commodity) at prom (a free date) with a jock-chad (a concussed looser).
You sad misguided fool.
>women have a nightmare because they have to put effort in finding a mate
Don't know if retard or woman.
Equality also means equal treatment. If we teach our girls its ok to have emotion and seek support, should we not offer the same to our boys? Why are they forced to suffer alone ? Why if a a boy reaches out his hand do you slap him away and tell him to "man up" thats not equality
>every guy on r9k is a mass shooter.
Nice bait, faggot.
Thats fucking autistic. Same pay for same work, same standard of living if you choose to live the same way ie work the same. And women won't get respect in the same way as they are not men. How the fuck do you not know men and women are different?
Lol get out
Why do women think they entitled to decent men to settle down with?
Deal with the consequences of equality whore, it was your chose after all.
You're the choosy gender, so this is something YOUR group has to work on. Chose guys who are going to be there and improve the gene pool. I don't even care if you do pic related either (not even joking). False suitors sabotage the dating scene and fuck all of us over too.
Thats true, its what men and women are for
every guy on Jow Forums is a potential mass shooter, rapist or both
KYS, I know a guy who has a career, own his own house and his own car. And women still side line him. He is the complete package: the only problem is he isn't a full chad. Women would rather be girlfriend number 5 in Chad's harem then be married to a stable and honest man.
Fuck em, they deserve their loneliness for the shit they pull in their 20s
>Not realising this is bait
everytime i try to talk to women it backfires in some way out of my control, without me ever having been flirting or trying to hit on them.
i think what the problem is is if you don't flirt with them or try to advance the relationship, you enter this awkward "im putting up with you now" stance and every interaction from then on out that isn't advancing the relationship is a mutual waste of time.
she can't manipulate me for anything and i can't get sex or affection from her, so neither of us care for the either whatsoever, not even as friends.
These women brought this on themselves. Everyone knows it , we all know it. Just as usual.. they are attempting to deflect the blame to something else.
Im not a hater.. but If this is true then i can now die happy as a lonely old man. After taking emotional abuse, ridicule, blatantly being used, and rejection from women for years on end for just trying to be a good and fair person. Has the tables finally turned? Such a bitter sweet moment. I tired to be there, but was just tossed aside like a piece of shit stuck on her boots.
Every Muslim is a potential mass shooter, rapist or both.