>he calls contributing to society, making something of his life, and being constructive "wageslaving"
He calls contributing to society, making something of his life, and being constructive "wageslaving"
>he calls working more than necessary, performing simple and repetitive tasks which could be done by any other person or a machine, not getting a wage equivalent to the fruit of his labor, and producing often unnecessary or subpar products designed to maximize profit rather than to provide utility to the consumer "contributing to society"
>he thinks jerking off in his room is a better life than being a part of civilization
>he defends lofty abstract ideas such as "civilization" with no regard to how badly they might be manifesting in reality and dismisses earthly pleasures as somehow fundamentally wrong
>he thinks sitting around doing nothing all day is noble
No wonder you're a virgin incel who can't get laid
I own my own business man. The only two options aren't unemployment or McDonald's. It just seems that way because those are your only options.
What is your business?
I am a programmer and i hate it. Can't imagine a less horrible job though
cope harder wagie
pic related
As well as the only options for the vast majority of workers. It's not like you can have more bosses and managers than the people performing the actual job.
If I could enjoy a reasonable quality of life (I don't buy expensive things or go do expensive things) without needing a job, I definitely wouldn't have one. I'm almost done university so I could just enjoy a comfy life of learning and doing what I want. HOWEVER HOW THE FUCK DO NEETS AFFORD THEIR LIFESTYLE???? I CAN'T LIVE WITH MY PARENTS BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T ALLOW ME TO NEET! I'M A LEAF AND I STILL DON'T THINK THE GOVERNMENT WOULD SUPPORT ME!
>le disapproving 6/10 roastie face
>No wonder you're a virgin incel who can't get laid
Imagine this being your one trump card for when you lose an argument and have nothing else to say. Back to plebbit or wherever you fags come from
yeah let me just go ahead and contribute to society
I seriously hope you guys don't do that
Why is "contributing to society" important in the first place? Aside from getting resources for survival, I don't see why society nor other people's opinions on my achievements should be important to me.
>benefit from being part of society
>just leeches from it and never gives anything back
It's your sacred duty
No wonder you're an incel who can't get a gf. you are a shameless leech!
>sacred duty
I know this is bait but some people seriously think like this
im a wage slave my guy, i get nothing back.
the only reason im slaving is because maybe one day if i worked hard enough ill be a boss and my son wont have to slave as hard.
Do you think it's a cope?
Do they just lie so hard to themselves that they believe it?
It's insane
Doesn't mean much in the era of pointless jobs honestly.
You could say the same about disabled people. But neither are leeches, because food and shelter are human rights and no matter what, the primary goal of society should be achieving wellbeing for all.
Explain why it's sacred. Plus, it's not leeching if you have to work for it. People see society as some god we have to worship with everything we have, while the only thing it's good for are resources. I don't particularly like being part of a society, but it's the easiest way for me to get resources for survival.
You get
1. Money
2. The satisfaction of a day's hard work
I wish I didn't have to but what's the alternative for your average dude?
I have to make a living.
>food and shelter are human rights
Nope, you have to work for it
Your parents consented to reproducing and thus you have to pay the price, literally
You reap all the benefits. If you don't want to work go live in a rainforest!
Social approval is usually a big factor in one's happiness, if people close and around an individual have such a mentality it's not a surprise that said individual may abide to such pressure and adopt it.
Capitalist and state socialist nations are work fetishists, one is obsessed with profits and the other is obsessed with a central committee's objectives/goals.
A solution would be to make sure an individual or clique never gets in a position of power when he or they can force bad conditions upon other humans for their own benefits or power fantasies.
Why are you assuming that I don't work?
don't worry, muppet stacy. there are plenty of potential normcattle for you to selectively mate with.
>he thinks working for a job you hate is better than being NEET
>he believes in spooks like the state and 'society' when in reality all his world consists of is the rode to work, the few hills he sees along the way and his house
>Social approval is usually a big factor in one's happiness
What does it mean if i dont give a fuck about that?
I want society to approve of my ideas even if i am completely unknown to them
For fuck sake, if the only insults you can hurl are buzzwords then fuck off this planet. Jesus christ
>inb4 "someone's triggered"
Do u need some ointment for that butt hurt mister?
Nobody is answering your question, because nobody here is a neet
Honestly it has to be parents
Food is cheap. If you don't have to pay rent or electricity you can easily live off $3-5 a day
>Honestly it has to be parents
This is pretty unfortunate. My parents are more conservative types and they would never support me at 20 if I was NEETing for months or years. I guess the best I can do is use my degree to get a job that allows me to be as close to being a NEET as possible. Currently wanting to be a high school teacher.
>get paid to talk about a subject I like
>actually a well-paying job (in Canada)
>provide a nice classroom for the weird kids to feel safe
>cozy job, no terrible labour, can sit at my desk and drink coffee for most of the day
>decent working hours, usually 8-4ish
>several months *paid* vacation per year
>respected career (at least in Canada)
>great pension, get to retire around age 55
>opportunity to teach abroad in Canadian international schools
>have to deal with some shitty kids
>might get shot
>have to deal with boomer coworkers
>might have to be around some hot as fuck teen aged girls that you CANNOT FUCK
>probably some bullshit meetings
>"school-spirit" activities
I think it's worth the trade off. Not as good as being a NEET but it's the next best thing.
>high school teacher
Sounds dreadful
I am a programmer and i absolutely hate every moment of it
But i can't imagine a job that would not be worse