why do asian girls disrespect asian guys like this
Why do asian girls disrespect asian guys like this
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That's not attractive at all. A girl/guy who dislikes their own race and doesn't date inside their circle shows lack of culture and big time insecurity.
I'm all for people liking who they like but in reality most of these bimbos are just dumb whores who a smart, rich asian man would never settle down with.
She would do that to any other person too though.
Poor Asian guys. As if white girls were bad enough, they have to deal with those gook shit race traitors. They're still fucking bugs who don't belong in Muttistan, but gotta feel sorry for them.
white girls dont treat us badly though. we leave each other alone, its pretty comfy.
i mean, what can ya do really? girls got options.
>you like asian guys?
Super attractive, homo. Really confident.
he was joking around. no need for that
It never fails, user posts something bad about "ASIANS" and it is always a SOUTHEAST FEMALE who says something bad about Asian men in the West.
FOREGROUND : Light-skinned female with promeninent nose who looks Viet or Southern Chinese = prefers Asian guys. She is East Asian or has East Asian ancestry
BACKGROUND : Dark-skinned short fat midget with nigger broad nose. She is definitely Filipino.
REMINDER : The vast majority of White men are with SOUTHEAST ASIAN Females and not East Asian females.
>i-it was just a joke
She wasn't joking when she btfo him lmao. Stay seething, stay coping, get filtered.
Asian boys will never be seen as a threat to white men.
this is some cope, bro. nobody believes this, asian women of all backgrounds will date white men.
wow asian girls are like white girls but even bigger disloyal whores. why do you virgins obsess over these ugly gooks?
That's the majority of asian girls
So much for muh high iq
Because they're naturally thin and naturally receptive to white cock
Japanese immigration to the West since WW2 : ZERO
Korean immigration to the Wes since 1980 : ZERO
Yeah, all those East Asians are really clamoring to come to the West. Isnt it amazing once all these countries got rich, they stopped wanted to go to White countries ...
all i'm saying is that there's better alternatives user
>Yeah, all those East Asians are really clamoring to come to the West
>when he's so cut he starts fighting against shit nobody brought up
What a hero
Japan yes, but Korea and China has heavy immigration westward. Bro, I get it, but its lost. Let go
>implying I haven't also dated black girls
I'm an equal opportunity lover.
nah bro, let it be.
See chart, Korean immigration to the US is virtually ZERO since the 1990s. There are more Chinese today going to Africa than the US.
What is it like to live in a fantasy world where actual reality doesnt exist?
where is my black gf?
Come on mate, theres plenty of Koreans here. Are you trolling or what?
>What is it like to live in a fantasy world where actual reality doesnt exist?
Was this a rhetorical question directed at yourself?
she's waiting for you user
>come home white man
Girl on the left is obviously hapa
Who is posting black women in an asian thread and why? Oh thanks I completely forgot about black women, nice of you to remind us.
How does this make you feel?
How can Chinese women be this easy?
Leave Jake and Water alone.
asians do have higher IQ though.
i'll start namefagging too so you know
i think its ridiculous to say its zero but ive just thought about it and theres def less koreans coming into the country it seems. i guess its anecdotal but most of the new koreans ive met have been international students or 2/3rd gen. i think its just korea is a much nicer place (in some regards) than it was a few decades ago so the numbers may be less
There is a cute light black woman with curly hair at my Dunkin. Super sweety.
black women and asian men were made for each other. go for it.
Yea there are many 2nd/3rd gen Koreans here already. You can only come here if you're a student or got smuggled in.
According to the last US Census in 2010, there are 1.4 million people of Korean descent in the US. Meanwhile there are 5 million Filipinos in the US and 4.5 million Indians (from India)
>at yourself?
I back up my data. Meanwhile YOU : "HEHEHEHEHEHEH ASIANS GIRLS LOVE WHITE GUYS", although worldwide there are more East Asian men with White females than the opposite and the vast majorty of White men are with BROWN POVERTY-STRICKEN South east Asians from the Phillipines or Thailand or Indonesia.
Of course it's economics but this seething ricecel thinks that people emigrate just to take white dick. This is how powerful the hold whites have over him, he doesn't even consider other factors.
Yea. And add Chinese you have a hefty east asian population in the States. And they do like white men, the women.
And oh god not the amwf porn, please.
>How can Chinese women be this easy?
How can White women be this easy?
reminder that its all of asia not just SEasia
i mean theres really no arguing with those kinds of people. if you pop into a racebait thread youre going to come across people fucking around or who are actually nuts
Oh no, please don't use Dizzy for this. And that's a handsome and probably well off asian fella, cream of the rice crop. Don't do this bro.
Amazing how NONE of girls in those webms actually leave Japan (backed up with actual facts). Meanwhile here is a White girl living in China.
Ole Jake gets around. Him and that guy who got banned from twitch, Cjayrides.
Asian women are pathetic. No other race of women shows greater self-hatred than the Asian woman. If they could take a pill and wake up as a White woman tomorrow, 99% of them would.
She has only had Asian boyfriend and prefers Asian guys. Hear her in her own words :
is2.Jow Forums.org/wsg/1565741101436.webm
Question : Do you like Asian guys?
Answer : Yes, I do tend to lean that way.
Yikes bro.
Leave them be. They got options. Don't fault them for going after what they want.
Ok, sure. But thats not what I asked. I said leave Dizzy out of it.
She's a nice girl. Im too old and poor.
That kid making the basedboy face kek
>look at all these white girls with asians
>quarter aren't white
>a quarter he doesn't know about
>one of them got abused so chose asians because they're meek
>posts her own words
>she doesn't only date asians
Never. Ever. Be seen as a threat to any men. Ever.
Nothing wrong with meek and non abusive, imo.
Also, how/why did this turn into a "asian men dont threaten mee!" thread?
>Asian woman
1st EAST ASIAN FEMALE : Prefers Asian men
2nd SOUTHEAST ASIAN FEMALE : Fat, brown and ugly. I like White boys.
How exactly is that all 'Asian' females? You do realize that SOUTH EAST ASIAN FEMALES are the bottom of the barrel in terms of looks in the world. You combine that with the fact they come from the poorest countries in the world, of course they would chase White men.
Now ask yourself, why would White men reciprocate? Oh right, those White men who do reciprocate are bottom-of-the-barrel BETA losers like you.
Asian girls are white supremacists. They all want mixed babies with light features. They only go for Asian guys when they live in a homogeneous country or if they live in an area with too few whites.
buddy asian men and black women do the worst on dating sites
your anecdotal evidence means nothing
Some people say whites are insecure and easily threatened but that might just be a stereotype
Why do you insist that east asian women dont date white men? They do. And they keep a very low profile, which is why yourself can insist that they don't.
Japanese women are the biggest race traitors behind flips.
this is objectively true despite what r/asianmasculinity thinks
Yea. I am just wondering if we will all ever get over this.
Theres no way indian men do better than asians and black women lmao, they probably just measured brown people as literally every cuban mexican etc. Brown men and women have it on hard mode.
REMINDER : This is a Japanese-American. There hasnt been +1 immigration from Japan to the US since WW2. 40% of the Japanese American population is non-Asian.
Dating white men doesnt make you a "white supremacist". What a joke.
>why do you virgins obsess over these ugly gooks?
Why do black guys obsess over fat ugly white women? It's because men like when another race of women fawns over "our" group.
Honestly, the only people who need to get over it are Asians. We honestly don't see you as a threat and when Asians date white women I've never heard ANYONE say something. It doesn't piss us off, it's a one-way rivalry.
Yea immigration from Japan is near non-existent, vouch.
Leave Indi bros out of this. I'm not really friends with them but theyre hardworking people.
Oh please, plenty of people say something whenever theres AMWF anything as a topic. Aren't you projecting a lot? All I see are wmaf threads, you gonna say that asian men are making those?
>If they could take a pill and wake up as a White woman tomorrow, 99% of them would.
Same for most ethnics. White guys like East Asian women over any group hence the preponderance of wmaf.
yeah sure but what makes white women unappealing is in asian girls as well
America is evil. Racemixing needs to be stopped.
And that's great. What now? Seems like some people want to stay fighting.
It's just looks. You've never spoken to that man.
Imagine being an Asian guy. jfc.
I dont read cereal boxes bro. I dont need to imagine it since I am one. Anything you wanna ask?
You know that not all white women want black men right? Thats just black dudes trolling you guys, in fact, Id go as far ad to say its pretty likely that there are white supremacists who post that shit to get people to hate blacks. Idk though, is there another reason u guys r co-opting asian women? Either way, its nice to just sit back and watch three tribes duke it out for women as an outsider. First the blacks invade the white territory and steal their women, the whites fight back but lose, and set their sights on asian women. Now Im just waiting to see how the asians react. So far theyre doing pretty good, still havent seen as many people get as angry as with bbc posts but its been good nonetheless. Right now Im observing a lad underhoing a tried and true method of scientific rebuttal that you see at least one of in everyone one of these threads.
>Not so fast cuck and dash
>These statistics prove dick size is a myth
Always a classic.
>be mixed
>A girl/guy who dislikes their own race and doesn't date inside their circle shows lack of culture and big time insecurity.
there's a logical inconsistency that pokes pretty large holes into this argument user.
Its 'another posts stats about ASIAN-AMERICANS 'while ignoring that the ASIAN-AMERICAN population is divided into the following :
1. 33% East Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese)
2. 33% South Asian (India, Pakistani, Bangeladeshi)
3. 33% Southeast Asian (Filipino, Thailand)
There are about 3x more Indians in the US than Japanese and Koreans combined. Indians are categorized as Asian-American by the US Census.
>Imagine being an Asian guy. jfc.
"Asian Americans are Americans of Asian ancestry. The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, South Asia, or Southeast Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. This includes people who indicate their race(s) on the census as "Asian" or reported entries such as "Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Other Asian"."
REMINDER : Any stats about Asian-Americans includes people that look like this.
And what's so bad about that? At least white guys are getting some good tight Asian puss
indians are not categorized as asian in america lol
are u british
Ya. You just said its a myth then you say that blacks "stole their women". Consistency, bro, you need it.
I dont think we're really co-opting, asian women arent dating except in rare cases this generation.
Also I believe that interracial porn is inherently misogynistic if youre watching your women have sex with a man of a different race.
Social media + abundance of WMAF means Asian guys are going to start seeing white guys as niggers. Hapas got on that train long ago.
>are u british
Are u stupid?
Why you tryna throw Indi and SEA bros under the bus? Why you tryna make enemies breh
no they aren't lol. no asian person outside Jow Forums cares about race mixing.
>At least white guys are getting some good tight Asian puss
It also means that Asian guys aren't getting pussy. Non-Asian women don't like Asian men.
No. White men are good friends, they can date our women, its mutual anyway I couldnt stop it if i wanted.
t. Jow Forumsasianmasculinity coper
Dont you know? Jow Forums mind controls the world.
Theres escorts at least.
no i'm white. you can want to fuck asian girls without being mean to asian men.
thank you. this is progress
so yeah. ima be over here grazing
r/asianmasculinity irl
whom? never heard of them
>Non-Asian women don't like Asian men.
Except you know in Russia, Central Asia, or northern China where the greatest mixing between Whites + Asians occurs and it is mostly East Asian men and White women.
How many total WMAF marriages is there in the US? 500k with about 60% of those to SE Asians females like Filipino.
There is 500k Chinese men with White women in like one province in China. In Western China, there is Chinese men with Uyghur women. Again why do user like you think "US = World"? Is there some sort of mentally defiency in some of you user that you cannot comprehend there exists a entire world outside of your Western country?
This happens in China, but it doesnt exist because it doesnt happen in the US.
500k out of billions. please keep amwf posting bro. really, puts the right spin on all of this.
It never fails, user posts something bad about "ASIANS" and it is always a SOUTHEAST FEMALE who says something bad about Asian men in the West.
FOREGROUND : Light-skinned female with promeninent nose who looks Viet or Southern Chinese = prefers Asian guys. She is East Asian or has East Asian ancestry
BACKGROUND : Dark-skinned short fat midget with nigger broad nose. She is definitely Filipino.
REMINDER : The vast majority of White men are with SOUTHEAST ASIAN Females and not East Asian females.
yea buddy. a handful of amwf pictures to offset the billions of asian men without a gf.