>got into another fight with mom about my neetness
>lost my cool and called her a nigger
>she's been crying for the past hour now
Got into another fight with mom about my neetness
lmao, if i was your mom i'd let you stay for another month just cuz of how based that is
is that you, saf? I got locked out of my discord account, haven't been able to get back into it to talk
fancy that, called me mum a nigger!
what exactly happened, OP? give us details
this, give more of the story
My mom is a NEET and I take care of her but do not give her shit for it. But by God when I was without a job did she treat me like a piece of garbage, she has not worked in almost twenty years.
Doesn't that make you a nigger by relation though?
ur a faggot add me
a genuine qt#4952
At least you don't have sibblings, right? Or at least you're not poor and have your own bed rooms. Or your mother set up two beds in the bed room and your sibbling isn't psychotic..
How old are you?
originalization confirmed
retard, you're the nigger here.
Get a job nigger
fuck you faggot, your mom actually cares about your future well being
unlike most blackpilled neets who wound up making the realization that their lives were worthless once they hit their late 20s early 30s
their moms created co-dependency that literally ruined these mens' lives
and in the end the vast majority of them will likely kill themselves when their mothers croak
one can only hope they don't take too many mothers with them
the internet was a mistake for guys like us, it fucking ruined us, gave us social interaction, entertainment, fun, challenges, without ever having to leave the house
Cope. The reason why you're neet is because you're scared to leave your house. Why? It's because of your subhuman looks. Chad is goodlooking therefore it is easier for him to get jobs and a social life. You on the other hand are a subhuman blaming the internet for giving you a miserable life.
This is why single mothers are bad parents, if you had a dad he would've beaten the shit out of you like you deserve.
It's not too late user. Learn to be a man. Get a fucking job you loser. Even if it's the worst job you can imagine, at least it's a start.
Get a fucking job.
Your mom's a pussy and you're a meming retard unless she's black, in which case kek All these sensitive fuckng pussies in the US holy shit. We were slinging insults at the dead between family along with every curse word, yelling, etc all throughout my life.
>Called her a nigger
Lmao is she even black? Also get a job you lazy fuck. Does she work? How old are you?
You aren't wrong, I'm ugly as fuck. I'm also quite fucking old. Probably the oldest NEET here by far.
But the internet played a huge fucking role. I started at 14 in 1996, IRC and AIM/AOL, chatted 6-10 hours a day. Homeschooled. Dad died. Single mom raised us and moved around a lot. But she was sure to keep us with dialup, the DSL, then cable, etc.
20 years ago I could've easily gotten laid with a becky or two. Now, I wouldn't even want to subject another human being to my grotesque body.
>This is why single mothers are bad parents
Yep, after my dad died my mom found a boyfriend, he was a fucking architect, teacher type, and he told her to put us in school, and she actually broke up with him after like a year because he was pressuring her to put us in school.
Fucking broke my heart, that dude was a better dad to me than my own drug addicted dad (my dad died from a drug overdose).
>I wouldn't even want to subject another human being to my grotesque body.
post pics
That's sad. Women generally have a weak mental constitution and always take the easiest option to avoid confrontation.
So the question now is are you a man or a woman, mentally speaking? Be a fucking man and stand on your own two feet. It takes time to learn, but you can do it. We're all going to make it boys.
my teeth rotted out and I'll never kiss a girl
I'll never know what it's like to have a girl rub her hair through my head
we need a cleaner, better shot of them teeth to truly assess what we are dealing with here user. Also satan trips
why do you think I'm posting here user, you think I'm ready to get fit and get a job and work it all off, get fit, get laid, have a family, business, whole nine yards, or you think I'm here to warn you fucking faggots as my final farewell to this shit existence?
if you're having trouble with rotting teeth, eat a whole foods plant based diet. a diet devoid of any processed foods, so no soda, or candy, or sugar or meat
you can still save some of your teeth but im sure a lot are still gone. you dont have to clean your teeth daily, you just eat cleanly and the problems go away by themselves
because its not a lack of adding in dental care, its a case of removing whats causing your teeth to rot in the first place. sorry to hear that. i also have 1 teeth in the back of my mouth that fell out, and one chipped. i need to go to the dentist but i keep procrastinating
Answer this please op
best I could hope for is a full extraction, and then dentures, then I could maybe date a 35 year old roastie who has 3 kids and I'm mentally a 16 year old
but I don't even have money for that
there are no teeth in the uppers at all, bottoms could maybe get caps or whatever they're called
Holy fuck dude what do you eat? Two of my back teeth are half rotted due to poor diet and hygiene, and the fact that you get abysmally bad quality free dental care here til you're 18 then after that you have to pay by the thousands to fix the fuckups made earlier.
Better than nothing but still I'm a bit salty about it.
Even if you are the most pitiful creature in all existence you can still ascend. Get a job.
well, start on a diet that eliminates the problem causing your teeth decay
honestly, if you're teeth are in that bad of a condition, id say they're the least of your problems. probably you live in squalor and are severely mentally ill. probably you have depression and mental illness
going on a whole foods vegan diet is fantastic for depression and mental pain, which IMO is more important than the quality of your teeth
another dental video
2 videos on depression
what is a whole food
consider changing your diet today
Apoligize and better yourself for her
You don't want to weigh less as a man, you want your weight to be muscle not fat. Meat and dairy are the best, cheapest and easiest sources of protein.
Just remove most processed foods and eat real meat.
But how is this cunt going to afford any of this? It's more expensive than eating like shit.
Nah man I appreciate what you're saying, I'm at the end of my rope bro. You are a good user though. Help anons like OP who don't know what kind of miserable, empty, sad, pathetic life that they're submitting themselves to. I've been trying to warn 'em. They don't understand this shit. There was a 21 year old bemoaning today about not, uh, having a life when he was 14-16, oh my goodness poor kid. Jesus Christ.
>probably you live in squalor and are severely mentally ill. probably you have depression and mental illness
You're not wrong. I recently cleaned my room and threw out a shit ton of garbage because the bug people kept wanting to come in here. They assumed, I think, correctly, it was squalor because my door was always locked when they came and I never came out.
The NEET diet is a poor diet though, I wouldn't take food from my elderly mom. Hot dogs and potatoes. The teeth rotted from sweet tea. And I'm almost fucking 40.
Or he could just simply brush his teeth more, you absolute moronic dickhead
Three types of excruciating pain I've felt. Heartache, all the robots here probably felt it, sucks, goes away. Rotting teeth, miserable, fantastical, and makes you not want to brush because it hurts so much to do so. And pancreatitis, which occurs from years of alcohol abuse. Can't say I've ever felt anything worse than pancreatitis that's for sure. At least it made me stop drinking.
>But how is this cunt going to afford any of this?
literally a whole foods plant based diet is the cheapest one in the world
corn is expensive?
brown rice is expensive? literally a 20$ bag of brown rice will last you like 3 months of everyday eating, its like a million calories
potatoes are expensive?
beans and lentils are expensive? beans and lentils are so cheap, like 20$ will last you 3 months of every day eating, COMON
oatmeal is expensive?
heres mr vegan gains taking a shit vegan shit down your ignorant carnist throat
>The teeth rotted from sweet tea
i drink tea everyday and i stopped putting sugar in it. it took like a month to get used to it, but eventually i started prefering the taste of tea without sugar. its just a case of taste preferences changing over time, i highly suggest cutting out all processed sugar from your diet. im a 28 kv neet myself
go vegan my dude, you can improve your health with a simple dietary change. stop torturing animals for your taste preferences. statistically, most mentally ill neets and losers like you and me experienced a lot of bullying and abuse at the hands of normies and their parents. dont be like them and treat animals the same way. animals suffer just as deeply as you do, if not worse. believe it or not, the quality of life you life is much better than that of a farmed pig or a cow. seriously, im a reclusive NEET too who's a virgin, you cant tell me i dont know what its like to be you. stop being a hypocrite and change your diet
tell your parents about your desire to go on a vegan diet, your parents wont want to kill you for eating vegetables, trust me. i told mine and they accepted it, even though they still hate me
or you can post scientific evidence showing me why my claims are wrong or shut your quack anti-scientific dumb ass up. i posted scientific evidence and you didnt
I'm 30 now and I was the same in my early 20s, stuck in a cycle of self harm and self pity. Nothing was my fault because I'd had such a bad life until that point, I was a loser anyway and the world already hated me so why not just smoke weed all the time, play video games and be angry on the internet?
I always worked though and that was my saving grace, after an extremely low point in my mid 20s I started lifting and looking after myself and managed to save enough money to go traveling and eventually move somewhere else.
I was never as low as the worst robots and had certain advantages, but I mean I ascended from a bitter nerdy loser who everyone automatically disliked to a charismatic popular Chad-of-the-world, so surely anyone can at least get to being a passable human.
Wait you're the vegan NEET! I heard about you I just didn't make the connection.
So I eat the cheapest thing on the shelf, 35 cans of corn, peas, green beans, and navy beans, etc. Potatoes are the staple food and hot dogs are an every few days thing. If I cut out the hot dogs I'd be fully vegan.
Anyway you're a good user, I am not really here for advice though, but you guys are nice, and I appreciate it.
>fuck you faggot, your mom actually cares about your future well being
Horseshit most parents really only care about themselves the child is just a fucking pet project and because they feel pressured by society to have them. Sure a few parents give a damn but we are talking less than 5%
wish you would fuck off, you're nearly as bad as the tranny shills
why user? is it because i tell people to stop being hypocrites and to eat plants?
whats so unbecoming about eating plants and not killing animals?
the people who hate vegans are my favorite, lel
consider this vocaroo me intellectually spitting on your disgusting face
based, with just a smidgen of redpilled
Do you have any kind of hobbies outside shitposting and playing vidya? Like do you do anything creative?
I tell you what op you've really pissed me off I'll push your face in
owie user
that must really hurt a lot
Wasn't a very nice thing to call your mom. You should apologize.
Did you literally just draw on your teeth with a marker LOL
>I'll never know what it's like to have a girl rub her hair through my head
What did this hideous bald fuck mean by this?
>be a man and become a slave!
The only hypocrite is you. You still kill plants and trendy diets are just a marketing tool
Imagine creating a child then forcing them to wageslave even though it makes them miserable, and expect them to be grateful for it LOL
Fuck boomers
This. Anyone who doesnt have money should just have been born rich
It's not that
Nobody consents to being born
What if you had a son and wageslaving made him suicidal. Would you let him be NEET or insist he do what makes him miserable until he kills himself?