every time i think im gonna get away i come back to this shitty board and site after about a month. how is everyone?
Every time i think im gonna get away i come back to this shitty board and site after about a month. how is everyone?
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good, that picture makes me want to masturbate
i'm trying to do nofap here and you post a loli THAT sexy?
You better post the rest niggy
Just give me the sauce on that pic
i was away for like 3 years. im back now, first out of curiosity, but now i realize this is the most social interaction i ever get and it feels good
Now I can die happy
pretty much lurk only and decided to reverse search and help my fellow man out for once and as im posting it tells me the file was a duplicate. why do i even bother lel
Saved before deletion.
i was teasing them why you gotta be like that
Not cool bro, you gotta share the good stuff
shit, mods be sleepin
It's 2019. Almost 2020. I came to this board in 2012. Got called a newfag. I have been posting in this black shithole for 7 fucking years. I thought it would be a short and dark phase in my life.
Came to Jow Forums in what? 2008-ish? Feels blurry. Got called a newfag. I was 14 and edgy and into anime. How the fuck did I even find out about this place? It's 2019, almost 2020. Estimated 11 fucking years on this horrible website, basically every day. Over a decade.
Wait no. I'm 26 and I was 14, right? That's 12 years. Did I come here in 2007? I just remember shoop da woop and double nigger and mudkipz and caramelldansen being things. What year was that? This place fucked me up. Was I here when Avatar was airing? I don't remember.
Fuck me, I've been here for over a decade. Jow Forums has existed that long and I'm still a newfag somehow.
Pls member ur here 5 ever
This is my first night back in over 3 years. I finally succumbed to the urges. The devil called me and I answered.
I mostly stayed away for like 5 years. even still I tend to take breaks for months at a time. it really gets repetitive and depressing
i attempted to quit this place like 7 years ago really hard. like i spent a year trying my hardest to quit anonymous image boards. couldnt do it, i just gave up
im truly here forever. even if i magically turn it all around and become gigachad and slay girls like in my wildest fantasies, i will always post here
this website is my home more than any other place on the planet. seriously, i consider anonymous image boards my home more than any physical location on earth
to live and die in r9k
for the first time in years. 8 years at least. I saw a woman that I was instantly attracted to tonight.
My old old oneitis from roughly a decade ago seemed to break something in me. After her I legitimately had trouble finding an IRL girl that I could say I "had a crush" on, for lack of a better term.
It's an exhilarating feeling I must admit. It's been so long.
I'm planning on doing something stupid and asking for her number when I see her again. If I see her again. I feel like such a fat piece of shit with bad hair. Which believe it or not is an improvement over simply not caring at all. At least I give a fuck again, so that's nice.