Has r9k ever been drunk before? If so, explain how that went for you

Has r9k ever been drunk before? If so, explain how that went for you.

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I try to get drunk everytime I'm with other people because it helps with my social anxiety.
When I'm drunk, I am too much into girls, I get rejected but at least I try. I lost my inhibition so I can dance and talk with almost everyone. I like it.
I'm afraid of becoming alcoholic because of that.

I drink, because I hope it will put me out of my numbness, but it sometimes get worse and makes me a complete schizoid. Should not drink on AD, but idc since life is pointless anyway

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>at party, slightly nervous
3 beers later
>feel self confident
>talk with everyone
>have a lot of fun
3 beers later
>start talking about politics
>speech now consists of 30% logical fallacies
>brag about small accomplishments
3 beers later
>interrupt conversations with 'fun' facts
>introduce the party to obscure underground hiphop
>finish other people sentences with things they didn't want to say
3 beers later
>start offending people with needles observations
>went trough 20 cigarettes so now resort to bumming
>try to impress women by being an asshole
3 beers later
>go home alone and hated

I'm 19 in the us and have no friends, and therefore no way to get alcohol. I'm planning on going to Europe to get drunk and then an hero

wew lad, now why would you want to do that?

Yes, please explain why you want to do this

I've been drunk before and I found that I become very low inhibition and highly depressed. I think it'll give me that extra push that I've always lacked.

18 German fag here (we are allowed to buy beer from the age of 16 kek) everybody acts different when they're drunk personally I always climb on buildings, play the knife game and generally do stupid stuff in witch I could hurt myself really bad so when I drink I try to stay in control it's nothing special desu you won't miss out on anything.

Eh, whenever I'm drunk I just become dead tired and head off to sleep, especially if I had a meal as well, I didn't notice i become more social something, like for example, today I took an 11 hour nap after drinking some wine.

From eastern europe su get drunk casually alone or with people, I just get more talkative and am not as annoying as usual. Remember to down at least 2 pints of water before sleep and you should be fine after any amount of alcohol

The first time I got really drunk was at a business trip with the internship I had at the time.
>18 years old (legal drinking age in my country)
>really quiet and anxious during work hours
>literally socialize with nobody, everyone who works there thinks i have autism
>pretty much forced to go on this trip
>we go to a bar first, i drink a lot and start talking to my boss about how crossfit is for pussies (even though i overheard he does crossfit) and that i do *REAL* weightlifting
>i complain to everyone that the drinks are taking long to arrive even though it was a group of like 20 people
>we go to a club type situation with the 19/20 people who worked there
>i go to the bathroom right before they head out
>i lose them and it takes half an hour to find them again
>we go to a different bar
>all drinks are on the boss
>i go all out and drink all drinks i get handed to me
>they notice i'm fucked up and try taking the drinks from me
>i rant to them about how i'm not fucked up at all and that i want my drinks back and i use force to take them back
>we go to my boss his place to sleep
>i puke on his carpet and on my own sleeping bag
>i puke in his sink the next morning
>i puke in a packed train back to my town
I didn't get offered a job.

>tfw you get that shit eating grin on your face while drunk
>tfw you don't give a single fuck about sounding stupid in front of your friends
>tfw you get nihilistically philosophical with a smile
>tfw you laugh at stupid shit a lot easier than if you were sober

i dont understand how some people get angry when they're drunk.

>be me
>join Navy
>be drunk for 6 years
>had a nice desk job so couldn't accidently run a ship into anyone
>was late a lot but avoided any real serious trouble
>got out
>have decent resume bullet
>don't drink as much anymore

Went pretty well.

first time i got truly drunk i ended up making out with this girl i had a crush on in middle school and she was a truly horrible kisser, like a corpse. i ended up trying to give her tips and just walked away when she didn't show improvement. also tried to convince my gf to have a threesome with this girl but it never happened
it just brings out the underlying shit user, i just get very retarded/silly because i truly think the world is a hilarious place.
some people are angry about the world/whatever other bs and it comes out

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kill urself nigger

I drink most nights, it helps me relax, and forget about the stresses of my life

Samuel? orig

I get shitfaced at least once every quarter, as in may or may not puke.
I drink usually once a week, but since I'm older and alot more experienced, it rarely gets pass "pretty buzzed" before I start drinking water or sodas.

First time I got drunk, as in shitfaced and subsequently puked, I was 15. It was a small party, maybe 10 people or less. My pace was just way to fast, hadnt had a proper meal all day and we had alot of beer and I was still underweight. Didnt help that everyone kept pushing each other to drink more and my best friend, who had a higher tollerance than everyone else, kept pushing everyone else to drink more as he thought everyone else was just pussyfooting (a habit he's ridden himself off, thankfully)

I dont think it was any later than 02:00 am before I locked myself into the basement bathroom and puked and slept there for an half hour before somebody made me unlock the door to check on me. Went home 3 hours later when I was stable enough to get myself home.

Worst case I've been through was when I had 8+ pints and downed 3/4 of a litre vodka. Did not go well and I completely blacked out, teleported from the walk home to my friends house to his bathroom 8 hours later. Apparently, he had been up all night, keeping me from rolling over on my back, drowning in my own puke. I was completely unconscious the whole time. Even pissed myself.

I dont drink straight liqour anymore for obvious reasons.

I just talked more and had some philosophical discussions.
Vomited a couple times 'cos I drank too fast but that's it. I didn't feel different apart from being a little off balance

>completely blacked out, teleported from the walk home to my friends house to his bathroom 8 hours later
Didn't drink for several months so lost all my tolerance and then downed 3/4 bottle of some cheap-ass Whiskey at a friends place.
Completely blacked out and woke up in underwear on his floor the next morning. I had puked all over my clothes and my hair (it's pretty long) and he had to undress me and wash my hair. He and another friend then went clubbing and left me there which i don't really mind, i had puked up everything anyways.
Really shitty feeling to lose all control and have other people have to handle your shit. At least i didn't piss myself lol

Unrelated but do you guys also lose all ability to acoustically listen to music when drunk? No matter how much i concentrate i can't decipher lyrics or even voices if it isn't a song i know well.

>Really shitty feeling to lose all control and have other people have to handle your shit. At least i didn't piss myself lol
Yeah we even have a word for that in my language which directly translates as drunken anxiety, which is that sense of dread you get the next day after having downed way to much alchohol and behaved in ways you normally wouldnt.

>Unrelated but do you guys also lose all ability to acoustically listen to music when drunk? No matter how much i concentrate i can't decipher lyrics or even voices if it isn't a song i know well.

That only happens to me when I get high. I just cant concentrate on any part of the song. Which is why I dont enjoy getting high.

My musical experiences only gets better when I'm drunk or buzzed, the only shitty thing is that my perception of time speeds up so I always think the songs go about 10% to fast.

First time I ever got drunk was at my sisters wedding. I got hammered and passed out in the shower of our hotel room.

>passed out in the shower of our hotel room.
I went on a holiday with some friends of mine. The booze was cheap as fuck compared to what we were used to (like 1/10 of the price) so we all got shitfaced the first day.

We spent the next 2 hours huddled in our tiny hotel bathroom, one puking in the toilet, the other one puking in the sink and me puking in the shower.

I wish somebody was there to film it.

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What do you guys like to drink with vodka? After always mixing it with water or drinking it as is, i recently discovered vodka-lemon for myself

Try a redbull or a monster.

Cranberry and lime is a good combo, that's called a Cape Codder. Orange juice is also a good mixer, they call that a Screwdriver.
There's not really a name for it (I don't think) but it pairs well with apple juice as well.

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I like the taste but i can't stand energy drinks. Feels like i can literally feel my heart speeding up when i'm drinking one

Then just add a bit of coke, pepsi or sprite. And I mean just a bit, not 50/50.

Cola isn't a great vodka mixer, it's tolerable, but it mixes way better with whiskey or rum. Sprite isn't too bad though, I'll give you that.

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I get wasted every Friday and Saturday, always in company. If someone joins me I start early on Saturdays and stop at like 6am on Sundays. I don't know how long I can continue this while staying somewhat healthy espacially since I don't live healthy in any other aspect as well. I rarely vomit but I can't drink everything. Booze like unmixed vodka I can't even swallow, it just comes back out.

When drinking I usually only get angry or sad because of girls. I love being drunk.

A lot. My favourite is passion fruit juice.

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And to end the thread, I used to have a problem with alcohol. I went through 3 bottles of vodka (each well over a gallon) in less than 3 weeks. This was because my then friend at the time also had a problem with alcohol, (and probably still does) in his case, it was Jack Daniels. Anyway I drank to remove the social inhabitions and anxiety experienced in calls. Oh yes, this was all online. My problem ended after I had gotten so drunk I passed out and vomited all over my (white) carpet, the next day having to rent a rug Doctor while being so hung over the grocery store chain nearly called an ambulance for me. Tldr stick to beer.

Yes of course I drink any time I can because lol i wanna die and can't put myself to do the actual deed so this will do for the meantime

tfw used to drink alone to be happy and drink while out to take away social inhibitions and anxiety.
Now drinking alone just makes me drunk and sad and drinking around people i just get more detached but still stay awkward and anxious.

Kind of the same but my even when I'm as drunk as can be there is no way that my confidence is high enough to try and ask someone out, I know how its going to go even when I can't properly reason about anything else.

I just normally drink to actually calm down and get comforatble with talking to people.