My daughter is marrying next week. And she is walking to the altar with my ex wife s new husband

My daughter is marrying next week. And she is walking to the altar with my ex wife s new husband.

I dont have words for this feel, I dont think Ill go to the wedding, even though she invited me so earnestly.

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She can't be serious, I don't have kids but I don't think I'd allow them to treat me that poorly, fuck her dude.

Is this your daughter's idea?

how much of a fucking loser are you exactly?

*hits fucking pipe*
You know...

Jesus that's some serious crap. No one here would blame you for not going. Even I probably wouldnt

Go, OP.
If you don't then you'll regret it for the rest of your life, and your relationship with your daughter will deteriorate even further.

When your ex's husband goes to walk your daughter down, punch him in the face, and say "get your stinking paws off my daughter, you dirty fucking cuck"

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The only viable option in the thread, fuck him OP

Go get that son of a cuck and punch him in the face real it OP it's the only way

He is paying for the wedding.

Pretty huge. Im really poor. I think that and my ex talking too much shit about me might have caused this, I dont know.

A man's daughter doesn't owe him anything. Once she's getting married, he doesn't owe her anything either.

Real life isn't like mount and blade where you get to decide who your daughter marries and are honor bound to wage a perpetual war if she marries someone you don't like.

Besides, at least you're not a cuck who raised someone elses kid. You got to fuck his wife when she was younger and got away with it so why are you complaining.

>he is paying
Shiiit, you kinda just got major cucked by a rich stepdad. But money can't buy a real father's love. I say still do it anyway

At least it's your daughter.

Get some money loser if you're that poor

I wouldn't go
It's prolly cuz your ex was in her ear talking shit

im sorry op, im not quite sure how to comfort you but i hope you can find it in your heart to attend because imo is quite right
also, nice aradia picture

i think you know EXACTLY what to do, OP.

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Go, but don't stay for long.
Go, eat, exit.

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>inb4 OP shoots up the wedding

If real, you should go anyway.

Not going would say a lot more than just showing up and eating some food. The last thing you want is for your children to hate you.

What's your relationship like with your daughter normally? Did she ever speak to you about this beforehand?

Your mistake was not marrying your daughter in the first place. Best bet now is to shoot up the place OP

thanks for yet another rich anecdotal piece of evidence as to why im never getting married or having kids

This. Dubs do not lie.
Just go, congratulate her, say you love her, leave, and find somewhere nice and quiet to cry in your car.