Why haven’t you embraced the Vegan lifestyle?

Here’s some facts Jow Forums

1. Meat eaters are on average 20 pounds fatter than vegans
2. Vegans are healthier - Vegans are much less prone to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Vegans get much more plant protein, fiber and minerals which are all excellent for your health, unlike meat which is high saturated fat and cholesterol which makes you much much more suspectable to diseases.
3. Meat is disgusting. It’s usually contaminated with animal blood, pus, poo and other animal fluids.
4. Better sex live. Vegans are thinner than meat eaters and thus have more energy for late night romps. meanwhile meat eaters have high cholesterol and high saturated fat from meat, eggs and dairy which decreases blood flow to your penis, and increases likelihood of suffering from erectile dysfunction later in life.
5. Humans evolved from primates, which are frugivores, which means we evolved to eat fruit, not meat. The gorilla is the biggest and strongest primate and eats no meat whatsoever, so eating meat doesn’t make you ‘manly’ guys.
6. Celebrities are embracing the lifestyle. Miley Cyrus, Ben Affleck, Flo Ryder, Alicia Silverstein and countless others.
7. ITS JUST THE RIGHT THING TO DO. Animals are living creatures with feelings and fears just like humans, and have just as much right to life as anyone else.

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Blacks beans and many other vegetables have much more protein, protein is no excuse to consume meat

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Cutting red meat, fats and sugar is sufficient with regular exercise

Even vegetables have more protein than meat

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Take it to Jow Forums you dumb nigger

How excited were you when you found out cum is considered vegan food?

Guess which ones vegan Jow Forums

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Because vegans have terrible gas.

>0% meat
>100% steroids, HGH et al
If you think natty lifters, especially vegans look like that, you're retarded

No, you are not a carnivore, you did not evolve to eat meat

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I bet OP's vegan license expired

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Do vegans really think humans can't digest raw meat?

Doesn't have a complete amino acid profile.

Humans have long intestines, unlike carnivores which means we evolved to eat FRUIT and VEGETABLES not meat and dairy

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>tfw 100 calories of brocolli is about 300g while 100 cal of steak is about 37g

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Not only is this a lie and not only are vegetables lacking in all of the amino acids needed to make a complete protein chain, but even if you were able to properly pair the proportionate amount of say beans and rice to complete said chain, the bio-availability is so poor that you almost need to eat twice as much to get the same amount of protein from it. The amount of fiber you would be consuming to get an equal amount of protein in a source like seafood or eggs would cause you to lodge a 20lb shitbrick in your colon for a week.

>t. nutritionist

You're not going to eat bags full of broccoli to get the same protein a steak has

A steak is god tier taste wise too

Men evolved to have minds which naturally created tools to kill. That's natural to us.

Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment
Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment 2


>Arnold - 7 time consecutive Mr Olympia

>Jim - Never won it and also dead

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op btfo

thats called anorexia salim

We eat meat historically and evolutionarily. Not in the same amounts as we do now but meat was always a part of a ratio. But I agree that you can cut the consumption a little.

Nope, humans evolved to hold sticks to scare of predators, not to hold guns massacering cattle and deer


8) Plants aren't living?

Could counter point all of your points and add some, but it's time efficient to say KYS ASAP

doesn't need to if you eat a variety of food. Nobody eats just beans all day

Jim didn't become a vegan until he was well into his 50's. He also admittedly took testosterone injections up until the day he died. KYS

No it’s no, the only animal protein ever eaten by humans evolutionary was from bugs, gorillas are the same

>tfw a ton of rodents and other small animals are killed due to crop farming
>vegans eat these crops
Vegan btw

That's 4oz of dry beans. You'll get 8g of protein per 100 cal.
100cal of broccoli is 13oz. I.e. 5 cups. Enjoy!
>>>Pic related: your vegan ass will need it

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You're right we are not obligate carnivores, we're omnivores

try /lgbt/, they're probably more open to muh fluffy animal feelings

meat consumption of the mid 19th century is generally the ideal here, and you can go be infertile somewhere else

is he using palm tree test/potato tren? TGH (Tree growth hormones) maybe?

>Hunts animals with guns because he couldn't hunt jack shit with his bare hands
>Advanced men use tools to control their lives and the environment around them
>Human evolution is bad, must regress back into grass eating cattle
Grow a pair....(nuts, not boobs, leaf)

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First thing you resort to is insult masculinity just shows how insecure you are, enjoy your erectile dysfunction LoL

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That's just 100% wrong. You're literally making things up.

The meme of vegans that say you don't need protein only applies to highly protein sensitive individuals, aka men who are on steroids. The more male hormones you have in your body, and the younger you are, your body is more sensitive to stimulate protein synthesis. In general, an average male of 25 years needs at least 2.5g of leucine in a meal to maximize his muscle protein stimulation. This treshold is lowered when you are on steroids, and it last more too. So yeah, the more juiced you are, the less protein you need to aquire the same result.

With that said, keep in mind that it is highly unlikely to get 2.5g of leucine in a vegan meal, since it's mostly present in animal protein. So I'm not telling you to eat only meat, but every meal has to have at least an animal product source of protein (this applies to eggs and milk ofc, which also are on of the highest leucine rich foods).

Hope that helped someone considering to get into veganism and hoping to make the gains of the OP image.

You realize he dedicates 100% of his time and effort into his body, I don't think it's so hard to imagine he could look like that naturally. It's probably the peak of what a natty can achieve given autistic dedication

>tfw the picture of the frugivore is a chimp... and chimps eat meat sometimes

Being a frugivore doesn't preclude eating meat, it just means it's not as common as fruit and veg in your diet.

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Have you ever tried eating nothing but fruit for more than 1 meal a day? Shit makes you bloated and gives you the shits.


Meat eaters support murder, you are supporting that the only value of life is PROFIT

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k, now go kiddo

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Y'all niggers posting in a Monsanto thread

Which is why I’m vegan, a balance of Fruit, Vegetables, Lentils, Wholegrains, nuts and seeds is all you need

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Hey user just wanted to say youre doing the right thing. Im not vegan but i acknowledge that its the right course of action. We are just selfish and corrupted. Had a vegan dish earlier and it was great. Were just conditioned to eat meat with every bite. We will change in time tho despite what the MMM Baconfags say.

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Steve jobs is dead.. Before 60, Winston Churchill lived to nearly 90..

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Good thread

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Stahp it mods


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