I wish everyone suddenly realized that the primary reason for the shit situation they are in and the shit situation the...

I wish everyone suddenly realized that the primary reason for the shit situation they are in and the shit situation the earth is in, in general, is because of overpopulation and that starting killing people en masse, at random, until we are 500 million or lower, is the only answer
it actually baffles me why indians and chinese have not realized this already

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Why do you think over population is the issue?

Please keep this civil, gini coefficients, living standards, the problem of the commons aren't hard things to learn

>Why do you think over population is the issue?
I don't. I know.

>His solution is to lower population
nice Job retard
your chancen of getting a gf just went down from 1% to 0.05%

how does that work, again? please do that math for me
please tell me, you seem like you're a genius

That isn't really convincing. What will happen if the population increases then? It helps if have some stats:

Current population is 7.6b (data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?most_recent_value_desc=true)

i pulled those nubers out of my ass to make a meme
shut up nerd

>reducing the overall population from 7.6b to 500m or lower
i really don't think you understand how drastic that difference is, which makes sense because only a brainlet would conflate localized issues ("the primary reason for the shit situation they are in") with global ones ("the shit situation the earth is in").

Team Thanos!

>ideal population is between 1.5 - 2 billion
>we crossed 2 billion in 1920s

yeah, we're screwed

Overpopulation is a dumb meme that is only believable if you live in one of the biggest cities which are a tiny fraction of the cities overall

Hardly, the population explosion in Africa alone since WW2 is absolutely fucking horrifying and unprecedented. It'll fuck us all wether you're racist or not.

Our politicians and shareholders want infinite growth. It's baffling to me as well, and fucking nobody seems to question it. Why do we NEED to keep growing? What intrinsic purpose does it serve? I'm expected to eat insects because Africans keep pumping out 13 child families? Fuck off.

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Cool. Anyway its a retarded meme. Very few areas of the world have a substantial human population.


ALSO FUCKHEADED FILTH JUDGING ME AS A RACIST FOR WANTING TO DO THE ABOVE as a white person, WILL BE SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY TORTURED TO DEATH. Because it is more important for them to strike their political rival by calling them racists, than PUNISH FUCKHEADS for abusing animals. Filth like that deserves to die.

SO MUCH FUCKHEADED FILTH TO KILL IN THIS WORLD. About 70% of human population, actually, who give a fuck about the suffering of animals. Other fuckheads included it makes about 90% of humanity though. We need to start purification soon.

Not going to check the possible replies. As they will most obviously be given by FUCKHEADED FILTH WHO USE MY COMMENT AS A CHANCE TO ATTACK SOMEONE, in this case me. Such fuckeaded filth should be killed as well. And as I can't get you fuckheads doxxed and killed your replies might make me hurt someone innocent who never even visits this shithole. But I guess you will reveal yourselves irl some day so that I or some of my allies may end you.

And yeah, we should kill all the FUCKHEADS en masse, to reduce the overpopulation. Would be a GOOD RIDDANCE. Let's start executing the worst of criminals again.

>the cat was alive as these filthy, primitive niggers paraded it around, everyone laughing at it
>they later snap its neck and roast it, before eating it
fuck, we should've genocided africa long ago, the wrong side won ww2 boys

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>The main topic has been derailed since no one can do basic math and has read about the Malthusian problem

very based
good man

Also rather than killing at random can we kill random people in India, Africa and possibly China? Not only will they not be missed since theres a lot more where they came from, but it will solve a lot of the overpopulation problem

Also rather than killing at random can we kill random people in America, Europe and possibly Australia? Not only will they not be missed since theres a lot more where they came from, but it will solve a lot of the overpopulation problem

>op is 100% right
Let me learn you something kiddos
Is capitalism failing? Nope. Supply and demand. Higher supply than demand means prices drop, thats why low wage jobs are hard to get, easy to lose, and pay shit, back in the 50s, they couldnt fill those jobs easily, so they had to pay good. Too many people clogged a shrinking job market and this is the impact. If the population shrank it would get much better
>people are suffering in foreign countries
Foreign countries means africa. They decide to have 8 kids per person on a continent that cant support agriculture, its their fault 100% for staying there.
>war seems like its always about to happen
Resource strain has lead to international tension over resource control, if people died en masse, resources would be freed up and the strain would be lessened, calming tensions

I could go on and on but you get it, everything is caused by the fact we can no longer truly support our population and are living in time borrowed by the destruction of the earth. Bringing the population down to 2 billion would fix so fucking much that world peace would be attainable. Just eugenics all asia except S. Korea japan and mongolia, all africa besides south africa because cape town is cool, and all south america besides nothing since south africa is shit.
Then, of the survivors, make mandatory IQ tests. Those who skip are rounded up and forced to take it, if they refuse, they're shot. We start with the lowest scores and start killing until 2 billion are left. This is immoral and unethical but it'll solve our problems so i dont care.

Malthus has been debunked over and over. Malthus is pleb tier nonsense.

people like you and very few others give me hope for a better future
I wish you the best

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Yeah, eugenics
How about just making rules on how much offspring sour allowed to slowly but surely lower the population instead of fucking everything up

you don't know what a meme is, retard

a meme is something already viral, you didn't make shit