Lifting is a cope

>lifting is a cope
>Martial arts is a cope
>Skin care is a cope
>Creative hobbies are a cope
>Looking into how to socialize or "game"/pickup is a cope

So what the fuck ISNT a cope you loser faggots? Sitting in front of your computer all day hunched over bitching about how no girl wants to fuck you while your mother makes you hot pockets and cleans your cum stained sheets? You deserve shitty lives for being degenerate worthless wastes of skin

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Where the fuck do you even go if you hate both normies and incels/robots? You get stuck up mindless faggots and lazy disgusting perverted smug retards on both ends

>implying that there is something that isn't a cope
what a fucking cope

brother you are not only seething, but coping with your copes by seething.

>what isn't a cope?
Having good genetics

Everything is a form of cope, you drooling RETARD.
Your face is all that matters

Coping mechanisms are essential in life. Robots cope but in way that isn't helpful to their situations.

Wow aren't you a special little outsider? It must be hard navigating the fringes of society because you're so unique and ascended.

i think i would have let elliot rodger hit

>You're edgy for not liking braindead normie retards or overly cynical loser degenerate faggots

I would argue that having a gf is also cope. It's not going to cure your depression. Probably nothing will. Life is basically just finding ways to cope until you die, so why the fuck do we treat coping like it's a bad thing?

Life beyond age 20 revolves around cope. Always has. The upward trajectory of youth inevitably falters and your 'potential' starts going down the drain faster than you can comprehend. The world of labor, money, adult dating, etc. beats everyone down.

The only thing that matters is what that cope is. Lifting, reading, girls, drinking, drugs, vidya, they're all copes, but all copes are not created equal.

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>jacking off to anime loli transsexuals
>staying in bed all day
>not showering
>eating food deep fried in batter
>drinking alcohol before 12am
>smoking weed or doing other drugs
None of these things are a cope according to r9incels.

Cope is just a buzzword used by incels. Do whatever you want.

Spoken by a true nigga

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The cope meme is from literally r e d d i t o r s that shame tactic any happy i n c e l. Robots are fucking fine with coping strategies due to not being virtue signalling retards.

As it is the robots left aside from a few non-normalfags like me that are left that are still genuine people.

>the word deserve
You're just like them though and are probably a r e d d i t o r I guess. Robots are degenerate. OP is a faggot.

S a g e d and hidden.

The point is you shouldn't concern yourself with what others think. If it makes you happy you should be secure enough in yourself to do it. Everyday of my life is spent doing yardwork, working out, league of legends, pokemmo, and ended with Netflix or youtube. That's every day of my life and it's the most fulfilling thing I want to do so I do it. You should find something that satisfies you and also do it.

Saying cope to everything is much more a psl thing than reddit

I mean pursuing genuine interests for their intrinsic rewards rather than constantly trying to rope normies into liking you doesn't sound like a cope

That sounds like faggot shit.