Who here aspires for the comfiest existence possible?

Who here aspires for the comfiest existence possible?

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I am about gonna make it, going to save enough money to move to the countryside.

And how will you sustain yourself there? Pursue your dreams user.

The comfiest existence is being dead.
Unless you've been a naughty boy

how do i know if i've been naughty?

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My own crops, If I fail to grow anything I gladly die of starvation

You'll feel it as a guilt that weighs down your heart, and possibly even drags you to hell.

I agree, death is the ultimate state of laziness. You literally won't have to do anything. I don't know why I bother staying alive, the urge gets increasingly powerful each day

true comfiness will only exist in heaven

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Made in heaven was blackpilled af.

At least it was good, since he had a good reason for his goals and actually achieved them.

post (boy) hands please

t.faggot that has never been hungry for long periods of time.

How yeah it's one of my favorite arcs. Maybe after DIOs world. Now that I think about it knowing your fate and accepting it to attain happiness is more whitepilled because blackpilled is more like roping after accepting you are genetic trash and will never reproduce

Funny, Im trying to save money to move to the city

damn this guys real tough. you can tell because he once starved himself for a long period of time and it must have been a REALLY long time to proclaim that no one can ever top his record

you can't even hope to be truly comfy without millions of dollars to sustain yourself, perfect health and no bad family relations.

I made it. I'm a house husband.

>how do I know if i'v been naughty
This sentence disturbs me on a really deep level.

You can't experience death, sorry. There's no rest for the wicked, as they say.

why? is that not a reasonable concern?

Whatever helps you sleep at night, materialboy. Your time in running out.
and yet you'll exist for eternity

I don't. Comfy is great and all, but struggle is survival. Are you saving for retirement? Are you investing? Are you making your business grow?

Complacency is an inevitable dead-end.

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I actually think that sounds like an interesting discussion, but

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That's all I've wanted since I was a teen. I got to live as a NEET for a while, it was great. Trying to find a way to retire early. Working is for suckers.

The city is the most uncomfy place imaginable. It's dirty, crowded, noisy, expensive, and chaotic. Living in a city made me hate life. I live in a suburb now. It's great having peaceful evenings and mornings again.

I think you've confused "comfy" with "ideal existence".

I would argue that the comfy/coziest existence is largely dependent on your mind's state

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nice pic originally

Use to chase after comfort, but gave up because it always leaves me unsettled and makes me feel even more uncomfortable than usual, so I decided to only go for good results and better my own kind, the one which makes me admire my effort and hard work.

My dream is to open a 24-hour self-service convenience store that operates exclusively by vending machines. That way I can just live in the attic and only come downstairs for tech support.

>blonde hair blue eyes
>own my own house and live alone
>adopted a stray catto
>never remain with the same girl for more than a couple of months (i.e when they turn rotten)
>sleep like a baby every night

I'm almost there lads, feels good to be Kirapilled

Unironically based and redpilled villain.
Thank you, jap David Bowie. You did nothing wrong.