2000 calorie breakfast this morning

>2000 calorie breakfast this morning

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say hi to a heart attack in a few years fatbro

How can you even eat 2k calories?

it's not hard
eat a full pizza with sides as a meal and you've blown that a few times over

don't tempt me with a good time
I just hope it fucking kills me instead of this almost shit
then I'll have to deal with people pretending like they give a shit about me

A normal pizza has 800 calories. How can you eat more than 2k with one pizza?

where do you live user?
most pizzas are about 500 calories per slice
times 8 slices and you have 4000 right there
then you throw the mozz sticks and wings on top of that and you're easily pushing 7-8k
throw another 1k on for the 2 litre of soda and you have yourself a meal

Here's a thought: maybe don't order so much fucking food.

calorie breakfast this morning


here's a thought
how about no?
food is the only thing I have left in life that gives me joy

I just had 2000 calories worth of candy in one sitting. And already had a fried breakfast. It's only 1 o clock. Get on my level.

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Alright then, if that's your choice. Have fun dying of a heart attack in your thirties. I feel sorry for the pallbearers who will have to lug your morbidly obese carcass to its final destination.

the sooner that heart attack comes, the better
as I said before I just hope it fucking kills me outright instead of just putting me in the hospital

I am a big boi and I personally enjoy my hospital stays for the most part. Beats my normal life and can be quite /comfy/. I also lose weight when there of course aswell.

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God you fatties disgust me

don't worry
we disgust ourselves

How is it possible to stuff so much material into a human. Disgusting.

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years of training

Wtf? 800 calorie pizzas? The fuck

80 calorie breakfast last night

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if you aren't 300 pounds stop before it gets worse