If you were a serial killer, what would be your modus operandi?

If you were a serial killer, what would be your modus operandi?

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Kill horrible and abusive parents

I always liked the idea of disemboweling someone and squeezing all their poop into their mouth, but I'd rather do something funnier that took more time to fix for a funeral, like sew their dick onto their forehead. Or switch their mouth and vagina

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Go on grinder and lure degenerate faggots to my home. Afterwards, seug them, put them in my car and drive to my specially preserved spot in the forest where I'll do it like Dexter. Wake them up and tell them they're getting killed because they're nothing more than faggot abominations. Then feed their mutilated and lifeless bodies to pigs.

drug them*

A combination of Bruce MacArthur and Robert Pickton, i see

Notice most serial killas were white guys but serial killa is so passe because with DNA they can catch them too easy before they get big numbers and why white guys go for mass killing all dressed up like seal team 6.

Kill them with a knife or bludgeon them to death with a hammer, burn the body and dispose of the remains kilometres away.

Basically Dahmer then

Or just bludgeon them half-dead and burn them alive.

Fbi I would never do that. Pls gib job faggot.

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This guy did it as a prank
Id probably do this if i lose it
Fucking smash their head with a tv
I work as a wagie at a small tellie channel
Id also slip in a small clip of me where i do it on national tv

It only makes it better cause my shithole country has no death sentence

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I would be the allergy killer.
I have access to medical records via my job, and I would poison people with stuff they are seriously allergic to.
I got the idea as a kid. A kid in my class was super allergic to hornet stings, to the point that one sting will kill him, so every kid in class had to be trained in how to inject him with the antidote, which he always kept tied around his ankles.
Little kid me figured it would be the perfect crime to start keeping hornets, and letting them loose and stinging him, it would be really hard to catch me.

Homeless people. Bums deserve no human rights and sympathy.

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This. Nobody gives a shit about them anyway.

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i'll beat them to death with an iron bar. it's alot more satisfying than getting your hands dirty

Where user ? Brazil ?

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Drive to a random city, find a place in which i would like to commit the act, possibly a dark alley or a park;
place my car somewhere, and find a route towards the place i would commit the acts that is free of cameras.
Prepare a barrel or a dumpster with gasoline, hide clean clothing in the place of the dumpster;
Stabby stab, possibly wearing a raincoat or anything plastic;
follow my escape route, and burn anything that could have gotten dirty;
return to normal life.

Repeat the process in different cities, trying to not give away my position trough centering the pattern of my attacks.

This. Basically Ed Kemper my stupid fucking mother. That would be all I wish for in the world.

Calm down, Mengele.

Machetes, branding, and electroshock therapy.

Killing people by means of the unknown, like eating 10 cans of re-fried beans, breaking into their homes and then dragging them by the hair through their apartment to find the smallest closet, throw them in said closet, hog stied with duct tape, sealing door frame with duct tape, then drilling a 2" hole in closet door, attaching tube to anus and just ripping farts all night into closet till I stopped hearing noises. Imagine the autopsy report and vice checking the scene out and trying to figure it all out.

Modus operandi is for losers looking to get caught.

Kill indiscriminately, quick, clean and professionally.

Given that the only reason someone would start to kill is because they're sadist sickos in the first place the above won't be much fun for them.

This is all hypothetical of course and I have no homicidal thoughts whatsoever, neither do I ever plan on murdering others because that is morally wrong and goes against my religion. I love the FBI and Law Enforcement in general.

Nothing to see here fbi

autistic works of fiction and what not

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Small knives & carving Linux kernel Panic lines into my victims.

That guy in your image was one of the most successful serial killers ever. He killed 80 people and it took like 20+ years before he got caught. However, I think the police more or less knew he was the guy early on, they just didn't have enough to charge him.

I would sneak out of jail every night and pin the deaths on my enemies like Max von Sydow in the Night Visitor.

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Depends on what the person's crime was. It would be individualized to whatever I thought someone deserved.

Ridgeway has an IQ of around 80 btw that's what it takes apparently

Why use a knife and risk getting blood on you?

>just ripping farts all night into closet till I stopped hearing noises.

I remember reading that successful serial killers are almost always either high IQ or retarded. No in between.

suspicious original, I must say.

this thread is glowing so hard it's iridescent

To feel the agony of the victims, a real serial killer would like to get up close and personal, not just shoot some nigger in the ghetto.

You could shoot them in the stomach and watch them writhe in agony for ten good minutes.

You're making it too complicated. Just park a car free of cameras, then a few days later shoot someone with a revolver in a 'remote' place like a park and leave. Drive off and change shoes later on. Get rid of the pistol too, several states over

>The virgin gunman
>he feels so insecure about his ability that he has to use a gun
>he's a literal cuck of killers as he only likes to watch his victims
>is caught within the first hour

>The chad stabber
>he's so ripped that he could stab people just by punching them in the stomach
>wants to fully experience the agony of his victims by dismembering them with his bare hands
>his cases will always be a mystery, and will be blamed on animal attacks due to the their brutality

I shout out "M-M-M-MOOOOOOOTTT" before I make the kill