Even Will Smith gets cucked bros, if a highly talented and rich man suffets this then what can we expect?

even Will Smith gets cucked bros, if a highly talented and rich man suffets this then what can we expect?

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It's california people they're the most degenerate in the western world

Not as degenerate is BC, Quebec or Ontario, Canada.

Pipe down, Norman

They learned it from hollywood

its almost as if every actor and actress in california is a degenerate sex addicted deviant.

Precisely why I refuse to ever watch another hollywood film, that and it's an industry full of pedophiles.

As if Will Smith hasn't done his good share of degeneracy.

you can tell he has a soul, at the very least.

not since before fresh prince

I enjoy many of his movies, but Will Smith is without a doubt one of the most souless and corporate minded actors in Hollywood. Everything he does is a precisely calculated decision based on how it will affect his public image. He may have had a soul when he was young, but Hollywood has taken its toll on him and he is no longer the fresh prince he once was.

>based on how it will affect his public image
Is that so? I still think he has certain authenticity, or genuinity, that other hollyweird actors are lacking.

I haven't felt anything he's said or done outside of a movie to feel even remotely genuine in 10 years. Don't get me wrong, he's a good actor who picks his roles intelligently, but he feels incredibly fake. Think of that YouTube rewind intro.

Was it mistake giving Wom*en rights?

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80s/90s Will seemed like a cool guy. Wish I could've met him back then.

>if i could have just two things, i'd pick FORTNITE and MARKASS BROWNLEE

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Doubt. BC has sluts but its not in the standard culture to just have side pieces and to literally pass girlfriends back and forth.

You guys all know hes a scientologist right
Like, I'm sure other stuff influenced him but obviously he's fucked up already

Toronto fag here
Yeah Ontario's pretty fucking bad

commiefornia is up to no good. ever.

Yeah pick one faggot

Careful you dont cut yourself on that massive edge

He's been trying to establish his family as a brand, the family of actors, since forever. He got into Youtube and likely forked out a ton of money to be featured in last year's Youtube Rewind so he could rake in those sweet 9 year old monies.

Nah he will just go with a white girl lol

You think Im just being edgy do some research into black crime stats and their general attitude. Look into racial realism and then come back to me and claim they actually have souls.

gee. It's almost as if Will was in a marriage of convenience. It's almost as if he found someone to pose in a marriage with him. Gee. Sure are a bunch of Scientologists who do that. Surely they're not covering up something.

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