Has a girl ever slapped you?

Has a girl ever slapped you?

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Yeah, I punched her in the stomach

god i wish. hopefully not in a nonsexual scenario because i would probably get deeply attracted to her

my sister did, but she just wanted to see my reaction, not because I did something

What a stupid thread idea. Kill yourself

Did you guys banged?

at least its something new
to answer you, ive been slapped in a fight with a girl, which was folllowed by more than one

Yeah my mom slapped me a few times back when I was like 16, first time she ever actually ever hit me. it was kind of a shitty night and she was drinking pretty heavily. I remember that I was trying to get a rise out of her intentionally over some issue we had at the time, point is that eventually she got fed up and slapped me hard enough to leave a mark. In the moment I felt alot more incredulous and disgusted then angry, but yeah my response probably wasn't the smart thing way to go forward.. but I lost so much respect for her at that one moment that continued talking shit at even more spiteful levels while covering myself as best I could. She hit me for a little more until I assume she tired herself out because I remember her starting to cry and retreating to go pass out in her room for the night.

Yes, and it wasn't deserved. Friend of mine told my very first girlfriend that I was dating other people behind her back. We hadn't even been together for more than a few days. She slapped me during our break up when I got confused and went and slept with him the following week.

Dude she totally wanted you to "playfully" slap her back

Yea. She was talking about her cousin or someone who had sickle cell anemia, and all I said was "What the heck is sickle cell anemia" and she slapped me. I was pretty pissed but didnt want to risk getting expelled for hitting her back.

Maybe dont be an asshole to your mom

Yes, but it was part of a play I was in. Turns out most stage slaps are actual slaps cause there's no other way to get the proper sound.

They've tried. But if there's one thing I don't suck at, its blocking. It's second nature to me, although I probably look like an autistic asshole to anyone who tries to hug me without me knowing.

yeah my ex-gf used to slap me in bed sometimes

it was hot

yes. out of the blue for no reason.

s o i
at least do a suckerpunch




cum brain

more than once? you're retarded

kys nigger

nice drama plebbitor

horndog loser

double beta

u sound gay

eat shit fedora man


maybe it was you being a huge dork i dunno

Brave words for someone in blocking distance

Underagedfag, fuck off and go play fortnite or something.

This bitch once slapped me off a chair for rightly calling her a slut.

exgf slapped me once because she thought i was 'out of line'. just laughed at her and called her a powerless little whore. we fucked like rabbits that night. good times

You should have beaten the slag to death user.

Yeah I think I was 10 years old, I was poking fun at this chinese girl lmao she slapped me lightly and I was still laughing I still am now thinking on it

Yeah, used to get shit in elementsry school for my alcoholic dad so a certain girl woulf frequently fuck with me verbally and sometimes physically.
Only I got in trouble of course, for socking her in the face as I had rage issues.

I just wanna run away somewhere with an abusive gf. Is that too much to ask world?

I would have had to beat up her white knight friends too. Not worth it. Men really need to stop defending sluts.

I want a girl to slap me around and peg me

My mom bitch slapped me a lot when I was a kid, but I was a smartass and usually had it coming.

when I was 10 at a school camp there was a disco/dance thing one night and everyone was dancing to slow songs with chicks and shit so I went and asked a girl, who was pretty ugly, to dance and she just straight up slapped me so fucking hard in the face and walked away. I felt like such a fool hoping no one thought I was actually attracted to her and got my heart broke. she was very average and I thought I might have a chance since she wasn't super hot or anything. I just wanted to dance with a girl like everyone else. I didn't ever bother trying to talk to girls in my class again for the rest of my school life.
funnily enough I became friends with her older brother later in life and have seen her many times since then and told her the story. she claims she doesn't remember. but shes really nice these days so I don't care. she uglier now and really not my type so whatever. still tho fuck women.

Once. I called her a chupacabra cuz we were talking about chupacabras and whatever she said also applied to her. Something dumb and harmless I'm sure
She slapped me and stared me down
Felt like a pretty. If overreaction desu

ultimate underage status

Yeah I laughed at Jesus in history class back in 6th grade and a black chick slapped the shit out of me till my nose bled. Then after school me and my friends jumped her with knives and said "don't fuck with us or we'll get serious" she was nice after that.

Yeah. She missed my face and broke her hand on the back of my skull.

Nice orghnla quads

No, if they did they'd get a slap back. No one assaults me and gets away with it.