I am not a slut, a whore, a thot or a roastie

I am not a slut, a whore, a thot or a roastie.

I am an empowered woman. A sexual conqueror controlling the channel between nature and culture.

Deal with it, incels.

Attached: angry_femanon.jpg (204x247, 18K)

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Make me a sandwich HAHAHAHAHA

I'll never understand why people would complain about being called what they are because they did exactly the same things as the names suggest. If you don't want to be called a slut, whore, thot, or roastie, then just don't be one?

You're just one more sad, degenerate, deadened, broken, used-up, burnt-out nihilistic consumer puppet. People in ties and pantsuits sat around a big table and focus-grouped everything you are, everything you were, and everything you'll wind up being. They decided what you think is cool and what lies you'll believe. You're just one more stupid little girl plopped in front of a talking box and twisted into something you think is unique and special. The contents of your head and your heart are dime-a-dozen manufactured garbage. You came out of a fucking mold. You think you're so special, empowered, adventurous, exotic, cultured, wise, and insightful, when really you're just another boring, easily-manipulated, brain-dead sow eating out of a trough.
You're not some magical and mysterious manifestation of whatever Gaia hippy Mother Nature bullshit you read about on the internet, and you're not the one designing your life. You're not even the one laboring to turn the gears. You are a fucking cow to be bred and milked dry, and what's worse, your masters have decided you're not even worthwhile to breed.
This isn't your magical adventure. You are not the star of some cringy, solipsistic fantasy. You are not Mary Sue. You are not funny. People dislike you for good reason. Being a channel for something intangible is dressing it up. What flows through you is toxic waste possessed of a very material quality. You're no channeler. You're a fucking slave.

I am not a used up degenerate. I am an empowered educated woman with a mechanical engineering degree and a thirst for life.

Doubt it. Good job drinking the kool-aid and good luck being happy with your decisions.

wow the wittle pwincess did it all on her own! gold star! :D

I will be happy with my decisions. I am an empowered woman

The two are mutually exclusive, cupcake.

I'm just a young girl tryna make it happen. It's hard out there.

You seem insecure
People don't usually need to announce what they are.

I could overpower your weak, frail body with one arm

good for you, OP. really. conquer your shit and live your life.

Thanks anonkin x

We are ALL gonna make it

Part of growth is overcoming denial. Just saying you aren't a slut doesn't make it so, any more than a liar or a failure denying it makes them honest or successful.
Dressing it all up in such lofty and transcendent terms-it's classic. It's the mark of someone lying to themselves.
What king has to remind everyone that he's not a peasant?

I am an empowered woman

(Patent pending)

You can't even think of an original reply. You just parrot your little feel-good phrase because you're so unoriginal and have nothing of value to say.

I am an empowered woman. A sexual conqueror controlling the channel between nature and culture.

Deal with it, incel.

You control nothing. You dumb bitch. You rebel towards what you're tricked into.

Stop repeating yourself you uninteresting fucking retard. I hope some dude murders you

Shut the fuck before I punt your cunt, cunt!

Why don't you put your college degree to work and engineer me a sandwich HAHAHAHA

Wait to discover how many people will find your getting a degree a reason to like you more as a person.
Reality is, no man cares if a woman has a degree or not: it's not what we are looking in a partner.
You fell for the meme, OP.
Also, bait so I'm gonna sage this thread

This is fucking nuclear and I'm stealing it for future use.


Did you actually just type all that out for an obvious troll? that better be pasta.

>mechanical engineering degree
Nice bait, I chuckled.

"Conquering" horny men is not an achievement.

lol did you really just write all that shit? You mad?

This is exactly what the fatass sjw I follow for laughs said a few weeks ago when she found out her "boyfriend" gave her chlamydia

Attached: 279A1C82-F9BD-4705-883D-3FD6FA03CACB.png (1280x718, 923K)

>obvious dude pretends to be a bitchy woman
>other dudes reply and try to btfo "her"
Why? These threads are so pathetic.

You's a hoe with a pussy so loose you could park your car inside it.



So how are you not a slut or a toastie?

>Why? These threads are so pathetic.

Attached: Where_do_you_think_we_are_.jpg (700x509, 35K)

Shut the damn hell thot headed ass up meat flaps

>oh wow look at me I have a vagina and I need attention

Fuck off slut

>I am an empowered woman.

yeah, easy on the mayo on that sandwich sweetie.

Attached: pepe toast 2.png (331x741, 145K)

Cope more you dirty slut