In all seriousness, how does this image make you feel?

In all seriousness, how does this image make you feel?

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I'm very happy for them. They seem to love each other very much.

Happy for him. Felix is cool.

Makes me feel happy for them that the faggots finally did it. :)

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that's every white person's life who had an actually supportive family and parents who could put them through college.
seriously, every white person i went to highschool with who went to college straight afterwards has that life.

it's "your life 101" basically, all they had to worry about was getting good grades.

makes me smile. he's a good person.

She's aged terribly

If you're jealous or hateful about something like this you're a weak faggot. You should realise this weakness and remove it.

I feel bad for him. She probably fucked one of his friends at her bachlerotte party and probably knocked up with the friends kid

Pewds will lose 50% of everything he has lol.

all italian women age badly, they all suffer from babushka syndrome

>me was that weird kid with no friends when me was little
>but now thanks to u and utube and all u that subscribe i become very bery famous and well known to everyon
>me no know how-a-dis happen but me happy

This same thing could've happened to you, so why didn't it? How come that he got to be more special than anyone else?

Attached: pewdiepie.jpg (1140x701, 357K)

Do white people still date and marry? Aren't most couples a black guy and white woman now? This looks so weird, like there are no black people even in attendance.

Hard cope

Loving couples who have a strong bond don't care about looks

Pewdiepie hates black people.

How the fuck do you know? Tch.

Never really cared for pwediepie. Successfull rich people usually get married after some time so this isn't a surprise

Do you not remember his N word controversy?

i say nigger daily and i don't hate blacks lol

I can say nigger. Doesn't mean I hate black people.

Yeah right, you're both racists and the only one you're fooling are yourselves.

Fact's don't care about your feelings you whining commie.

Fuck you nigger did you call me an ist,
The 4th reich will cleanse you and your Shecklestien friends from this earth, Zig Heil

The fact is that you're a racist.

"I can say nigger. Doesn't mean I hate black people." mam.

I wonder what her pussy tastes like. My friend says attractive girls taste better because they have better genetics.

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You do hate black people otherwise you wouldn't be using that word.

no i'm not racist i dont have any reason to be. its just a big part of my vocabulary because i surround myself with racists

I'm practicing my freedom of speech you authoritahrian.

kike. chink. spic.

jews, chinese, and mexicans are completely irrelevant to my life, i literally don't care about them enough to hate them but i still love using these words

I don't know why you want to keep up this charade, you're both no different from KKK members in practical terms.

He can say whetever the fuck he wants, you are a little pussy authoritarian communist

>but i still love using these words
Because you're a racist, simple as.

Another racist in denial.

>judaism is a race
>mexican is a race

liberalism is a mental illness

never understood why people love him so much...

Racism is a mental illness and a crime.

zoomers like him because they grew up watching his youtube videos. everything zoomies like is based on nostalgia

I'm with you there. But I'm going to have to ask you to remove one of those words.

>I enjoy using racial slurs regularly b-but I'm not a racist though!

Yeah im a racist what are you going to do about it? Kill yourself libtard commie

i also use misogynistic slurs but i'm not a misogynist. get the fuck over it. lighten up and maybe you'll make a friend who you wont be constantly trying to one-up to see who is the most woke.

Age, salary, occupation, location?
Would be interesting to learn more about people like you.

We might disagree on a fundamental level but at least you're being genuine and I respect that, the other closet racists can go fuck themselves though.

(My life is) Pathetic.

This is what I was told all my life, just get good grades. I did, graduated top of my class from college w a ,4.0 GPA in business admin, for the past ten years I've been able to get zero interviews for real jobs, zero growth, and one choice, NEET wastoid or retail wageslave.
Fuck that whole message and the boomer shit heads who propagated it

happy, pdp is a great dude

Those people had an awesome economy to live off of.

I think prewds is a boomer, I still want his toe pics

>graduated top of my class from college w a ,4.0 GPA in business admin, for the past ten years I've been able to get zero interviews for real jobs, zero growth, and one choice, NEET wastoid or retail wageslave
With a fucking BBA?
You must have either gone to the shittiest school in the fucking world or be a fucking idiot lmao

Yeah they were probably in pre-'08 years. But Business Administration is a recipe for disaster man. I have a degree in Math and I haven't had any trouble getting good jobs. I really wish people would stop majoring in worthless shit (no offence).

>get made fun of for playing video games by guys that look like that growing up
>get outcasted so heavily that I drop out of highschool
>live a terrible life all the way into my mid 30s
>see guys like that make millions off of video games

If I could I'd kidnap this motherfucker and peel his skin off, slowly. I've never watched a video of his and anyone who supports him should be shot dead unexpectedly in a walmart.

Not everyone is born with the IQ for math.

I cant believe Jow Forums is filled with sjw non-sense. Sad.

Triple double giga-nigga bix nood where the white wimmin at

Richard Branson is awesome!

>trying to argue with pol-tards
just remember they're "that guy" and move on with your day

... cmon man, let's be serious

fair enough

Attached: branson.png (748x230, 22K)

saying nigger doesn't make you Jow Forums lmao

do you say nigger regularly irl?

Happy for them, sad I am not a cute woman who wears a wedding gown.

I had no idea, my bad. Fuck.

inadequate dude. I could get married but I really don't want to. Or have children. I avoid responsibility at all costs.

maybe ,but why he gets the free pass ? i mean he managed to say a lot of controversial thing (example is the bridge video) but only he manages to get even more stronger while other people careers are destroyed after something like this i remember the good things too the charities etc.

also i watched his latest interview woth some australians and realised he's a bit too edgy,personally i'm asshole myself but even i thought it was too much,i respect his honesty when he shows it ,also i noticed he's insecure about his height sometimes he's joking about balding etc. (i know these are just jokes ) but i can't understand how person like him can bitch so much about little things when he wins at almost everything in life,he was voted one of the most handsomest guys ,he has money,loyal woman who has been with him since start ,i guess i'm just jealous....

I am married and we are both white
Neither of us are racist fucktards though

broken english af

you lame fucks lynching pewdiepie for saying a no no word only served to send zoomers farther right wing lol.

>Racism is a mental illness and a crime.
this, stop being racist, crime is for niggers

Wasn't Pewdiepie bullied for playing vidya as well?

Everytime I see a racist I want to find out their:
>level of education
>credit score
>medical background

>being this obsessed
literally get laid you incel

Haven't benn on Jow Forums for years and I have a question.
Are people itt trolling or are there actually SJWs on Jow Forums nowadays who say you can't use racial slurs?
I mean that's a huge change from what this board used to be if these aren't just trolls

Seeing their friends is enough
because most of the time they have none

You can use racial slurs all you want but don't you dare tell me you're not a racist, you're not fooling anyone.

Not obsessed. I don't really care but you have to admit... it is useful information. For example I know where I live there are 'racists' but not the same kind of racists you find here - because they're mostly highly educated people who make a lot of money.

If you hate Pewdiepie, you should just remove yourself from earth.

>mostly highly educated people who make a lot of money.
That makes sense though, most intelligent people are going to be racist.

>Being the classic it's evetyones fauly but my own kind of weak faggot.
You should be shot, hung from a lamp post and shot again.

They are trolling. I am a legit SJW and the second I say anything even remotely progressive people flip a pancake. The user going on about the N word is probably just baiting people. Worry not, your precious Chan still thinks we are the spawn of satan lol.

That's not an answer to my question.
If you're not trolling, tell me how you found this board. Where did you come from? Reddit?

yeah yeah you want to dox them and ruin their lives stop beating around the bush

She looks older than him...

Unless she looks like a teenager, then you're getting ripped off.

Attached: belle_delphine_no_more_.jpg (1200x630, 101K)

This image doesn't make me feel anything.

Alright thanks user that makes sense. I was confused how one of the most hatefilled boards on Jow Forums suddenly was SJW
What are you doing here then? Don't you get triggered??

> it is useful information
Yes very useful for Antifa

Doxxing doesn't really work that well anymore because companies/police/feds get so many false flag reports everyday.

When I was younger I would have felt jealous and angry, now I feel nothing.

Attached: 1562195716318.png (192x326, 53K)

Probably tastes like spaghetti bolognese

I'm happy for them, and hope they have a dozen kids!

I'm envious of his good looks and money, but getting married is retarded.

Not coping

Just pointing out that she's aged terribly

Happy for them, although pewds can be a douche sometimes.

He's charismatic, handsome and not dumb.

She looks better than 90% of women that are past 25. Stay jelly, roastie.

I hope it all turns out well for Felix, since he's clearly the better looking one, also has more money, fame, etc.
And her face is extremely lopsided.

>White people having a good time while everyone else lives in poverty

Slightly annoyed

>Married a horse

Age: read below and figure it out nigger
Salary: none
Occupation: NEET
Location: South Europe
Level of edu: HS and "college" of sorts
Friends: had some in every school, varying personalities, almost none were "nationalists"
Family: semi atheists, finished HS, were in favor of communism at some time
IQ: don't know, probably average from various online tests
Credit score: lolwut?
Medical background: no issues, maybe depression

Anything else kike nigger faggot?

Age: read below and figure it out nigger
Salary: none
Occupation: NEET
Location: South Europe
Level of edu: HS and "college" of sorts
Friends: had some in every school, varying personalities, almost none were "nationalists"
Family: semi atheists, finished HS, were in favor of communism at some time
IQ: don't know, probably average from various online tests
Credit score: lolwut?
Medical background: no issues, maybe depression

Anything else bae?

That's the profile I want to see (they are no threat). Pic related worries me.

Attached: rm.png (875x633, 461K)

Oh, that does put a smile on my face. But wait negro, who said i don't know some people that my parents know? Who said what kind of people they are? Not me lol, but you just believe in your pretty little head that we have no power, Hillary thought the same, maybe even Epstein. But i worry not for the games you yabks play, i'm trying to do something in my own country after all

loool ok man, best of luck